Garlic and gut health. In an earlier post I posted how sugar affects your gut. Now I will be looking at health benefits of eating raw garlic. Yes, there is a link between garlic and gut health. And yes, there are health benefits of eating raw garlic. The video on the left will start the discussion. The point is Garlic and gut health go together.
This article will contain affiliate links. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking the link I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Let me thank you for your support.
What you need to understand is basic. What a person eats travels through his gut. The gut is ,for the purpose of this article, the tube running from the mouth to the anus In short, the whole body..
The gut, therefore, is not the stomach. For proper understanding of health benefit we have to expand our understanding.
A gut has been referred to as the second brain as it controls our mood, our digestion, our health. The brain in our skull only sends out impulses to our system to operate in a certain way. And the gut determines even what our skull brain can accomplish.
Raw Garlic Clove
Let’s look at a herb known as garlic. Called the stinking rose by some, garlic is really amazing. It has properties which allows it to work as a probiotic for the gut microbiome.
Health Benefits of Eating Raw Garlic
In my research I have found many benefits for the gut. Remember it is the gut, not the skull brain, that affects the body activity.
I will mention later in this article how to prepare the raw garlic so that you aren’t just taking and eating it like you do an apple or pear. For the moment I will mention a few areas that consuming this herb helps.
For those of us who are prone to catching colds, a diet of garlic will help relieve that cold symptom. It may shorten the sniffles and lessen the aches.
In addition it can help lower our cholesterol levels and improve our heart health. This is most useful for those of us who are aging and need to watch ourselves. We need to have good over all health and taking garlic will lead in this direction.
Then there is the problem some of us have known as GERD. (Gastroesophageal Reflex Disease). This is very uncomfortable, all the acid coming up within the body. Also known as acid reflex. Garlic can help control it.
There are so many other benefits of eating raw garlic and I will have to include them in a later posting.
Preparation Of Your Raw Garlic
Very few people can eat raw garlic as is. So some ideas are in order. As it is, it can be chopped up and put on salads. Or fine graded and made into a tea. Mince it and put it in a cup of hot water. Seep. And drink. Does wonders for the throat and digestion.
There are those who prefer to take it as supplement in tablet form. There are befits in whatever form you desire.
Conclusion and Offer
In cpnclusion, thesehavee been some health benefits of eating raw garlic. Not every benefit has been given. Another posting is in the planning stage.
For those people who can stomach the clove, there is the pill. And that I can offer you a link to purchase. Yet before I do so I will tell you I will get a commission if you use the link and buy the item.
But don’t let that stop you from a daily garlic routine. So buy the garlic or use the link to get the supplement. And stay in good health.
The best thing you can do now is to use the link and go in and buy. Ask your self, what do you have to lose?
Not all hearing loss is because of age. But a hearing loss can bring about isolation. if you can’t hear and understand others you feel you are missing something important. Hearing aids may help fight isolation.
This is when you will find a hearing aid may help fight isolation. And I would like to present what I consider the best hearing aid for a reasonable price.
This article will contain an affiliate link to a product you will need. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking the link I may receive a commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support.
I first posted this post, I had a link to the Wilder hearing aid company, but they have deccided to no longer allow affiliate marketers to profit from sending people to them. But I do handle Cortexi.
Best Hearing Aid
Alice uses it and finds it works, I do not hesitate to offer it to you. I have talked about this in an earlier posting. And I suggest you click on the underlined words in the above paragraph.
I am a satisfied user also, in short.
What I am saying is that an estimate of 466 people suffer some form of hearing loss which I feel can be helped by the best hearing aid I have found. And I am sure you will agree.
Best Hearing Aid Needed
Consequently hearing aids are useful for improving the speech recognition. If we hear but don’t understand the words, we tend to look less intelligent, Our friends will shy away from trying to communicate with us. And we will become isolated.
Common Reasons For Hearing Loss
High noise or loud music can bring about hearing loss. It can cause Sensorineural hearing loss. That happens when your inner ear and hair cells are damaged. Heavy noise or age can bring it about. What happens is there is hearing loss in the passage ways to the brain.
To Sum Up
In conclusion, you can just allow your hearing to disappear or you can get the best hearing aid I have found.
Since I have recommend it, when you buy I am given a commission by the company for having directed you there. And you will be satisfied that you did the right thing.
So your next step is to, if you feel it is time to do something about the dimming world around you, is to use the link. Go in and buy. You will be glad you did. Until the next posting, stay in good health. And happy hearing.
We are entering our third year of the coronavirus period. By now, if it had been normal, we would have some sense of winning. We would have people healthy and productive. But no, we still need to wear a mask for pandemic protection. Even with the new suggestion that a few places can loosen the mask requirement, wise people still need to consider the ones who are unvaccinated. How safe is it?
The Problem
The hospitals are crowded with COVID-19 cases which could have been avoided if only the correct amount of people were fully vaccinated.
If everyone just got the vaccine and wore a mask, by now we would have had made some headway against the virus. But no, there are some who still feel it is not safe.
This page will contain an affiliate link. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking the link I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.
The Solution-A Mask for Pandemic Protection
It is suggested that everyone in public places with other people wear a mask. The mask must cover both nose and mouth.
It seems since there are still some unvaccinated running around, that we have a surge of new cases that could have been avoided.
The purpose for hospitals is to care for people who want to get well. By not being protected against a virus when you can be ,is not the action of a person who wants to be well.
Types Of Mask For Pandemic Protection
I have found there are types of masks you can purchase. There is the mask you normally see people wearing.
Mask covers nose and mouth
Mask for pandemic protection
And there is the one shown to the left which is a bit more stylish. It also has more reinforcement. This one I can give you a link to. And since I am giving you a link to the company I get a commission. You can get the link by clicking the picture.
In conclusion, therefore, since there are still so many unvaccinated people running around and not really caring about others ( do on to others as you would have them do to you) you need a good and proper mask for pandemic protection. The two suggestions aboved should help you.
So the next step for your safety is to use the link given and go in and buy protection. And stay healthy. Until next time.
Youi have to admit it. The pandemic effects are long lasting. Here we go again. After two years we seem to have not made progress.
Before continuing I must inform you this post contains an affiliate link. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking on the link I may receive a commission at no addition cost to you. Thank you for your support.
The Main Problem- Pandemic Effects
Usually we have been able to conquer what ever science sends our way. For example, when it concerns shingles, a shot handles Shingles. See the article where I have handled the issue.
Consequently people have taken advantage of what is offered. when it comes to shingles. I have heard no negative feed- back such as I have for this Covid-19 shot.
On the other hand, concerning blockage to corona is a group of pseudo-experts who trust the small ( I hope it is a small group) section of bloggers on the internet who are postulating the vaccine available is a plot by the government to control us. Or it is made from a batch of aborted tissue.
So in response gullible people decide to not get vaccinated or allow their children to get vaccinated.. And they continue meeting in groups without a mask, daring a virus not to attack them.
What Needs to Be Done
Consequently the virus mutates and is allowed to run rampant. The pandemic effects are allowed to dominate the world.
But we can do something about it. We can get the vaccine.
Brave Man
In doing so, we set our system up to fight the virus should we happen to get it. But since the pandemic effects for us is lessened–in that we won’t necessarily need the ventilator if we interface with Omega or it’s brother mutation. And it has been reported that the Omicron strain may pass quickly and could boost immunity.
But don’t let that possibility keep you one of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated may be the reason we have such a long season of pandemic effect still here.
Another way, along with getting the vaccine and the booster, you can lessen pandemic effects is to take curcumin 2000. It will help your immune system
Tumeric Ground
Conclusion And Invite
So, in conclusion, there is a way to lessen the pandemic effect. You can do it by getting your vaccine and booster. And you can take curcumin 2000, which is highly recommended. Both are. Don’t be in the camp of the unvaccinated who seem to be the prolongers of the present virus surge
I am sure you wish to get hold of me. The comments you leave will be read and responded to if needed. But I must have a viable email address to respond to. Therefore I will give you my email address to get hold of me.
It is near meal time and you wish to have something fast and nutritious. You wish to eat well and be healthy. There is a way to do so, and in this article I will be offering you some links to places where you can be sure you are getting good nutritious meals at a good price. Get ready to serve foods.
Once you finish reading this article you will have a number of places you can go for nutritious meals and protein bars.
Happy man who has ready to serve foods
And what do I get out of this? Simple. Each link to a product will generate a small commission to me paid by each company handling the product you will be purchasing. In short, I am the one handling the opportunity for you, the customer, to get a great product at a reasonable price.
The Product- Ready To Serve Foods
We all in so much of a hurry, it seems. We look for the quickest way to prepare a meal and get on with life. Consequently we sometimes don’t consider what we are eating.
Therefore we need some way we could have a preplanned meal we could easily prepare. A meal that contains all the needed vitamins and minerals a functioning body needs.
They have easy to make meals in small individual packs that you can prepare with out too much trouble. Mostly soups but some chili , all are satisfying
Great selection of ready to serve foods
The Product- Energy Bar
Another ready to serve food I have discussed earlier in a post. Therefore I will give you a link to that article. And I will also direct you once again to the product- it is the Built Bar which comes in many flavors.
It is great for that extra energy boost you need before or after exercise. It is a satisfying also as a candy bar. Therefore you can have it as a sweet addition to your day.
In conclusion, you can eat well and be healthy by buying and using ready to serve foods I have given you some good links to obtain these products. Now it is up to you to click on those links and purchase the products. It will improve your life.
So what is your next move? Let me suggest you use my link on the offers and go in and buy now. You will feel so much better when you do.