Sugar and Gut Health

Sugar and gut health. In this post I am going to look at the link between our consumption of sugar and the state of our gut .What I have found does not look good.. We need to properly handle our gut health. We need good gut health.

Facts About Sugar And Our Gut Health

To start with, we Americans seem to like our food sweet. So we use sugar on most everything. But we must ask, is it good for our digestion?

It is true that our body needs some sugar or sucrose to function. Yet we take in too much extra sweets. When we do so we are interfering with our metabolism.

We are taking in sweets in many ways, it appears. Most of our food is laced  with sweeteners. We consume foods enhanced with high corn fructose which, I discovered, is not natural. It was developed back in 1930.

Fine Eating

Sugar, in moderation, is fine. You just have to take it in correctly. 

Therefore, when consumed in fruits and vegetables it becomes one of the preferred sources the body uses for brain power and muscle energy. The body also uses it to power the cells we are made of.

But we only need a little. For a woman the need is six teaspoons or 25 grams a day. For the man the need is nine teaspoons or 35 grams a day. That is not alot. And it can and must be controled.

Harm In Sugar

Why? Why control the consuimtion?

The reason is pretty clear. Sugar tends to cause our glucose levels to spike and plummet giving us an undue fatigue feeling. Secondly, it causes obesity to set in and may overtax your system that handles the glucose in the body. This could lead to a case of diabetes.

But that is not all. Consumption of sugar in excess affects the immune system. It has been known to bring about a Chronium deficiency. For a better discussion of the danger of sugar you should link here to an article  in the Harvard Health Magazine

Gut Health And Sugar

Mostly sugar messes with our gut. It does a deal on our digestion. Too much can bring about a nice bout of diarrhea. It can also mess up our gut lining. As goes our gut goes our health. We can develop colitis . Too much sugar also could alter the gut microbic by slowing down our transit of poop. 

In addition consumption of sugar has also been known to kill the good bacteria in our system and feed the bad. This will lead to bloating and discomfort maybe even upper stomach pain.

Therefore, it may help you to picture your gut as a drawbridge. Properly maintained it keeps large unwanted particles at bay. Sugar, as mentioned earlier erodes the drawbridge and opens it up, Now bigger undigested particles get in.


Gut Microbiome

We are, someone has said, what you digest and absorb.

It is very important you get your gut in shape. Probiotics will help. In an earlier post I mentioned this and you can see that post by clicking here.

A Great Deal for Gut Health

To clarify, gut health is very important. I myself take great care in this area.  I even will give you a link to a product to help you in your pursuit of good gut health. When you use this link to buy the item, the company that offers it will give me credit and a commission. And you will get a great product.

In conclusion, you need a probiotic to help your gut health and overall wellbeing. So click here for Bowtrol Probiotic.

Relief From Intense Pain Using My Brazyn Morph Roller

Now I have some relief from intense pain since I have received my Brazyn Morph roller today.

Relief In A Small Box

I am a big believer in exercise. a set of squats, pull ups, push ups. Jumping jacks was a daily workout.  Anything to get my heart beating and  the blood flowing.

On the one hand intense exercise means pushing the muscles to a point that they respond with stiffness and aches In addition when they get to that point, I used to wait for them to calm down enough that I could do more. .

This was the way I had been taught. You break down to build up, is the advice.

In cases like that it just seemed to take a long time to recover. I am over 65 and I am not able to do what I used to without my body letting me know. I got stiffness–knots, that just seemed to hang on..

Then my exercise couch told me what I could do about this. He recommended I order the Brazyn Morph foam Roller to help loosen that tightness. 

So I did. It arrived soon after. I opened the box and found a orange collapsed mat.

I took it out of the box and examined it.  

It was light weight. Which is good because I would want to take it with me as I traveled. It was portable.

Relief From Intense Pain In A Box

 I took the item and opened it by pulling the two pull strings at each end and popping it open..

I have posted about this earlier. I just wanted to give you an update. 

Well, getting back to the subject, let me say it did relax my tight knot.

Slowly I used it as a self-message product. When I had to I would pause and pray. And slowly I started to work on the knot. I could feel it release.

It worked so well for me so that I would like to recommend it for you. And you may ask, what is in it for you if I buy it on your recommendation? 

Good question and I am glad you asked. The asnwer is simple. The company will send me a commission if you buy using the link I will give you, the reader.  It is only fair. You get a great product, the Brazyn Morph Foam Roller or mat. I get the credit. And what you would call a finders fee.

So, therefore, I will give you the link you can use. Click on this sentence.

Work Toward Relief From Intense Pain

Before I stop writing I would like to wish you good health. Keep up the exercise and eat well. And please, get some relief  by following my suggestion to order the morph roller from Brazyn. Use the offered link.

Superior Hiking In Santa Monica Mountains

All you hikers out there- there is great hiking in the Santa Monica Mountains. You will fond long trails and short trails, but all provide exercise. And we need to keep up our exercise. So let us do some Santa Monica Mountains Hiking. This seems to include a large area.

Great Outside

In this area you can find beautiful scenery as well as animals and birds So bring along your list if you are a bird watcher.

There are about 58 great hiking trails you can explore. I hope you don’t have in mind to do them all at once. Of course not. . 

I have written about this subject in an earlier post found by clicking on the following words:  Hike Those Mountain Trails.

Let me mention a few.

Trails For Hiking In Santa Monica Mountains

I will mention a few. There are just so many under the control of the Santa Monica Mountains National recreation Area which covers 154,095 acres. So you can see why I will only mention a few.

So let’s do some Santa Monica Mountains hiking.

There is the Solstice Canyon Loop which provides a 3.2 mile shaded canyon hike. It is an heavily trafficked area so it will provide thr hiker with an easy path to follow. As you travel you will see waterfall. It is located near Malibu Canyon so you will have an enjoyable hike. You can bring your dig with you to match you step for step. But since in California we have leash laws, be sure he is on leash.  

Another beautiful hike can be gotten by taking a stroll on the Backbone Trail to Sandstone Park–also located near Malibu, California. This trail is 5.7 miles long. You will see wild flowers in bloom at the right time of the year. And for bird watchers you should be able to record some sighings.

Another good and pleasant trail is the tailk also near Malibu, California  known as the Mishe Mokwa hiking trail to Tri-Peaks and Sandstone Peak. It is 6.8 miles long. It will have you hiking through a variety of landscapes and scenic views of the Santa Monica Mountains.

But remember you are Santa Monica Mountains hiking. I think I mentioned the size of the area earlier. 154,095 acres.

Of course you must always be hydrated when you hike. It is a form of exercise and it will get you to sweating. Sweating makes you lose water, So yo ushould always carry with you a wagter bottle. I can offer yo ua link to a place to get a water bottle that is computerized. It will be able to monitor when you need to hydrate.

And what will I get out of this? Well, I offer you a link to a place to get the computerized bottle. When you use the link and buy it, the company will send me a commission. 

You will get the product and I will secure a finders fee.

Therefore you need to click on Hidratespark and you will go to the sales page. Buy and enjoy. And  do some Santa Monica Mountains hiking.

Gut Health Through Probiotics

Gut Microbiome
Gut Healthl

Best For Gut Health through Probiotics. We need it and must have it.

The reason is simple: Our body is covered with bacteria both inside and outside. In fact, we have mot bacteria inside us than cells. Our cells are our building blocks but it is the bacteria that keeps us healthy. At least, the good bacteria. This bacteria forms the flora in our gut and determines the health of the body, it seems.. Not only our gut needs to be in right order , but our mental faculties  also need to be considered.

That is not to say our gut is not important. Digestion goes on  here. If the bad bacteria is more than the good bacteria, we tend to have problems. Problems that we could have handled through proper nutrition. And that means supplements.

Problem in Our Gut

It should be obvious Gut Health is very important. It is so important that an unbalance could give urinary problems. and yeast infections. We could also develop ulcers. And  develop leaky gut. if we were to handle our gut health correctly we should be able to have a healthy body. It is so easy to have a bad gut.

Need To Clean Our Gut

Therefore it is suggested that we do a colon cleansing. Which is easy to say if you know how to do it. We need the best supplement for gut health

I suggest you get a good probiotic which in working on the bacteria will flush you out gently. Good gut health through probiotics is our goal.

How It Works

What the signs are you are looking for to indicate you need this digestive probiotic  is firstly, you have digestive problems and gas. Your body may be fighting back with diarrhea. .Secondly, you will notice a sense of anxiety and brain fog.

Probiotics For Gut Health

Therefore what I am going to suggest is you  get a bottle of Bowtrol Probiotics.

It contains all you need for feeding your good bacteria and at the same time cleansing your gut.

But before I give you a link you can use  to purchase such, lt me tell you what I get out of this. I have a deal with the company that handles this product where I get a commission if you use the link and buy one of the offers. Another reason I mention it is it is the best for gut health.

The link is simple. You just click on Bowtrol. 

That is all. And you will be taken to a sales page that explains it all.

So, please consider a cleanse since feces stay in your body causing problems to your health and wellbeing. These must be flushed out.

Strive for gut health through probiotics.

Infrared At Home Sauna

It has been a hard day. Nothing would feel better than a nice, hot, relaxing sauna experience. But you don’t have the time or an idea of how to accomplish that dream. You need an at home infrared sauna wrap.

Relax. There is a way you can being the experience into your life. You can have an at home Infrared Sauna Wrap  you can use from the privacy of your own home. It will be your at home infrared sauna wrap.

Sweat Out Toxins

Benefits Of An At Home Infrared Sauna Wrap

But before we look at this dream you have, there are some facts you need to consider. 

The whole idea of a sauna is to relax those aching muscles and stiff tendons.  These have been caused,  no doubt, by the daily stress of work. Your body needs healing and you might not even be aware of that need. It is silent.

You could schedule time to visit a spa and have them place you in a program of sauna therapy, wrapping you in a blanket of some sort. The temperature will get as high as 185 degrees and your skin could hit the level of 194 degrees. You will sweat. The   Toxins will leave your body.. Your blood circulation will no doubt elevate. You will become highly dehydrated.

Since you have decided to undertake this dream, why not sweat and control your hydration at home?

It is possible. You can purchase an at home infrared Sauna Wrap. After all, I have mentioned this before

How Does It Work?

But first we have to understand how it works. No one seems to like buying a product that they don’t understand.

Since we no doubt understand a sauna is heat based, this infrared wrap or mat works by generating heat. It is not recommended to use it longer than 15 to 39 mi8nutes at a time. Since it is using the hydration in your body, and you are being depleted of water that would be dcirulating your tissues, don’t try to push it. Over time you will lose weight tjat was water weight.  

Therefore it is highly recommended  you consume two to four glasses of water before you use the blanket or the mat.

 Maybe I should instruct you  to stay highly hydrated.

For this reason, it is importsnt thsat you be in somewnsat good health. If you ghave any indication of heart problems or blood pressure worries, this is not for you.

The Offer and Link to the At Home Infrared Sauna Wrap..

But enough about that. When you are ready to commit to bringing into your house this item. you can use the link  I will give you.

HigherDose. But before I do that. I need to tell you what I get out of the mention of this item. The company ,  HigherDose, will pay me a commission if you buy your infrared Sauna Wrap or mat from them. 

You  are also doing exercise to stay in good health. This sauna wrap is for relief that you have coming.

How to Use The Infrared Sauna Wrap

Therefore you should use it correctly.

First: Twelve hours before first using it, and every time you plan to use it, hydrate yourself


Secondly, when you have the blsnkedt you should lay out your blankedt. I guess the mat shopudl also ber laid out. This is so simple and really needs not to be said, but I included it. Some people may not think it needs to be said.

Third: If you don’t plug it in, it won’t work. It won’t heat.

There is no reason for you to strip down as you might at a saunas. You can be comfortable with loose long pants and shirt and socks.

Start with ten minutes. You are dehydrating yourself, so no more for safety sake, I would advise.

After coming out of the at home application, take a shower, a cold one will be nice. Cool down.

In conclusion, Be healthy. You can get your sauna experience at home using the  at home infrared sauna wrap or mat. Don’t let this period of the Corona Virus keep you from being  the best you can be.