Three Areas of Men’s Health

   The male human is a complicated study. In this article, I am going to look at three areas of men’s health. I will be suggesting some products you can use to maintain these areas of male wellness.

This page contains links to affiliate products. If you choose to make a purchase, after clicking on a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.

What Are These Areas of Men’s Health?

     I choose to narrow the areas down to three. These three are first, the brain and memory. Secondly, the Gut is viewed as a very important organ that governs our everyday health. And thirdly, the often forgotten until it acts up, our lowly organ known as the prostate gland.

You are in control of your body and it’s health. Therefore, I would suggest you pay attention to these offers.

You are in control, as I have said. Since all these three can and do act up, there are supplements I can suggest, and will suggest.   These three areas of Men’s health must be acknowledged to be important. 

This article will contain links to products, which should you choose to purchase the item, through the link, I may be compensated at no cost to you.

The Brain-One Area

   Therefore let us start at the top of the male anatomy.

    It doesn’t have to happen, but most of the time it does. Something goes wrong and the memory is affected. Some have called this slow loss of memory a case of diabetes. Check the picture to find a presentation and offer concerning this area.

Tinnitus Can Affect the Brain
Healthy Brain

Consequently this organ is in control of your actions.

A case in point is Oscar. Oscar tends to enter rooms and forgets the purpose. Slowly he is slipping away.

   It is sad when we allow this to speed up what I consider a case of dementia that can be modified with proper supplementation.

In short, this form of cognitive impairment causes too much pain in a family. If it is not a result of head trauma or a brain tumor it should be able to be handled with supplementation. But consult a doctor to be sure.

Second Area -The gut

Moving on –there is a second area I would like to glance at and offer a remedy for. That area is the gut. A very important area since this is where your digestion is carried out. Loaded with good and bad bacteria, the gut handles what you put in your mouth and swallow. It doesn’t judge. But it determines your health.

Areas of Men's Health- Happy Gut
The Gut Is An Area Of Men's health

  The gut has been referred to as the second brain. This subject can be handled in another post sometime. The purpose of this post is to handle three areas or regions of male health and will continue on that level.

  Therefore to get a working gut we need to how the gut works. It works by passing the food molecules through the GI Tract within the gut. The food molecules are mixed with digestive juices, breaking down the food into smaller molecules. These molecules are then ready to be absorbed through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream.

The gut is loaded with bacteria, as mentioned above. We can help our bacteria by consuming a diet of probiotics. This subject was handled earlier in another post. Total gut health with probiotics which can be accessed by clicking on the underlined title.


A good supplement to take to help your gut is called Gut Vita. Feel free to click and go to it and see if this is what you have been looking for.

Men's Health starts in the gut

Third Area - the prostate

Finally, we are traveling down to a very basic and necessary part of men’s health. All men are aware of this gland. I would venture, if you are aging, your doctor has ordered a proctological exam, an exploration of your lower region, a very unpleasant procedure, is done to check your prostate gland.

And just where is this gland located?  It is just below your bladder and in front of the rectum. You start with it the size of a walnut but with age, it will enlarge and press on your urethra. This will slow down your flow of urine.

An enlarged prostate will not kill you. And it is not the same as a case of cancer. That is a whole different topic that won’t be covered in this posting.

An article has been previously written covering this subject.

Conclusion-three areas of men's health

So in conclusion, I have attempted to look at three areas of men’s health. I can only recommend that you see your doctor and also consider purchasing the items linked. The maintenance of a man’s health is only as good as the follow-through.

So until another time, stay well.


Some Weight Loss Supplements I Recommend

Weight loss is on most people’s mind today. It is known that it is not healthy to carry that extra cargo. So here are some weight loss supplements I recommend. I am aware that most people will take a look, shrug, and continue their life style without trying what I place  here for their consideration. But I am sure a few will look and respond.

For example, John has to lose weight. He is looking for an easy way to do so. One that will not require long sweaty hours in a gym.

I am not talking about weight as a force of gravity acting on an object. No, rather when I talk about weight I refer to body weight brought about by a life style of not watching the food put in the mouth and digested in the gut.  And therefore it turns into fat cells.

Three Weight Loss Supplements

John sees all the suggestions out there. There are suggestions. Pills and exercises out there  said to be able to help him lose that unsightly bulge.  There are programs also out there reported to be able to assist you get those extra pounds of and keep them off. John has heard of Jenny Craig and the Keto Diet. They are well and good as long as you keep on them. But they are only as good as the individual who is using them.

Theeefore, I have offered products in an earlier post–A Few Health And Wellness Affiliate Programs, so I am just wish to develop the subject more. This page contains affiliate links. If you should choose to purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no cost to you.

On the one hand, You consider supplements for weight loss. These weight loss supplements are only workable if you realize you must discipline yourself to take them. Realize it took time to get you where you are now and it will take time to lose what you took time to  gain.

Exipure Supplement
Cup of coffee
Java Burn
Cup of Tea
Tea Burn

With this in mind I offer you three weight loss supplements as seen about in the pictures. Click on the picture and you will be taken to the information of each product.

Exipure: One Weight Loss Supplement

The first picture shows Exipure. This is a pill. It is a awesome supplement. It helps you lose fat and the weight it brings. There is a mixture here of eight ingredients which seek out the brown fatty cells that lodge in your body. By utilizing your body to increase your metabolism. 

The all natural plant, herbs, and spices are brought together at a FDA- regulated facility in the United Sates. 

American Flag
American Made

For Coffee Drinkers

Moving on, the second product can be added to your coffee in the morning. It is known as Java Burn.  You open a small packet and layer the crystals in your cup, either hot or cold. Mix it in and drink. It is tasteless. It is safe and will not harm you. In order words, no side effects have been found. But it drives toxins from the body and leaves energy. It also is manufactured in a cGMP and FDA-accredited facility.

For Tea Drinkers

Finally, the third offer is like the second only this one is used in Tea and not coffee. It is a preference of the individual which one to use– coffee or tea. This one is called Tea Burn. Both suppress hunger so you don’t eat as much. But with the energy all day you may not be as hungry so snacking may be cut back.

Conclusion And Summery

So to conclude, there is more I can suggest. This article only offered three good weight loss supplements. Since my niche is health and wellness /weight loss I felt it only right I present these products to you. Click on the pictures to get the information and the chance to buy.

A Place To Locate Hard To Find Books

Hard To Find Books

Readers need books. Books need to be read.  Lierature and common books need to be able to be located. But there are still hard to find books and they need to be located. In this article I hope to give you a way to find your next book.

You can look for your next book at Barnes & Noble or on line. Maybe the local library will have it. Or they could put it on hold.

But they may not be able to find it. Nevertheless, there are no lost books, just hard to find books. And in this article I plan to direct you to a company to help you locate that book.

Therefore, I am doing this article to let you know that book may not be that hard to find.  This page contains affiliate links. If you  choose to purchase after clicking a link I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Let me thank you now for your support.

The Quest For That Hard To Find Book

Our adventure starts. We have been told , say, you are a student, that you must read and do a book report on a certain book. There are only a few copies of the book available, you have been looking. Your local library doesn’t have a copy. In fact, they are not thinking of purchasing a copy for circulation.

Moreover, you have no desire to put it on hold. But you must find a copy and read it. Your grade depends on it.

As a matter of fact, your brother said he read it when he was in the same class, many many years ago. But he no longer has a copy to lead you. A book review is expected of you

All is not lost. You know how to order on-line. This, you decide, is the answer.

The Answer To Your Quest

I sympathize with you. Your grade depends on this assignment. The book can  not be found, or at least you have concluded that as a fact. There is an answer to obtaining that hard to find piece of literature.

Hard To Find Books
Hard to find Books

Biblio to the rescue. This company can locate that book for you, no matter how many hard to find books you are looking for. 

Your search is over. You just use the link given by clicking on the picture or by clicking on the word Biblio.

I have talked about this earlier  in my article- the benefits of reading everyday. I think you will enjoy it.

Conclusion to Locating Hard To Find Books

Now you can locate that hard to find book. You will therefore be able to finish your book report. Your teacher will give you a grade and you will have completed another assignment. All because you have found the book and did the work.

So what should you do from this point on? Remember to use the link. Get that book. Find all your hard to find books this way. Buy and enjoy.

The Benefits of Being An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs. We need them. Or is it just a dirty word?

Entrepreneurs Juggle Risk

What is an Entrepreneur?

Grace is an entrepreneur. And just what is that? Is it a breed  or a abnormality?

No. She is normal. And what makes her an entrepreneur?  Well, the term can be defined as someone who organizes and operates a business or businesses. She took on a greater than normal financial risk in order to do so.

But it was scary for Grace. It is a risk to be an entrepreneur. If she succeeds she gets to play a role in society. She can provide employment for others. For her dream to get off the ground she  needs workers who share her dream or at least will put in the effort to see the dream succeed.

But if she is not successful she will suffer financial loss. There will be no growth. No place in the market for her.

That is why there is a risk.

The Benefits of Being An Entrepreneur

On the other hand, what is the fun without the risk? There are some benefits of being an entrepreneur. I have talked about this earlier in a post.

A successful entrepreneur can create the jobs to keep the economy going. In  risking to start a business and keeping it going  they generate taxes that must be paid by the business.

Hired Dreamers

Grace lives up to her name of entrepreneur which came into use back in the 1800’s. The word means ‘undertaker’. Not in the sense of funeral. But rather ‘adventurer’. It is her money that went into the dream. The adventure she has undertaken is to leave a stamp on the world or at least on the area she is in.

How Can I Join in the Benefits of Being An Entrepreneur?

Therefore since you are interested and want to become an entrepreneur  there are things that must be done first.  You will need help in setting up the business.

I will venture out and give you, the interested reader, a link to a company that will help you with the steps to establishing yourself. For this recommendation, the company I will recommend will send me a commission if you buy their plan. No cost to you.

The link is to a company called Better Legal. They will help with the paper work. I highly recommend them.

To fully benefit from being an entrepreneur  the next step you need to take is to use the link and go in and explore all that is offered. And purchase.

So go and experience the benefits of being an entrepreneur.

It Takes A Dream To Be An Entrepreneur

Two People Communicating
Talk It Over. Plan Well.

Do you have the dream of becoming an entrepreneur? If  it is for real, you need  more than just the dream to make it take on what they call shoe leather. There are different types of entrepreneurs. And many different ways to present your products. One of my ways is using Facebook to push items.

Different Types Of Entrepreneurs

If you have the dream and are willing to explore more, you must acknowledge there are things to do. I have even written a page to show a product I carry.

The first and most important thing is determine what business model you wish to take on.

By this I mean, do you want to be your own boss and what kind of organization are you setting up?

Levels Out There Of Different Types of Entrepreneurs

Sole Proprietor

Starting a business, and this is what you are setting up, do you wish to be a sole owner? Run it as a sole proprietor. 


This is a good place to start. At this level you will have low cost. But should anything happen, you will find you have no liability protection. So you will need an business insurance policy. You could lose all you have should anything happen.

At this level you don’t have to worry about the need to file paperwork. You just start up. The business will be in your lap. It will not  be seperate from you as the owner.

Bookkeeping is all yours unless you farm it out. But at this level you still have to record the profit and loss and report it on your tax returns. All debt and liabilities are yours and it comes out of your personal bank account. There is no separation between personal and business income.

General Partnership

There are different types of entrepreneurs. As time goes on you may want to add another partner. He may only be a silent partner and not quite an Entrepreneur like you. But you add him on because you find you can’t handle it by yourself.

This could satrt with an handshake and an oral agreement. I would suggest you get it in writing as a written agreement. You will have a better handle on what is expected this way.

You won’t have limited liability at this level. Both of you will still be able to pull debt and with the chance of losing all should something happen and a customer sues.

Both of you share ownership. And both can be wiped out.

Limited Liability Partnership

You are an entrepreneur and you wish to move into where you are protected– that is your business is protected. There are a few ways to go to get the umbrella of limited liability.

You now have a condition here you can protect your business assets from your personal assets. You can be an entrepreneur and safely open a bank account for your business.

Limited Liability Corpoartion

To save you the reading time for further development of this topic, I will refer you to a place where you can get further information and if you should choose, take advantage of the offer to start your own business. As an entrepreneur you must be legal about what you do.

Since I am referring you, the company will pay me a commission if you sign up in one of their programs.

Here is the link. Better Legal is the name.

So be all the entrepreneur you were meant to be. Go, use the link, look, take advantage of the offer. Also for more on this subject click here.