Are You Looking For Weight Loss Solutions?

Weight loss solutions. Most Americans are not starving. Not with so much available food products around. And this abundance of food seems to be bringing about an obesity problem.

Food products
Good Things to Eat

Of course this means you need to look to ways to control your weight. Which means you are looking for solutions. And this solution you are seeking should be one that you are able to stick with.

This page will contain affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, contained in the pictures, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support. 

Why You Need Weight Loss Solutions

You need to watch your weight for the simple reason your health depends on it. And your health is determined by what you eat and what moves through your gut.  The better way to say that is that your health depends on what your gut absorbs.

There are many weight loss services and you may Google them. They all have weight loss solutions. Take your pick. They all want you to buy their program.

In short, there is information out there on weight loss ideas. I would like to mention a few  and then offer you a link to a product that may help.

Some Suggestions for Weight Loss

Of course I am not a doctor or a certified nutrition guru. All I can offer is a few simple ideas toward  the weiht loss program.

The first thing I will suggest is to add more protein to your diet. This could boost your metabolism and a boosted metabolism will reduce your appetite and make you feel more full. After all, we eat because we don’t feel full enough. 

Of course it makes a difference just what we eat. Junk food bought at a fast food establishment  will fill us up, but it is not the right type of protein, if any at all, that our body needs. Remember, our gut takes in what we give it and tries to utilize  it.  And sometimes it turns it into fat cells which, over time, stays and forms fat which brings on weight. So we should seek to find and consume  whole, single ingredient foods. Avoid processed foods. Stick to fruits and vegetables. And with your food, drink lots of water. Hydrate.

Conclusion and Offer

In conclusion, we need to be aware of our weight. A good way to take care of our  bodies is to use the supplements available to us. Click on the picture of Exipure and learn more about this.

There are many weight loss solutions out there. We are in control of our bodies. Feel free to use the links found in this article. And I will see you in the next blog.

Built Bars For Daily Life

Great Energy Bar

A Suggestion For You

It is an average day and you are looking to eat something that will pick you up and give you energy to get through the day. It can’t just be anything. It has to be something good tasting and nutritious. You may have already had something for breakfast and need something to tide you over until lunch.           

So you grab a candy bar, right?


You can do what most people tend to do-You can grab a nutrition bar.  But not just any nutrition bar.  If it were and that was all out  there, that would be fine.

But  you don’t really have to do what others do. Stand out in the crowd. Here’s what I do. I grab a Built Bar for daily life.

What Is A Built Bar?

 Therefore you should ask: So what is a Built Bar? 

Now you are thinking! 

If you were to look it up under Google you would find it is a protein bar that most consider the best tasting bar out there. To that I agree.

You can find it online .


Of course I must inform you, I can link you to the Build bar supplier as an affiliate marketer. What d I get from this fs you should buy the Built Bar through my link? It is simple. For sending you over there and you purchasing a box (The way they come) I am given a commission at no cost to you. I am not a stock holder. .

How they come

This bar is so packed with nutrients that body builders can even use them before and after a workout. Remember to limit it to two a day or you may have gas and even a period of diarrhea. If you have trouble processing milk products you may want to back off. Each bar is made wit ha protein mix of whey protein. It has gelatin and lecithin. This best tasting protein bar is such that when you consume it it gives you a feeling of satisfaction knowing you are not cheating on your diet.

How Many Do I Buy?

You buy them by the box of 18.  the built bar will come in many flavors, as I have said. You can get them as Built Bars or as Built Broth or as Built Go or Built Boost. You can purchase them in an assortment box, which I recommend. This way you can find one you like and then can reorder, which I hope you will.

If you were to ask about the taste I would say it is more like a marshmallow rather than a chalky texture. You really don’t realize you are eating something good for you. You may think of it mire as a candy than an energy bar. but it is.

We have been asked in the past to buy American made products. Built bar is American made.

So thank you for reading this and please do use the link to go in and buy a box.

The mixed box is good to start with. Branch out after the first order.


Supplements Make The Man

Welcome. Such  a nice day to be alive. 

That is to say, we have our sanity and good food all around us. And along with the food we have supplements. As you are aware, supplements make the man. With the right diet and vitamins formulated fore your gender (I abhor that word already, but it is PC , so I am using it) are even better.

Consequently to help you to take advantage of the good things in life, I will be giving you a link later on . When you use it you will find  an offer of multivitamins formulated for the male. When you click on the link and buy the item , the company will give me a commission at no cost to you. You get the item. I get the commission.

 One thing you have to understand, and now I am not being PC at all, never-the-less, the male is different from the female and has different needs and different organs. Which is a good reason to seek out and purchase the formulation made for your body.

 So accepting that as a given, let me mention a few differences, shall I?

For example, the male has a prostate gland. This small gland needs nourishment and proper supplements. Which would mean a formulation with Saw Palmetto is vital to control the growth. This would have to be a formulation for prostate health. It would have to be geared for this organ exclusively.

Also such a supplement would have to have Lycopene. This carotenoid is the one found in the common tomato.

Therefore, A full and healthy supplement would be part of a plan to get there. To make that plan work you need to plan your day during this period of the coronavirus. I highly recommend supplements to do just that.

This vitamin offered will support the rigorous and mental demands of the male body.

Multivitamins for him.