Men Need Multivitamins Also

It is a fact. Men need multivitamins also. There are mutivitamins for men out there. It has been said when we reach a certain age–say fifties on up, we men need to consider a multivitamin to support our health and prolong our quality of life.

Sounds a bit like a commercial may be coming up. Not really. I just want to point out that in this day of  tension, ouer body’s tend to lose more nutrients than we take in. Not all our needs are met by what we consume in the day.

Men need multivitamins also.

This page will contain an affiliate link. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your attention.

It has been said; as a man ages his ability to absorb nutrients and retain them is reduced. Therefore, taking a multivitamin to support absorption helps Also when he starts Also an illness may stop the nutrients from  to take medication, that also could retard some nutrients from getting where they should go for complete effect..

It is nothing to be ashamed of. It is part of aging. I have discovered, as a male ages he will slow down or stop doing the things he did when younger. If he had prepared his meals before he will cut corners and sometimes consume fast food products or easy to prepare items.

Just Which Ones Do Men Need?

This means they need a good multivitamin. A good multivitamin for men. Not only multivitamin, but the minerals and trace elements that they are no longer getting. They need more A. Of course  this is fat soluble and excess A is stored in the fat tissues, so don’t over do. But most mutivitamin taken with a meal won’t hit the toxic level.    

Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin and will be used for wound healing as well as attacking the free radicals in the body. Along with C comes the E. This is a fat soluble and is stored i nthe body, but is a great help of the immune system.

Selenium, Zinc, Calcium, Co-Enzyme Q10, are also needed now, just to mention a few more.

What Can We Do?

So what is the next step? Before I tell you. I must say this. I will be giving you a link to follow . This link will be to a store that has multivitamins for men.  And what is in it for me–giving you this link?  

Along with the need for vitamins, men also seem to face hair loss.

I get paid a commission, with no cost to you, if you buy an item using the link.

Of course, you don’t have to buy only multivitamins for men. Feel free to buy other  items. Link  here,

So be in good health and I will see you in the next post.

What to Do During The Pandemic

Health in Nutrition with ready to serve foods

You can ask yourself what to do during the pandemic. It seems there is so much time and you need something to do.

We are presently not in an easy time.. And no one is to blame. Until the time we get a vaccine that the populous agrees upon and takes, we may not be able to control ourselves.

We could choose to ignore the well intentioned guidelines set up– wear your mask when in public, don’t go to parties without your mask on, but that is not smart.

True, during this pandemic, you may feel smarter than the authorities.  Therefore, you feel you will not get the virus.

Believe me, I feel for you. But realize, this coronavirus, where ever it stared, is not going to go away.

In this mornings Los Angeles Times, the front page story seemed to infer we will still be under extreme conditions in the New Year-2021. Still wearing a mask in public. Still staying six feet from each other. Still staying away from meeting in crowds. 

I have handled this subject of the pandemic in an earlier posting. But I feel it is only wise to help you by once again letting you know you can stay sane. 

In other words, no party’s, no church, no eating inside at restaurants, no traveling.

An idea would to use your computer during this pandemic to stream. The library offers Hoopla. Your library card can get you in, if you link through your local library using their hookup. You can also buy or rent your  films and documentaries from Crossflix.  I can’t give you a link as this company has decided not to work with me.

Another Great Idea- Biblio

In that case–Are you a reader? Maybe you would prefer to curl up with a book. So you know thsat you will have to war your mask in the bookstore and find the book you want. But what is they don’t have it? Is there a way you can locate it?
Yes, and I am glad you asked. Because I also have a link for you to help you locate that title.. This place is called Bibio. They can help you locate that book. Using a large data base they will hunt it out and let you know what they have found. Then you will have a chance to buy it and add it to your library at home.

Another great idea is to help your system by supplementation. I would suggest you help your immune system by taking a dose of Curcumin 2000 every day. It contains tumeric which is an herb that will help you fight back the corona virus strain.

So there are a few ideas of what to do during this pandemic. It will soon be over, but if you follow the links given, you will have an enriched life when it is all over.

Stay With The Plan

Wear Your Mask

Ten months. That is a long time to be in  obedience to a plan that makes no sense. But since you are a lemming and follow without questioning, you are not being a game player.

The coronavirus is with us and is attacking us. I understand it is passed by droplets passed in groups. So it would be wise not to be in groups until such time as the virus is under control. But if we must be in groups, follow the rules and wear your mask.

Wearing a mask is a good idea. Especially in groups. This is only polite. But if you are by yourself, driving or walking for exercise, you may not need it. After all, you are by yourself and the virus is not outside your door waiting to latch on to you.

Recently a vaccine has been introduced. At the moment it is being given to first responders and hospital staff. Soon it will be given to the general public. Dr. Anthony Fauci says we may need to reach herd immunity before we can take off our masks. But I don’t see any wisdom in weqaring one in private or our own house. 

It seems if we follow the dictates within reason, we should be on our way to controlling this virus. Not that we are going to make it disappear. P:oilio is still with us. We just have a vaccine for it so we don’t see so much of it. Lock Jaw is still with us. We have a vaccine for it. And Small Pox. I  may be repeating myself.

The point is simple. We need to subdue the environment of viruses around us. In other words, subduing is not done by ignoring the guidelines set up by people who are trying to protect us.

Subduing is done by getting the vaccine for teh virus– in this case, the one that is being offered.

So when it is available and it is your turn, go quickly and start the two-shot process. The virus is worst than the shot, believe me.

Getting the shot

Be brave. Follow the restrictions at the  moment. The so called light at the end of the journey is dim but there. Don’t give up. And don’t be stupid and go out and get the virus. Be brave. Be safe.

For more discussion, see my earlier posting around this subject.

Vitamin Supplement For Us

Since this is a site that contains postings on the niche supplements for people 55 and up, I decided to list each vitamin supplement . This will be the subject of my earlier posts and the ones to come.

Your Vitamin Supplement Is Vital

Yes, it is very important we take a supplement, such as a multivitamin, as we age. When we take a multivitamin, which should always be taken with a meal, we supplement what we don’t get enough of in our diet.

Our multivitamin can be used to treat what we are deficient in. This deficiency can be caused by an illness we have had. Also during pregnancy it is very important we supplement. Poor nutrition , which is found in fast food binges, provides another need for a multivitamin. We need, as we age, tgo keep up our intake of vitamin supplements.


If we were to have a digestive disorder, that prevents us from eating certain foods, that can be a reason for the need for a supplement.

Presenting The Supplement

The body needs nutrients.  There are the basic nutrients for the body of the person aged 51 to 70 , and these ware the ones I hope to talk about here,

So you will be needing the basic supplement of A. D, E, and K. These are your fat-soluble vitamins. Fat soluble is stored in the body in your fat cells and released as you need them. You can overdose if you get too much of these.


 Also as you approach your 50s you will need more calcium and vitamin D as you are undergoing bone loss.

Now in Center Stage-Vitamin Supplement

Supplement needs

Our vitamin list is as follows:

Vitamin A: this is for healthy eyes and for general growth and development. It is still important for those of us who are in the upper age range. We still need to care for our eyes and need those healthy teeth and skin.

So eat those carrots and sweet potatoes along with your cantaloupe and other melons.

Vitamin B: which comes in a packet, so to speak. The B complex is good for the energy you need. It is also good for immune function and Iron absorption.

The complex is as follows. Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Folate.

Vitamin C; This strengthens blood vessels. It also helps the skin elasticity. You can also find gthis as an anti-oxidant fighting the free radicals (=More about them in another post)

Vitamin D: Ah, yes. D. We get our healthy bone help here.

Vitamin E: This also is very useful for our blood circulation and it also protects against those nasty free radicals.

Vitamin K Very useful.. It helps our blood clot.

Folic Acid: Mentioned above, it gives us help in cell renewal. In addition , it can prevent birth defects in pregnancy..

Calcium: Also  mentioned once before- this helps our healthy teeth and bones

Iron: So now we have iron. This helps in the building of our muscles and helps give us our healthy blood.

Zinc: Also we need this as it will help our immunity and our fertility and growth.


Chromium:  This one is for our glucose function. It will make sure every cell in our body gets the energy it needs when it needs it.

Summation And Close

So  there you have it. I may have given you a lot to read and consider, but I feel it was needful to handle what a supplement is and what each one was. 

I hope this brings a clarification to the web posts .

feel free to comment to this or any other post on this web site. 

To look at this subject a bit deeper you can read an earlier post on an supplement for your body building effort.

Built Bars For Daily Life

Great Energy Bar

A Suggestion For You

It is an average day and you are looking to eat something that will pick you up and give you energy to get through the day. It can’t just be anything. It has to be something good tasting and nutritious. You may have already had something for breakfast and need something to tide you over until lunch.           

So you grab a candy bar, right?


You can do what most people tend to do-You can grab a nutrition bar.  But not just any nutrition bar.  If it were and that was all out  there, that would be fine.

But  you don’t really have to do what others do. Stand out in the crowd. Here’s what I do. I grab a Built Bar for daily life.

What Is A Built Bar?

 Therefore you should ask: So what is a Built Bar? 

Now you are thinking! 

If you were to look it up under Google you would find it is a protein bar that most consider the best tasting bar out there. To that I agree.

You can find it online .


Of course I must inform you, I can link you to the Build bar supplier as an affiliate marketer. What d I get from this fs you should buy the Built Bar through my link? It is simple. For sending you over there and you purchasing a box (The way they come) I am given a commission at no cost to you. I am not a stock holder. .

How they come

This bar is so packed with nutrients that body builders can even use them before and after a workout. Remember to limit it to two a day or you may have gas and even a period of diarrhea. If you have trouble processing milk products you may want to back off. Each bar is made wit ha protein mix of whey protein. It has gelatin and lecithin. This best tasting protein bar is such that when you consume it it gives you a feeling of satisfaction knowing you are not cheating on your diet.

How Many Do I Buy?

You buy them by the box of 18.  the built bar will come in many flavors, as I have said. You can get them as Built Bars or as Built Broth or as Built Go or Built Boost. You can purchase them in an assortment box, which I recommend. This way you can find one you like and then can reorder, which I hope you will.

If you were to ask about the taste I would say it is more like a marshmallow rather than a chalky texture. You really don’t realize you are eating something good for you. You may think of it mire as a candy than an energy bar. but it is.

We have been asked in the past to buy American made products. Built bar is American made.

So thank you for reading this and please do use the link to go in and buy a box.

The mixed box is good to start with. Branch out after the first order.