Oh, For the Joy of Sound

Of all the five senses we have I feel hearing is important. Oh, for the joy of sound. There is a problem we face of hearing loss.

Therefore in this posting I would like to suggest some help as we start to lose our ability to perceive sound. It is not our fault. It just seems to happen. I have talked about this in an earlier post.

Hearing loss,
Starting to have hearing loss

Nevertheless there may be some things we can take to help slow down the weakening of our ear hairs to pick up the vibrations that translate into recognizable voices and ambulant sound.

First off There are causes of hearing loss. I looked at a Mayo Clinic minute presentation on the subject and this is a link to it.

Also at the Mayo Clinic site I found this post which I woild like to share with you. It will give you a bit more information. 

So I found some medications which I recommend that will help the ear hairs respond better and thus improve your ears’ ability t o transmit sounds to your brain. It is the brain that perceives the sound and turns it into words.

A First medication Suggested- Contexi

I found this one very easy to take. It is a drop you place in liquid or under the tongue. It has the flavor of cherry, so it is pleasant to take. Contexi can be explored by clicking this line.

In short, Hearing loss can be slowed down.

Second suggested Medication- Sonovive

Another way to look at your slowly increasing hearing loss is to picture your brain as having a wire system that is transmitting sound. Sometime sit gets weak and needs help.

Don’t risk memory loss brough about by ringing in the ears. Or even dementia. All because of a wiring problem. It is best if I let you use this link to explain it further. A small presentation is provided. Along with an opportunity to purchase an item that will help.

Third suggested medication- Quiet Tum Plus

For sure, tinnitus is unpleasant and can definitely affect your memory.

Nevertheless it must be addressed. Hearing loss is serious and not all of us want to undergo a cochlear implant. This will bypass the inner ear and directly address the cochlear in the ear, but it is courtly and, I feel, a cash cow for the industry. It is mush easier to try nutrition first. And nutrition is way less expense.

Therefore, I offer a product called Quiet Tum Plus. Click for more information.

Hearing Loss Conclusion

 In summary- we all are aging and our hearing will tend to soften. Hearing aids may be a way for some to go. I am not against the hearing aid industry completely. But I do believe we should consider nutrition as another way to address the encroaching hearing loss.

The decision is yours. I have offered some medications that may help.

Stay well and take care of your hearing.

Tinnitus Products You Should Know About and Use

I have found some tinnitus products you should know about and use. I offer them to you as the best product for tinnitus relief.That is, I have discovered recently as I spent some time in my Clickbank account that there are two products offered for people who suffer from tinnitus. And I feel that both are good. You should know about them. Not only that, if you have a need, you should honestly research and purchase.

Before I mention them and give you a link to where you can purchase this product, I must inform you that should you use the link to go in and purchase the item, the provider may compensate me for the recommendation.

I have posted earlier. On this subject which you can read by clicking here,

Therefore, that having been said, I will continue this posting.

The Situation-Tinnitus Products

The thing is as we age our hearing starts to get weaker. This may be because of time and wear on the ear hairs which pick up the vibrations the sound has as it passes over the hairs in our inner ear. They wear down.

Tinnitus relief

I am not trying to be deep. There just doesn’t seem to be any other way I can discuss it.

The Setup-Best Product for Tinnitus Relief

Therefore we must first understand just what we are facing.

Alice has hearing loss. Not complete. But she does have a slight ringing. Not too loud yet. Still, she doesn’t need to continue hearing the ringing- a ringing which no one else hears.

She may have it because she uses ear buds attached to a sound devise emitting high noise. And she has damaged some ear hairs.

All is not lost. She can use this link here to get a product called Cortexi. Cortexi is a natural supplement that comes in liquid form. Take a dropper full once a day for a period of time as a treatment. I would suggest she get a three-to-six-month application.

Cortexi- Liquid supplement

But maybe she likes to shop around. In that case I have another similar product she can look into and buy. It would be this one. Known as quietum plus It is a plant-based supplement using the ATEDS-2 formula. It is in pill form.

Three Areas Of Ear- Best Product for Tinnitus Relief

The point is, something can be done about the hearing You may not need hearing aids to address the tinnitus. The conclusion is that the ear has three areas. All can be involved in tinnitus.

The outer ear can have wax buildup and over time this will dim hearing. Or a tiny hair could be touching the eardrum.

Then we have the middle ear which can be filled with fluid or a tumor.

Or the inner ear which can develop nerve damage. This may not be capable of being helped by the supplement I am suggesting. Or by damage broght about by age or ear infection.

Conclusion And Suggestion

So what am I saying?  I am saying we need to, as far as we are able, to protect our hearing. The two supplements I am suggesting work. And they have money back guarantees.

The choice is yours.

Hearing Improvement With Cortexi

In this posting I will be suggesting a supplement you will need. It will be one way how to improve hearing. It is called Cortexi. I will submit there is hearing  improvement with Cortexi.

This article includes links to products handled by affiliate markets which, if you use my link to buy the item they carry, I may be compensated for provide the link. Therefore, use the link.

Firstly, You may not realize it is happening. Sounds start to get muffled. You slowly turn the volume dial on your iPhone up. Not jack it up. Just a slight adjustment. It is just for hearing improvement.

Tinnitus relief
Hearing Starts Here

Consequently  you may even start to hearing tones that others don’t hear. The noise even follows you to bed and you can’t sleep.

Therefore In this posting I would like to address hearing loss that seems to be slowly creeping up as you age.

This blog post contains a link to a product that should you purchase using the link may provide me with a share in the transaction at no cost to you. This product is Cortexi.

The sad truth is Your Ear cells are dying. As age progresses your hearing dims. Very little can be done about it since it is just a natural part of life..

Seeking How To Improve Hearing

But it now appears y ou can slowly work with it through nutrition. Through using Cortexi in your morning vitamin routine.

First you hear Noise. High vibrations around us. It appears Hair cells react to sound vibrations. You go to have your hearing checked and find you need hearing aids.

Hearing Improvement Possible

Hearing aids are good. They increase the sound But I think there may be a better way to get hearing improvement.

There are dangers to hearing loss. Since you sense softer sounds, what others are telling you isn’t always understood and you end up having them repeat what they are saying. After a while you just look stupid since you don’t reply.

Consequently, Over time your brain slows down and you become a candidate for dementia and Alzheimer’s. That is the worst.

But it doesn’t have to be. You can have hearing improvement.

Therefore, I have been researching the problem and its’ remedy. I may have found a possible solution.

Therefore since this web site, Dane’s Supply, aims to suggest supplements for adults 45 and up to address their health and wellness issues, I thought I would suggest a supplement for hearing improvement. Cortexi is my suggestion.

Hearing is done with our brain. And our brain processes the sounds which enter our ears. The vibrations are sensed by ear hairs and transmitted to the brain as sounds. Over time these hairs wear down.

Tinnitus Can Affect the Brain
The Brain Hears

They need a supplement to stay strong. This supplement is called Cortexi. I suggest you take a look and order a few bottles. It is a liquid and can be added to your coffee or other beverage.

Conclusion- Your Next Step.

Therefore once you have researched and concluded this is what you need, buy a good supply. It works and it will give you the hearing improvement you seek.

Wellness And Our Gut

By now I have written over 75 posts handling in some form or another, the subject of wellness and our gut immune system. I try to provide information on wellness as we age. My premise is that at some point you will need the products offered if you aim to maintain health and wellness as you age.

Our health, I believe, is determined by the condition of our gut.  In fact, if we have poor digestion, it will affect our feelings.  Therefore, we should watch what we put in our mouths; the food we eat.

Digestion. It is very important. Poor material in– poor digestion, And we have illnesses and discomfort. Soon we have bloating and gas. We may develop diarrhea And worse. That is why it is important we deal with out gut immune system.

The gut we have is very necessary. Most of the time we give very little, if any, note of it. But this is where the digestion of the items we put in our mouth, masticate, and swallow, begins the journey to becoming part of our system. And at the end of the journey, if it is waste, exists through our colon and out in poop.

Our Gut Immune System

It is really very simple. Most feel the whole gut starts in the stomach. But that is not what the gut is. Our stomach only stores the items we ingest. In the stomach, the gastric juices break it down and get the material ready to start the journey through the small intestine and into the large intestine, and out the colon, in the form of feces.

It Is a Long Way Through The Small Intestine.

This brings to mind my zoology class where I worked on a Norwegian rat instead of a frog. In other words, the teacher felt a rat more than a frog was proper to dissect. Often it is usual to use a frog but not in this class.


I recall the length of the intestine I extracted from the rat body. It was packed in there. And when I pulled it out, I was intrigued by the length. All that in such a small body.

Anyway, I must get back to what the posting is concerning. Our gut immune system.

It is not that we can be dogmatic about the similarity between a human gut system and a rat’s gut system. It is just that the memory seems to be appropriate here.

Parts Of the Intestine

Our mouth where we masticate the food and our stomach where the food gets bathed in acids to break it down into particles that our intestines can use—these are not the gut. The gut only starts once the material passes the intestine.

Connected to the stomach is the upper part of the small intestines called the duodenum. It is here the nutrients are absorbed and sent to the blood and the organs where they are put to use.

It moves on to the jejunum which connects the duodenum and the jejunum. In the jejunum is where the nutrients are worked on.

  From the jejunum, the food is pushed to the large intestines which connects to the colon, and is pushed out as poop.

Sometimes we need help and therefore must use supplements. I would suggest a product called Gut Vita in times like this. 

What We Need For Wellness and our Gut System

The wellness of our gut system is dependent on the proper food and medications we take. Since we don’t get all we need in the form of nutrients-vitamins, minerals, fiber- through our diet, we do need..

I, myself, attempt each morning to have E and fish oil, eye vitamins, and collagen. I make sure with my breakfast I also consume some fiber, along with a multiple vitamin in case I forget something.

Conclusion-Gut Immunine System

It seems redundant to go over the obvious point I am trying to make in this post. We need to care for our wellness and gut system by using the links I have provided. This along with a good diet should keep you and your gut working well until you die.

Prostate Health Needs Care

Hey. You men  out there. Come close and look at this. You know that prostate health needs care. I would like to offer you four suggestions of prostate health supplements.

I will be directing you to four companies who have items that can help resolve the concern. If you should click the link I may be compensated for my time spent in referring you.

First off we must be clear that no one really knows what causes the enlargement. I have spoken of this in an earlier post.

Prostate care supplements

Prostate health is one of the most important concerns for men. The thing is, no one really knows what causes it. It just is.

The  gland just seems to grow with us. As a little tot we have one. It is part of the marvelous body that God created. It is located under the bladder. There is a small tube running through it which transport our pee.  As the gland grows it presses on the tube making it harder to pass the urine.

It is  not the start of cancer nor is it seen as a precursor to prostate cancer. But it is uncomfortable And should be attended to.

What Can Be Done For Better Prostate Health?


There was a study done in 2003 which showed that men who got the most ultra violet exposure from sunlight seem to have a better healthier  gland. So sun exposure time seems to be one thing that can be done. 

Also a brief 10 to 20 minute massage at least once a month if not once a day is important for a healthier gland.

But the reason for this post is to suggest some prostate health supplements. Supplements other than proscription drugs.

Here are two of them. And then I will give links to two others. Click on these two and the two others to get the suggested four for prostate health supplements.

Prostate Supplement

I have two more to help in your prostate enlargement control. You may never die from an enlarged prostate but you will need to keep your flow of urine steady. One very good one is a drop formula you can put in your coffee, tea, juice, or just take in your mouth. It has a strong taste so it is best taken in liquid. It is called Protadine.

I am not listing these in any order of effectiveness. They are all effective. It is a matter of preference. And now on to the fourth. It can help your flow. It is called by a catchy name- Protastream.

For Better Prostate Health Supplements Conclusion

The health of your prostate is up to you. It will not get smaller. It will , if untreated, make you very uncomfortable. Maybe you will pee your pants. Maybe you will have to wear a diaper.

I have addressed this in an earlier post in another place about the need to take time for yourself. So it is not like, if you are actively  reading this web page and its articles, that you can say I don’t care.

The next step is yours. Click on the links and  take better care of yourself.