Exercise During The Pandemic

We are still in a form of lockdown since we still have no vaccine distribution plan directly, it seems to me. Too many first responders seem to be turning down their place in line. This is causing the vials of vaccine out there to be wasted. Vials that would better be used to vaccinate those of us who want to be protected.

But there is also another idea we can be doing at this time. To stay in good health we need to exercise during the pandemic.

We can exercise during the pandemic. Exercise is important at any time. And you don’t have to do it in groups. In fact, it is best done in  groups of one. When you exercise you lower the chance of infection.

To start off, I would like to share with you a video I saw on You Tube. It will start off the discussion on the right foot.

Some Exercises To Start

It is important that we stay with the plan. There is so much we can do that doesn’t require much space or other people. Let me suggest a few. 

First Suggestion

You can do Push Ups. A simple exercise which I am sure you were exposed to in gym class during your time of education. 

You can do this in the what is called girls way or boys way. I am not trying to be sexist.

The boys way if normal. DOwn on the group. Supported by your arms and legs. Up–down. Up–down. 

Girls way seems to be kneeing and only the upper body is brought to the ground and pushed up.

Second Suggestion

Okay. There is another good  muscle building movement. That is the old Pull Up.

You use a door frame for this one. Grab it and pull yourself up for as many times as you wish. Feel that sweat and strain. 

Third Suggestion

We need to stay active.  Squats . You will find this one good for the legs. Don’t strain but go easy. Exercise should be hard but fun.

Fourth Suggestion

This seems to be a close movement to the last one. It is called a Dip. 

Body movement. I think that is an important thing to be involved in at this point in time.

A Fifth Suggestion

This one that will be listed is my favorite since it is done outside in the moving air. You don’t need to hide yourself behind a curtain to do. 

It is Walking. Add to this a couple Lunges from time to time and you have a well planned workout.

Sixth Suggestion

And as you walk and lunge you can be doing Step-Ups  using the side walk beside you.

Watch your balance and don’t fall. This will mean you are steady as you are in motion.

Why Exercise?

Hold on. All this sounds good. But we are not allowed out without masks and must stay a respectable distance from other people.

Did I say anything about doing this with other people or in a group? I don’t think I did. This is, so far, only done by you, alone.

And why are you doing this? Well, I would hope to feel more energized. 

As you can see in the above video there are many reasons for exercise during this period.

I hope you will get on the program. And I will see you on the other side.

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Strong Christian gentleman. Reader and thinker. Believes the right nutrition keeps the body in good health.