Vitamin Supplement For Us

Since this is a site that contains postings on the niche supplements for people 55 and up, I decided to list each vitamin supplement . This will be the subject of my earlier posts and the ones to come.

Your Vitamin Supplement Is Vital

Yes, it is very important we take a supplement, such as a multivitamin, as we age. When we take a multivitamin, which should always be taken with a meal, we supplement what we don’t get enough of in our diet.

Our multivitamin can be used to treat what we are deficient in. This deficiency can be caused by an illness we have had. Also during pregnancy it is very important we supplement. Poor nutrition , which is found in fast food binges, provides another need for a multivitamin. We need, as we age, tgo keep up our intake of vitamin supplements.


If we were to have a digestive disorder, that prevents us from eating certain foods, that can be a reason for the need for a supplement.

Presenting The Supplement

The body needs nutrients.  There are the basic nutrients for the body of the person aged 51 to 70 , and these ware the ones I hope to talk about here,

So you will be needing the basic supplement of A. D, E, and K. These are your fat-soluble vitamins. Fat soluble is stored in the body in your fat cells and released as you need them. You can overdose if you get too much of these.


 Also as you approach your 50s you will need more calcium and vitamin D as you are undergoing bone loss.

Now in Center Stage-Vitamin Supplement

Supplement needs

Our vitamin list is as follows:

Vitamin A: this is for healthy eyes and for general growth and development. It is still important for those of us who are in the upper age range. We still need to care for our eyes and need those healthy teeth and skin.

So eat those carrots and sweet potatoes along with your cantaloupe and other melons.

Vitamin B: which comes in a packet, so to speak. The B complex is good for the energy you need. It is also good for immune function and Iron absorption.

The complex is as follows. Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Folate.

Vitamin C; This strengthens blood vessels. It also helps the skin elasticity. You can also find gthis as an anti-oxidant fighting the free radicals (=More about them in another post)

Vitamin D: Ah, yes. D. We get our healthy bone help here.

Vitamin E: This also is very useful for our blood circulation and it also protects against those nasty free radicals.

Vitamin K Very useful.. It helps our blood clot.

Folic Acid: Mentioned above, it gives us help in cell renewal. In addition , it can prevent birth defects in pregnancy..

Calcium: Also  mentioned once before- this helps our healthy teeth and bones

Iron: So now we have iron. This helps in the building of our muscles and helps give us our healthy blood.

Zinc: Also we need this as it will help our immunity and our fertility and growth.


Chromium:  This one is for our glucose function. It will make sure every cell in our body gets the energy it needs when it needs it.

Summation And Close

So  there you have it. I may have given you a lot to read and consider, but I feel it was needful to handle what a supplement is and what each one was. 

I hope this brings a clarification to the web posts .

feel free to comment to this or any other post on this web site. 

To look at this subject a bit deeper you can read an earlier post on an supplement for your body building effort.

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Strong Christian gentleman. Reader and thinker. Believes the right nutrition keeps the body in good health.

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