On-Line Super-Supplements

You can buy on-line super supplements right here without having to leave the comfort of your computer. That means no long lines and no long drives to the brick and mortar store– unless you really get a thrill out of things like that.

When  I first started this webpage which soon formatted itself into a blog, I had the idea that it would be geared to the niche of health for people 55+.

Healthy in middle age

And that is still the niche I am writing for. I would offer on-line supper supplements and products for the aging body. There would be posts on products for the gut.  And for the over all health of the aging body.

But basicly this website is to inform and provide for the health of the aging human. I contend it is necessary for the adult to keep to a supplements program..

healthy Lifestyle

It would be nice to say our health remains the same as we age. But that isn’t so. We need added nutrients as our body ages. This is the niche I have here.

The links to the on-line  super supplements will only do you good if you use them. Shop around this website. Feel free to use this web site for your health.

Doing so will keep this site here and current. The more this site is used, the more I will be posting . A person doesn’t post to a dead website.

So All I will say is the future  health of yourself and this website is in your hands.

Money is Safe and Good

Money is safe and good. It is our form of exchange. We pay money for goods and services. 

This is a given.  But what do I mean when I make a statement that money is safe and good?

Safe in the sense that the more you have the safer you are. It is a mind set. To reach this mind set you need to work on your brain waves. And how do you do that? just how do you use brain waves to achieve wealth?

The picture above this article had a link embedded in it which, when you click the picture, will present you with an answer. Watch the presentation and respond to the offer. When you do, since this is a link to an affiliate market product, I may  share in the profits of the sale.

And when I say  good I mean the more money you have , the more you will be able to help others. There is a saying that it is more blessed to give than to receive. You can be a blessed person.

Use Brain Waves to Achieve Wealth

First of all we must acknowledge we are what we think. This is stating that we never stop our brain waves. The waves move at different speeds.   depending on what we are doing. As sleep our brain waves are slower. When we think the waves speed up. And when we attract  money ,we have a different waves

By clicking on the above picture you can get the explanation.

It is not another law of attraction line. It takes time. Five minutes a day and relaxation.

Money is Safe and Good


I have been posting health and wellness articles with products and these posing can be views as you  wish. Mostly I push nutrition and you can get graze on the earlier posts.

This article has, I hope,  opened your understanding to the area of the brain waves and wealth.

Good Health Means Good Supplements

In this posting I aim to suggest good health means good supplements. And I will be offering links that, should you click on them, will take you to offers of products that I consider worthy of your attention. I only seek to offer the best supplements for health.

Best Supplements for health
Click for Great Vitamin Shopping

In the left of the screen the post there is a YouTube video on vitamins. This is a good introduction to the subject of this post.


I am not affiliated with the company that generates this. The offers I will be linking to are another issue. They will be offers I do have an affiliation with. Should you click on them and find a product you wish to buy, and you do buy, I will be given a commission. This will be at no extra cost to you.

Onward to Good Health: Good Supplements

Therefore, with that said, let us rerun to this post on good health means good supplements. I have tried in an earlier post to detail the nutrients. So I will let you search that out on your own. I have listed the vitamins in an earlier post which you can look up.

What are the best supplements for health out there? you may be asking.  I can only suggest places to look. It will be up to you to spend money and purchase it.  Just knowing they are available will not help you. You must purchase.

Great Vitamins Can Be Found

The reason for taking vitamins is obvious to me. Not all we eat has the complete nutrients our body can use to build cells and muscles. This is what the supplements out there are for.

Be careful when researching the offers.  There are lots of scammers out there who want your money primarily. They care little about your health.

On the other hand I fully care about your health. The links I give you are to supplements I use and stand behind.

For example, I realize as we age we need to keep our eyes in good condition. Our sight may need extra nutrients.  So I highly recommend Theyavue.

Conclusion of Matter

As stated in my last post, I am rebranding. In rebranding I am not walking away from the wellness of the middle-aged adult. Rather, I am trying to major in health. This means good supplements are needed.

I believe the best supplements for health can be found online which is a quicker and safer way. No long wait in a car as you drive from place to place. Less stress. More time for yourself.

You look for supplements. You know you need the extra boost these units can give you. And you know you maty not be getting a complete package in what you eat. As you age your body needs nutrients. I think I I have established that.

I have given you the best supplements for health. The next step is yours. You must act.

Time For Rebranding

The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of other things. It is time for me to start rebranding Dane’s Supply. For those who have faithfully been reading each posting. You have been noticing each posting has been on an aspect of diseases and problems encountered as a person grows old. A product has been offered in each posting concerning each condition. It is time for rebranding. My rebranding will include such things as coffee online.

It is time for rebranding now because I am not having sales. No one is buying. I seem to be talking. to myself. If I ever had an audience, they seem not to be there. They are running away.

Therefore I got to  thinking, just what does my audience– you readers- out there really need? More than just supplements for the aging body. More than exercise equip. All that can be found if you take the time to search through this web site. Maybe they need ease in finding products online.

One Area Tried

 For example, when I talked about shingles, there was an offer, which should you have clicked on the link given would have taken you to the offer. Once there you were presented with the choice to buy it or not. Since I am using affiliate products, if you were to purchase the company would share a commission with me.


That just didn’t seem to happen. So I have decided to expand my offering to other products. These products will still be in the area of health and wellness but in a broader sense.

So in trying to rebrand I decided to offer more healthier products that don’t depend on age of the audience.  I have always liked the coffee online offer. Since coffee is a healthy product and everyone to a certain extent is a coffee drinker or knows someone who is, my first offer in the rebranding venture will be coffee. And poof, it came to me. They should be made aware of  a way to  order coffee online.

Sure, You can buy great coffee  online, were you aware of that? Once again you may be asking, why coffee and why consider it healthful.

Glad You Asked.

Coffee properly purchased either as a bean or ground offers vast benefits. According to the Federal Drug Administration- the FDA- coffee can be part of a healthy diet. They suggest an intake of 400 mg of caffeine a day which they say is safe for a healthy adult. That averages out to 4 cups of regular 8-ounce servings. Don’t overdo it.


As I said there are benefits. One such benefit is extra alertnerss. Drowsiness is cut down if that is what you are aiming for. That morning intake of caffeine could help you process quicker. Another benefit, and there are many, is your performance in the day could improve. You walk faster for example. If nothing else it can boost your mood. Your metabolism speeds up because of the stimulus of the caffeine. And a surge of dopamine is released.

You may also find your memory is improved.

Furthermore there is your health. Drinking coffee may slow down Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s.

Moreover you have science on your side. People tend to listen to science. Are you wishing to watch your weight? Science has suggested the caffeine in coffee consumption aids in your fat burning efforts. That is if you don’t put sugar in the drink. It is better to try it black.

Cup of coffee

And there are antioxidants and vitamins you need. Not enough to overdose, but some to benefit you. In your cup you have your B2, your B5, Manganese and potassium, your Magnesium and niacin.

Possible Downside To Coffee

On the other hand there are some negative aspects of coffee drinking. You are aware that too much coffee can bring about anxiety and agitation. And you have to watch for the possibility of insomnia. So if you do drink it, schedule the consumption earlier in the day.

When  you buy coffee online  I must warn you to not use unfiltered coffee as this may cause an increase of bad cholesterol in your blood stream which could clog your arteries and bring about heart problems.

The Final Facts

Therefore, the consumption of coffee is up to you. There are many good benefits you can get from consumption of this beverage. I have given you the link above to a recommend provider. Your next step will be to look and purchase a package your budget and taste dictate.

Weight Control Called For

Obesity is here and it is not healthy. It is not really a case of big bones (as some may tell you, trying to excuse their unsightly feature) It may rather be a case of our dependence on a Western Mindset. In this posting I will be offering you some options for weight control.

A possible cause of weight gain and obesity may be our Western over dependence on antibiotics. In and of themselves, antibiotics are useful. But as the name says, it is an antibiotic. It will not differ between the good bacteria and the bad bacteria. We need both in our gut. It is needed for weight control.

The other problem with the overuse of antibiotics is overuse tends to open us to infection and inflammation.

Instead, we need a diet high in indigestible plant fiber. We don’t need this Western diet of highly processed food.

You may not realize it. But being heavy is not healthy. Eating the wrong type of food is not healthy. I talked about this in an earlier post.

Weight Control Starts Here

The answer may lie in your gut and it’s a collection of bacteria. Yes. Bacteria. We have within us a collection of bacteria which keeps us healthy and also helps with the digestion of our food. What we put in our mouth powers our body or breaks it down. What is not properly digested can turn to fat and settle on our hip or thigh.

We need weight control.

Weight Control Is in Our Microbiome

Little organisms are all around us. They are on our skin and in our bodies. All viruses and bacteria along with fungi and protozoa make up this microbiome. If counted I they are about a staggering hundred million trillion microbes and more than a billion bacteria in one drop of fluid in your colon alone.

And still you remain healthy.

You can view your body as a huge factory. Inside that factory you have your organs- liver, kidneys, lungs, making up the machinery. Your have the blood moving impurities out and around.

The Issue Faced

Hello. My name is Dane Swanson and I offer health products through this blog style web site. The health products I will suggest in this posting are affiliate products. Which means should you use my link (And please do) and purchase the item, I get a commission.

To continue–This morning I happened to look out my window and saw the people passing by. A good percentage of them were what you would say on the slightly paunchy size. Some were obese.

There is no reason for them to be so. They just eat the western diet which is heavy on carbohydrates and fats but low on fruits and vegetables and nutrients.

They will tell me that they have large bones and must carry all that excess weight. And I would say back, if I could, no, your problem is you consume too much of the wrong nutrients.

You shouldn’t have to depend on supplements alone to help handle the problem of weight control. But there are these two hacks I will offer you.

The Hacks for Weight Control

These two supplements are safe and do work. When you click on  the link you will be sent to a presentation. Watch the presentation and then purchase one of the offers for three or six months. This is so it has enough time to reprogram your body for full effect.

Decide which one will fit into your life style. You don’t need both.

The first is one that works on the liver.  Fat is burned here and if the liver is in bad repair it sends the fat back to settle on your hip or your thigh. It is called Liv Pure.

The second one is also a drop that works.  A small hack and simple to use and very effective. It is called Biolean.

Conclusion- Good Health

So he ball is in your court now. You don’t need to be overweight. It hurts your organs and it is not that sexy.

Until next time. Stay in good health and live long.