Surviving Covid-19

A year later and we are surviving Covid-19. That is, if you call a shut down in California and the mandate imposed on people to mask up  surviving.

Well, I don’t. I see it as allowing fear to dictate your actions.  To some that may be surviving Covid-19. But at what cost?

The Cost Of Survival

I see a loss of freedom. Not just the freedom to make our own decision knowing the facts but also the lost of the freedom to decide when and where we want to associate with other human beings.

Therefore it is true that we have made it into 2021 and now have a vaccine  being given to fight back. But  many have lost jobs and lives.  We see businesses  close because some politician has told us we are super spreaders.

Sorry. Closed
No Business allowed. Covid-19 did us in.

2020  we were given  a new disease. This disease, we were  told by the President of that time to ignore. He told us it was something carried by travelers to China who brought it back and spread it by droplets in their breath.

But now it is 2021 and we can fight back. We have a new vaccine which we should be receiving. It will be a process and it will be done.

Getting the shot
Be Safe, Get the vaccine against covid-19

We Are Surviving

Throughout the past ten months , we have tried such things as masks and distance and staying away from crowds. It has brought about loneliness and depression and suicide. All in the name of surviving.

In an earlier posting I also discussed this subject. 

A person must in 2021 be able to live a life of dignity and good health. Getting your vaccine when it is available to you is a good step.

We need to be surviving covid-19 not by living in fear of something we can subdue and control but by ourselves being in control of our life.

Covid-19 Is Not The End

As I have been saying, Covid -19 is not a virus which is not treatable or even a death sentence.. A person can and will survive. Even after getting the vaccine you will need to mask up until the level of safety is reached some call herd  immunity.

By now face masks work. The better ones are multilayer. You may get 95 percent effectiveness with several layers Keep up the hand washing and be sure to check on the use of hand sanitizers..  

You can and will  be active in surviving Covid-19.