In these days of the coronavirus inflammation appearing to be held in check by the vaccination, we still should not rest. We need to keep fighting infection in what ever form it takes. The title of this posting suggests just one such way.
Fighting Infection With Supplements
In the first place, the body has a great ability to heal, to a point. This is good to know, but that is not the point. The body has been somehow blessed with that ability but it needs outside help such as supplements. A satisfactory aid I can suggest is something we normally don’t take but as a spice.
What I suggest is a supplement you normally find in an Indian restaurant added to their food as mentioned above. It is an easy addition to your diet.
This spice is Turmeric. Turmeric contains a compound known as Curcumin. This compound is an antioxidant and anti-bacterial compound. As such your body needs it.
On the one hand Mary is doing what she can. She does not want the infection. No doubt she gets the shots for this. And she believes she is helping control the infection. On the other hand, helping fight the infection is important. Mary needs to consider multiple ways to fight infection. Therefore along with the vaccine there are supplements. I can offer you a link to one.
Moreover I have posted earlier mentioning this supplement. I will give you the link again. Because I am giving you this link, I am obligated by the FDA to tell you if you use the link and go in and purchase the item, I am allowed a commission at no cost to you.
As I have been saying ,taking daily your Curcumin 2000 is just the first step. But it is an important one. One must also eat right and get enough sleep. At least seven hours. The reason is simple. Your body needs time to repair itself, and down-time helps this function.
Conclusion Proper
The virus is out there. There is only so much your immune system can handle. Don’t stress your body when there is so much out there to help. So fight that infection with Curcumin 2000. This will reinforce the immune system which is a safegjuard against the virus.