Mask For Pandemic Protection

We are entering our third year of the coronavirus period. By now, if it had been normal, we would have some sense of winning. We would have people  healthy and productive. But no, we still need to wear a mask for pandemic protection. Even with the new suggestion that a few places can loosen the mask requirement, wise people still need to consider the ones who are unvaccinated. How safe is it?

The Problem

The hospitals are crowded with COVID-19 cases which could have been avoided if only the correct amount of people were fully vaccinated.

I have posted about this earlier in an article Pandemic Effects Are Long Lasting. and the even earlier one Stay With The  Plan.

Getting the shot

If everyone just got the vaccine and wore a mask, by now we would have had made some headway against the virus. But no, there are some who still feel it is not safe.

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The Solution-A Mask for Pandemic Protection

It is suggested that everyone in public places with other people wear a mask. The mask must cover both nose and mouth. 

It seems since  there are still some unvaccinated running around, that we have a surge of new cases that could have been avoided. 

The purpose for hospitals is to care for people who want to get well. By not being protected against a virus when you can be ,is not the action of a person who wants to be well.

Types Of Mask For Pandemic Protection

I have found there are types of masks you can purchase. There is the mask you normally see people wearing.

Woman masked
Mask covers nose and mouth
pandemic mask
Mask for pandemic protection

 And there is the one shown to the left which is a bit more stylish. It also has more reinforcement.  This one I can give you a link to. And since I am giving you a link to the company I get a commission.  You can get the link by clicking the picture.


In conclusion, therefore, since there are still so many unvaccinated people running around and not really caring about others ( do on to others as you would have them do to you) you need a good and proper mask for pandemic protection. The two suggestions aboved should help you.

So the next step for your safety is to use the link  given and go in and buy protection. And stay healthy. Until next time.

Pandemic Effects Are Long Lasting

Youi have to admit it. The pandemic effects are long lasting. Here we go again. After two years we seem to have not made progress.

Before continuing I must inform you this post contains an affiliate link. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking on the link I may receive a commission at no addition cost to you. Thank you for your support. 

The Main Problem- Pandemic Effects

Usually we have been able to conquer what ever science sends our way. For example, when it concerns shingles, a shot handles Shingles. See the article where I have handled the issue.

Consequently people have taken advantage of what  is offered. when it comes to shingles. I have heard no negative feed- back such as I have for this Covid-19 shot.

On the other hand, concerning blockage to corona  is a group of pseudo-experts who trust the small ( I hope it is a small group) section of bloggers on the internet who are  postulating the vaccine available is a plot by the government to control us. Or it is made from a batch of aborted tissue.

So in response gullible people decide to not get vaccinated or allow their children to get vaccinated.. And they continue meeting in groups without a mask, daring a virus not to attack them.

What Needs to Be Done

Consequently the virus mutates and is allowed to run rampant. The pandemic effects are allowed to dominate the world.

But we can do something about it. We can get the vaccine.

Getting the shot
Brave Man

In doing so, we  set our system up to fight the virus should we happen to get it. But since the pandemic effects for us is lessened–in that we won’t necessarily need the ventilator if we interface with Omega or it’s brother mutation. And it has been reported that the Omicron strain may pass quickly and could boost immunity.

But don’t let that possibility keep you one of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated may be the reason we have such a long season of pandemic effect still here. 

Another way, along with getting the vaccine and the booster, you can lessen  pandemic effects is to take curcumin 2000. It will help your immune system

Tumeric Ground

Conclusion And Invite

So, in conclusion, there is a way to lessen  the pandemic effect. You can do it by getting your vaccine and booster. And you can take curcumin 2000, which is highly recommended. Both are. Don’t be in the camp of the unvaccinated who seem to be the prolongers of the present  virus surge

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Dane Swanson
Happy To Hear From You

The Light Is Seen

 It has been a year and in the distance, getting closer, the light is seen. That light is the light of hope. We see some form of normal approaching. Until then you can do as I suggested in an earlier post.

Therefore,  get the corona shot. Be proactive.

Their Suggestion

That is to say we are in a state of lockdown.  The governor tell us not to leave our houses. He tells us somewhere, sometime, the coronavirus would jump out of the air and kill us.

Woman masked
Safety At Risk To Health

The light is seen. We see it. The problem is we spend too much time listening to a  virus lord, I mean, Governor, who in the name of keeping us safe, closed down schools and places of business.

However, we have a light of hope.

For example, we keep our appointments for the Corona shot– what ever one is offered, it really doesn’t matter, as all are effective- and for the sake of others, wear the mask until such time as we get herd immunity.

Getting the shot
Get The Covid Shot

A Solution?

Consequently some states are being allowed to determine just how restrictive they wish to be at this point in time.

The light is seen.

But in California we have a governor who has laid down a silly color coding system. Once again it comes from our leader. We do not think for ourselves.

The light is seen. We must control the virus so that more people don’t die. We can control it like we do polio and the flu and smallpox. Most we don’t see as much anymore. The rfeaon is we have a vaccine for it. We have them in subjection to us.

So my suggestion to you is get your shot when it is offered. Follow the rules and stay safe not sorry. Take your supplements And I will see you in the next post.

My Suggestion

Surviving Covid-19

A year later and we are surviving Covid-19. That is, if you call a shut down in California and the mandate imposed on people to mask up  surviving.

Well, I don’t. I see it as allowing fear to dictate your actions.  To some that may be surviving Covid-19. But at what cost?

The Cost Of Survival

I see a loss of freedom. Not just the freedom to make our own decision knowing the facts but also the lost of the freedom to decide when and where we want to associate with other human beings.

Therefore it is true that we have made it into 2021 and now have a vaccine  being given to fight back. But  many have lost jobs and lives.  We see businesses  close because some politician has told us we are super spreaders.

Sorry. Closed
No Business allowed. Covid-19 did us in.

2020  we were given  a new disease. This disease, we were  told by the President of that time to ignore. He told us it was something carried by travelers to China who brought it back and spread it by droplets in their breath.

But now it is 2021 and we can fight back. We have a new vaccine which we should be receiving. It will be a process and it will be done.

Getting the shot
Be Safe, Get the vaccine against covid-19

We Are Surviving

Throughout the past ten months , we have tried such things as masks and distance and staying away from crowds. It has brought about loneliness and depression and suicide. All in the name of surviving.

In an earlier posting I also discussed this subject. 

A person must in 2021 be able to live a life of dignity and good health. Getting your vaccine when it is available to you is a good step.

We need to be surviving covid-19 not by living in fear of something we can subdue and control but by ourselves being in control of our life.

Covid-19 Is Not The End

As I have been saying, Covid -19 is not a virus which is not treatable or even a death sentence.. A person can and will survive. Even after getting the vaccine you will need to mask up until the level of safety is reached some call herd  immunity.

By now face masks work. The better ones are multilayer. You may get 95 percent effectiveness with several layers Keep up the hand washing and be sure to check on the use of hand sanitizers..  

You can and will  be active in surviving Covid-19.

Mental Health In Times of Lock Down

Mental Health is important. If you are a person in a state which has a lockdown in place because of the fear of what is known as the COVID- scare, I feel for you.

Basic Fact

Is a basic fact what we have is an unknown virus that seems to be transmitted in groups.

A lockdown is highly unneeded since the public is not a group of children who need a nanny to tell them what to do. A good percentage are adult enough to know and understand what we have here.

We seem to have a virus that until recently there was no known way to protect against. So, I guess, it seems, some wise or not so wise people in government decided to shut everything down. It is not too good for mental health.

Part of the lockdown seems to be extended to shutting down retail and food providers. Destroying the economy seems make these governors feel they are protecting us. An example of a foolish government official is the one in California, Newsom, who is presently facing a recall.

What Cn We Do?

So what can we do? Is there anything we can do?

Follow the rules. Wear a mask when in stores and among groups. There is no reason to be wearing one outside when you are the only one in the area. But when with other people, wear one. As they have told us, we wear a mask to protect the other person and they wear one to protect us. If there is no other person in front, behind, or at your side it is just playing a fool to be trying to breathe through cloth.

So what can we do? Virus or no virus, we still have to watch our health. A part of watching our health is to get the right nutrients in us. This is best done through the foods we eat and the supplements we take. And we should watch our mental health.

As you are aware I try to suggest in each post a product which I handle as an affiliate marketer. This means I suggest an item, give a link, and you use my link to shop. When you buy the item offered and have it sent to your house, or where ever, I get a commission at no cost to you.


In times like this you need the best supplement . In times like this you need to calm your mood and relax. Here is the link to some products that may help. Feel free to browse and use your card to buy. We will make it through this time in good shape. The vaccine is starting to be available. And these supplements are there for your mental health.