It is back again. The reality is that it never left. Covid-19 is still there. Some can and do deny it. Since it is still present, we still need our vaccinations. Even if our leaders- Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr say otherwise. Let’s face it- Covid-19 still a threat. Get the Covid-19 shot.
I wrote about this way back when it first hit us. The article is a bit dated, but it holds true still. Click and read what I wrote at that time.
It never went away. It just was fought back by the Covid-19 shot. And now with the lack of proper diligence it surges once again.
One Idea Of Where It Came From.
As I recall back in the start of the spread, the virus came from the bat meat sold in a market in China. I think it was the bat meat eaten. That is not something done here in the United States- the eating of bats. But in other countries, I am sure, it is an animal eaten.
I don’t know where Kennedy or Trump get their information. Neither one of them, am I aware, have a degree in the subject. But you can’t shut them up. We still need the Covid-19 shot.
The Symptoms of Covid-19
Covid-19 is a respiratory disease and as sch can be real nasty. It is a disease capable of being passed from person to person if you don’t protect yourself. But there is no need to go overboard and restrict yourself.
Wear the mask whenever and wherever you come in contact with other people whom you suspect of being a non-vaccinated individual. They are, sad to say, a problem not a solution.
The Symptoms Are Simple To Spot. But Don’t Go Overboard.
You can have a dry cough with shortness of breath. Along with this, at the same time you can have a runny nose and a sore throat. Attach this to a fever and chills. This will bring about fatigue.
Don’t go overboard. Just because you have a few (sore throat and fever) doesn’t mean a case of Covid-19. Nor does the lack of that mean you don’t.
The symptoms will start to show 14 days after exposure to the virus, so that is why a period of isolation is recommended.
Some people still wear masks. But from what I have seen, a good percentage of those wear it wrongly. The proper way to wear it, if you choose to do so, is over your mouth and nose. Wearing it below the nose still allows the virus, if present, to get into your system.
To Sum Up
We still need vaccinations. Covid-19 has not disappeared. We take vaccinations for polio and diphtheria and those diseases are under control not because we got rid of them. More like we can control them by the vaccine.
President Trump got Covid-19, you will recall, when it first surfaced and if it wasn’t for the care he got then he would have had a more serious case. And now he downplays the risk. Robert Kennedy Jr. is the figurehead for the non-vaccinated. Just because they are big names doesn’t mean they know anything.
To be safe, get your yearly boosters. If you care about yourself and others, do so.
Health. We all want it. The better it is the better we feel and look. In this posting I will be talking about oral health and how we can have it. Having good oral health is important.
Click picture for an offer
I have posted in earlier posts concerning other areas of health. In this posting I aim to discuss teeth and gums
Foundation Of Oral Health
In the earlier posts I have discussed other areas of health. And I offered products which I felt useful for those areas. In this posting I will discuss and offer products. These products will be handled by affiliate markets which will allow me to share in the purchases.
In this post I will attempt to look at the subject and offer some help to personal hygiene. As your teeth and gums are given to you for your whole life, you will no doubt want to keep them in working order.
When it comes to good oral health or oral hygiene you should look for Lactobacillus Reuter which seems to inhibit harmful bacteria that may cause tooth decay and gum disease. I have a presentation on a product that may help here. Remember what I said about affiliate markets and the sharing.
No doubt you have been told about brushing and flossing at least twice a day. This is good advice, A water flosser helps clean between the teeth. Scheduling visits to your dentist helps and drinking water instead of soda helps also.
Conclusion To Having Good Health
Your gums need care. Don’t allow them to slowly wear away until you have gingivitis and soon bloody gums. Use the product advised above.
We all need to smile more. Make sure your teeth and gums are in good enough shape.
You can buy on-line super supplements right here without having to leave the comfort of your computer. That means no long lines and no long drives to the brick and mortar store– unless you really get a thrill out of things like that.
When I first started this webpage which soon formatted itself into a blog, I had the idea that it would be geared to the niche of health for people 55+.
And that is still the niche I am writing for. I would offer on-line supper supplements and products for the aging body. There would be posts on products for the gut. And for the over all health of the aging body.
But basicly this website is to inform and provide for the health of the aging human. I contend it is necessary for the adult to keep to a supplements program..
It would be nice to say our health remains the same as we age. But that isn’t so. We need added nutrients as our body ages. This is the niche I have here.
The links to the on-line super supplements will only do you good if you use them. Shop around this website. Feel free to use this web site for your health.
Doing so will keep this site here and current. The more this site is used, the more I will be posting . A person doesn’t post to a dead website.
So All I will say is the future health of yourself and this website is in your hands.
Money is safe and good. It is our form of exchange. We pay money for goods and services.
This is a given. But what do I mean when I make a statement that money is safe and good?
Safe in the sense that the more you have the safer you are. It is a mind set. To reach this mind set you need to work on your brain waves. And how do you do that? just how do you use brain waves to achieve wealth?
The picture above this article had a link embedded in it which, when you click the picture, will present you with an answer. Watch the presentation and respond to the offer. When you do, since this is a link to an affiliate market product, I may share in the profits of the sale.
And when I say good I mean the more money you have , the more you will be able to help others. There is a saying that it is more blessed to give than to receive. You can be a blessed person.
Use Brain Waves to Achieve Wealth
First of all we must acknowledge we are what we think. This is stating that we never stop our brain waves. The waves move at different speeds. depending on what we are doing. As sleep our brain waves are slower. When we think the waves speed up. And when we attract money ,we have a different waves
By clicking on the above picture you can get the explanation.
It is not another law of attraction line. It takes time. Five minutes a day and relaxation.
Money is Safe and Good
I have been posting health and wellness articles with products and these posing can be views as you wish. Mostly I push nutrition and you can get graze on the earlier posts.
This article has, I hope, opened your understanding to the area of the brain waves and wealth.
In this posting I aim to suggest good health means good supplements. And I will be offering links that, should you click on them, will take you to offers of products that I consider worthy of your attention. I only seek to offer the best supplements for health.
Click for Great Vitamin Shopping
In the left of the screen the post there is a YouTube video on vitamins. This is a good introduction to the subject of this post.
I am not affiliated with the company that generates this. The offers I will be linking to are another issue. They will be offers I do have an affiliation with. Should you click on them and find a product you wish to buy, and you do buy, I will be given a commission. This will be at no extra cost to you.
Onward to Good Health: Good Supplements
Therefore, with that said, let us rerun to this post on good health means good supplements. I have tried in an earlier post to detail the nutrients. So I will let you search that out on your own. I have listed the vitamins in an earlier post which you can look up.
What are the best supplements for health out there? you may be asking. I can only suggest places to look. It will be up to you to spend money and purchase it. Just knowing they are available will not help you. You must purchase.
The reason for taking vitamins is obvious to me. Not all we eat has the complete nutrients our body can use to build cells and muscles. This is what the supplements out there are for.
Be careful when researching the offers. There are lots of scammers out there who want your money primarily. They care little about your health.
On the other hand I fully care about your health. The links I give you are to supplements I use and stand behind.
For example, I realize as we age we need to keep our eyes in good condition. Our sight may need extra nutrients. So I highly recommend Theyavue.
Conclusion of Matter
As stated in my last post, I am rebranding. In rebranding I am not walking away from the wellness of the middle-aged adult. Rather, I am trying to major in health. This means good supplements are needed.
I believe the best supplements for health can be found online which is a quicker and safer way. No long wait in a car as you drive from place to place. Less stress. More time for yourself.
You look for supplements. You know you need the extra boost these units can give you. And you know you maty not be getting a complete package in what you eat. As you age your body needs nutrients. I think I I have established that.
I have given you the best supplements for health. The next step is yours. You must act.