Pandemic Effects Are Long Lasting

Youi have to admit it. The pandemic effects are long lasting. Here we go again. After two years we seem to have not made progress.

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The Main Problem- Pandemic Effects

Usually we have been able to conquer what ever science sends our way. For example, when it concerns shingles, a shot handles Shingles. See the article where I have handled the issue.

Consequently people have taken advantage of what  is offered. when it comes to shingles. I have heard no negative feed- back such as I have for this Covid-19 shot.

On the other hand, concerning blockage to corona  is a group of pseudo-experts who trust the small ( I hope it is a small group) section of bloggers on the internet who are  postulating the vaccine available is a plot by the government to control us. Or it is made from a batch of aborted tissue.

So in response gullible people decide to not get vaccinated or allow their children to get vaccinated.. And they continue meeting in groups without a mask, daring a virus not to attack them.

What Needs to Be Done

Consequently the virus mutates and is allowed to run rampant. The pandemic effects are allowed to dominate the world.

But we can do something about it. We can get the vaccine.

Getting the shot
Brave Man

In doing so, we  set our system up to fight the virus should we happen to get it. But since the pandemic effects for us is lessened–in that we won’t necessarily need the ventilator if we interface with Omega or it’s brother mutation. And it has been reported that the Omicron strain may pass quickly and could boost immunity.

But don’t let that possibility keep you one of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated may be the reason we have such a long season of pandemic effect still here. 

Another way, along with getting the vaccine and the booster, you can lessen  pandemic effects is to take curcumin 2000. It will help your immune system

Tumeric Ground

Conclusion And Invite

So, in conclusion, there is a way to lessen  the pandemic effect. You can do it by getting your vaccine and booster. And you can take curcumin 2000, which is highly recommended. Both are. Don’t be in the camp of the unvaccinated who seem to be the prolongers of the present  virus surge

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Dane Swanson
Happy To Hear From You

What to Do During The Pandemic

Health in Nutrition with ready to serve foods

You can ask yourself what to do during the pandemic. It seems there is so much time and you need something to do.

We are presently not in an easy time.. And no one is to blame. Until the time we get a vaccine that the populous agrees upon and takes, we may not be able to control ourselves.

We could choose to ignore the well intentioned guidelines set up– wear your mask when in public, don’t go to parties without your mask on, but that is not smart.

True, during this pandemic, you may feel smarter than the authorities.  Therefore, you feel you will not get the virus.

Believe me, I feel for you. But realize, this coronavirus, where ever it stared, is not going to go away.

In this mornings Los Angeles Times, the front page story seemed to infer we will still be under extreme conditions in the New Year-2021. Still wearing a mask in public. Still staying six feet from each other. Still staying away from meeting in crowds. 

I have handled this subject of the pandemic in an earlier posting. But I feel it is only wise to help you by once again letting you know you can stay sane. 

In other words, no party’s, no church, no eating inside at restaurants, no traveling.

An idea would to use your computer during this pandemic to stream. The library offers Hoopla. Your library card can get you in, if you link through your local library using their hookup. You can also buy or rent your  films and documentaries from Crossflix.  I can’t give you a link as this company has decided not to work with me.

Another Great Idea- Biblio

In that case–Are you a reader? Maybe you would prefer to curl up with a book. So you know thsat you will have to war your mask in the bookstore and find the book you want. But what is they don’t have it? Is there a way you can locate it?
Yes, and I am glad you asked. Because I also have a link for you to help you locate that title.. This place is called Bibio. They can help you locate that book. Using a large data base they will hunt it out and let you know what they have found. Then you will have a chance to buy it and add it to your library at home.

Another great idea is to help your system by supplementation. I would suggest you help your immune system by taking a dose of Curcumin 2000 every day. It contains tumeric which is an herb that will help you fight back the corona virus strain.

So there are a few ideas of what to do during this pandemic. It will soon be over, but if you follow the links given, you will have an enriched life when it is all over.