Garlic and Gut Health: Health Benefits of Eating Raw Garlic

Garlic and gut health. In an earlier post I posted how sugar affects your gut. Now I will be looking at health benefits of eating raw garlic.  Yes, there is a link between   garlic and gut health. And yes, there are health benefits of eating raw garlic. The video on the left will start the discussion. The point is Garlic and gut health go together.

This article will contain  affiliate links. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking the link I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Let me thank you for your support.

What you need to understand is basic. What a person eats travels through his gut. The gut is ,for the purpose of this article, the tube running from  the mouth to the anus In short, the whole body..

The gut, therefore, is not the stomach. For proper understanding of health benefit we have to expand our understanding.

A gut has been referred to as the second brain as it controls our mood, our digestion, our health. The brain in our skull only sends out impulses to our system to operate in a certain way. And the gut determines even what our skull brain can accomplish. 

Garlic Clove
Raw Garlic Clove

Let’s look at a herb known as garlic. Called the stinking rose by some, garlic is really amazing. It has properties which allows it to work as a probiotic for the gut microbiome. 

Health Benefits of Eating Raw Garlic

In my research I have found many benefits for the gut. Remember it is the gut, not the skull brain, that affects the body activity.

I will mention later in this article how to prepare the raw garlic so that you aren’t just taking and eating it like you do an apple or pear. For the moment I will mention a few areas that consuming this herb helps.

For those of us who are prone to catching colds, a diet of garlic will help relieve that cold symptom. It may shorten the sniffles and lessen the aches.

In addition it can help lower our cholesterol levels and improve our heart health. This is most useful for those of us who are aging and need to watch ourselves. We need to have good over all health and taking garlic will lead in this direction.

Then there is the problem some of us have known as GERD. (Gastroesophageal Reflex Disease). This is very uncomfortable, all the acid coming up within the body. Also known as acid reflex. Garlic can help control it.

There are so many other benefits of eating raw garlic and I will have to include them in a later posting. 

Preparation Of Your Raw Garlic

Very few people can eat raw garlic as is. So some ideas are in order. As it is, it can be chopped up and put on salads. Or fine graded and made into a tea. Mince it and put it in a cup of hot water. Seep. And drink.  Does wonders for the throat and digestion.

There are those who prefer to take it as supplement in tablet form. There are befits in whatever form you desire.

Conclusion and Offer

In cpnclusion, thesehavee been some health benefits of eating raw garlic. Not every benefit has been given. Another posting is in the planning stage.

For those people who can stomach the clove, there is the pill. And that I can offer you a link to purchase. Yet before I do so I will tell you I will get a commission if you use the link and buy the item. 

But don’t let that stop you from a daily garlic routine. So buy the garlic or use the link to get the supplement. And stay in good health.

The best thing you can  do now is to use the link and go in and buy. Ask your self, what do you have to lose? 

For Gut Health
Good Gut Health Neeeds Nutrients

Garlic and Gut Health Go Together

The Premise

Garlic and gut health go together. That is a strange idea. How does garlic and gut health connect?

Benefits Of Garlic and Gut Health

Steven is concerned about the health of his gut. He reads that the gut reaches from his mouth to his anus. A tube. A long 20 to 25 foot tube. In order for this tube to fit it must curve. 

Areas of Men's Health- Happy Gut
Happy tube

Let’s make this simple.  The food is masticated and then goes from the throat to the esophagus The food travels to the stomach. The acids break down the food sent down. The broken down material is sent down to the intestine. The intestine allow some to be absorbed into our blood stream. The matter passes trough the intestine and bacteria starts to work on it.  

To clarify, We have within us good and bad bacteria.  in itself that is not harmful. We need the balance to be healthy.

That is to say we can help our gut to function correctly. It will determine our health. The gut can make us ill or well, depending on what we give it.  

Sally has heard that we can help our gut by taking something called probiotics.  Therefore she wants to know what she sould be taking.

Gut Health Help
Help For Gut Health

I suggest we also look at garlic also. Garlic and gut health go together. Probiotics are important. But it is suggested you only use probiotics for a short time. Garlic can be taken everyday.

Garlic's Benefits

In other words, garlic being an herb is useful for more things than a probiotic. And it works on the bacteria in the gut in a different way.

Garlic Clove
Garlic Is the New Aid

Garlic has been known to reduce inflammation and boost immune function. It may  improve heart health and help prevent certain types of cancer. you should aim at ingesting  one  to three cloves a day or about  three to ten grams.

I have talked about gut health in an earlier post. Sugar and gut health is one. I am not recommending sugar as part of gut health. What I am recommending is garlic as garlic and gut health go together. I have talked about gut health through probiotics in another place.

Therefore let me recommend a place where you can get a supplement to help you with the garlic.  You may not want to always mess with garlic cloves, but would rather simply take your daily garlic in pill form.

Kyolic is the brand I recommend. Before I give you a link to them, I must tell you I get a commission on each purchase since I am  recommending them. I am not a representative of the company. I am the person on the floor, so to speak. The one who directs you to the shelf where the item is.

For the Kyolic brand supplements you just click here. 

Conclusion: Garlic and Gut Health Go Together.

In conclusion, You must acknowledge your health is very important. There is no need to get peptic ulcers if your balance of bacteria in your gut is correct.

Alice knows this.  Garlic acts as a probiotic as it helps beneficial bacteria in the gut. She feels better for taking it.

Therefore taking garlic in pill form, she doesn’t worry about garlic cloves getting old and useless. She gets the best of two worlds. She gets a probiotic and a form of garlic that is easy on her system.

You can join Alice and Sally and Steven by using the link given to go in and buy today. You will feel so much better and be so much healthier.

In a posting to come I will discuss this further and develop it.

Total Gut Health With Probiotics

The Premise- Gut Health

It is possible for us to have total gut health with probiotics. This I believe. Health problems seem to occur because we have a disturbed gut flora.

I understand it is hard for a person to realize that. But everything we consume and drink acts upon our gut. And the gut deals with the stuff we consume and does its best to maintain internal stability.

Total Gut Health With Probiotics

In the comment section to my site  I keep seeing a request I do a part two to the post on sugar and gut health.  
I feel that is a good suggestion.

Probiotics Highly Recommended

To clarify, to balance our gut and to stay in a safe , what they call, zone, we need to consider a supplement of a probiotic. 

Before I suggest one, let me establish what the gut is and does. I am sure this has been covered some what in my posting which is linked to above.

Consequently a person needs to know it is not just the biosystem of the lower intestine. It is the complete system that runs from the mouth to the anus.  Picture a tube reaching from the mouth where the food enters to the butt where it exits.

That may be a simplified picture, but I find it easy to grasp.

The subject is total gut health with probiotics. 

What are Probiotics.?

As I was mentioning in an earlier post  we should define terms so we know what is being spoken about. 

A probiotic is simply a substance which stimulates the growth of good bacteria confirming a health benefit on the host.

Benefits Of Total Gut Health With Probiotics

Our digestive health is effected. Our gut aids in the digestion of food and the breakdown into substances the body can absorb. After all, ultimately it is what we absorb that affects our health.

Our gut also helps in our elimination of feces from the body. This is where the bacteria goes to work.

The Offer of Probiotics

Before  I go farther in the posting, i want to offer you the probiotics. I will be giving you a lnk. And you can go in an buy yopurself a good probiotic. I can offer this because I am an affiliate of this market and am allowed to sell this to you. When  you use the link and buy the product I am credited with  a commission.

The product is Bowtrol Probiotic.  

It is very good and is mentioned as one of the top five in one survey.

Benefits of Using A Probiotic

When we use probiotics for gut health we first notice we improve our digestive problems. It will help our gut use the substances. And our memory will somewhat improve. We may find ourselves improve in our mood. For sure it will strengthen our immunity. 

Because  our gut is being cleansed with a better balance of bacteria  through our use of probiotics, we will notice our skin and nails getting a shine.  

If we have been having cholesterol problems, our new gut health with probiotics will fight toxins built up in our body and improve our liver function.

Black Beauty
I have good gut health with probiotics

Therefore I feel  you should click on the link to the probiotic offer and start a new healthy life with your gut. And  I will talk about this further in another post.

Sugar and Gut Health

Sugar and gut health. In this post I am going to look at the link between our consumption of sugar and the state of our gut .What I have found does not look good.. We need to properly handle our gut health. We need good gut health.

Facts About Sugar And Our Gut Health

To start with, we Americans seem to like our food sweet. So we use sugar on most everything. But we must ask, is it good for our digestion?

It is true that our body needs some sugar or sucrose to function. Yet we take in too much extra sweets. When we do so we are interfering with our metabolism.

We are taking in sweets in many ways, it appears. Most of our food is laced  with sweeteners. We consume foods enhanced with high corn fructose which, I discovered, is not natural. It was developed back in 1930.

Fine Eating

Sugar, in moderation, is fine. You just have to take it in correctly. 

Therefore, when consumed in fruits and vegetables it becomes one of the preferred sources the body uses for brain power and muscle energy. The body also uses it to power the cells we are made of.

But we only need a little. For a woman the need is six teaspoons or 25 grams a day. For the man the need is nine teaspoons or 35 grams a day. That is not alot. And it can and must be controled.

Harm In Sugar

Why? Why control the consuimtion?

The reason is pretty clear. Sugar tends to cause our glucose levels to spike and plummet giving us an undue fatigue feeling. Secondly, it causes obesity to set in and may overtax your system that handles the glucose in the body. This could lead to a case of diabetes.

But that is not all. Consumption of sugar in excess affects the immune system. It has been known to bring about a Chronium deficiency. For a better discussion of the danger of sugar you should link here to an article  in the Harvard Health Magazine

Gut Health And Sugar

Mostly sugar messes with our gut. It does a deal on our digestion. Too much can bring about a nice bout of diarrhea. It can also mess up our gut lining. As goes our gut goes our health. We can develop colitis . Too much sugar also could alter the gut microbic by slowing down our transit of poop. 

In addition consumption of sugar has also been known to kill the good bacteria in our system and feed the bad. This will lead to bloating and discomfort maybe even upper stomach pain.

Therefore, it may help you to picture your gut as a drawbridge. Properly maintained it keeps large unwanted particles at bay. Sugar, as mentioned earlier erodes the drawbridge and opens it up, Now bigger undigested particles get in.


Gut Microbiome

We are, someone has said, what you digest and absorb.

It is very important you get your gut in shape. Probiotics will help. In an earlier post I mentioned this and you can see that post by clicking here.

A Great Deal for Gut Health

To clarify, gut health is very important. I myself take great care in this area.  I even will give you a link to a product to help you in your pursuit of good gut health. When you use this link to buy the item, the company that offers it will give me credit and a commission. And you will get a great product.

In conclusion, you need a probiotic to help your gut health and overall wellbeing. So click here for Bowtrol Probiotic.

Gut Health Through Probiotics

Gut Microbiome
Gut Healthl

Best For Gut Health through Probiotics. We need it and must have it.

The reason is simple: Our body is covered with bacteria both inside and outside. In fact, we have mot bacteria inside us than cells. Our cells are our building blocks but it is the bacteria that keeps us healthy. At least, the good bacteria. This bacteria forms the flora in our gut and determines the health of the body, it seems.. Not only our gut needs to be in right order , but our mental faculties  also need to be considered.

That is not to say our gut is not important. Digestion goes on  here. If the bad bacteria is more than the good bacteria, we tend to have problems. Problems that we could have handled through proper nutrition. And that means supplements.

Problem in Our Gut

It should be obvious Gut Health is very important. It is so important that an unbalance could give urinary problems. and yeast infections. We could also develop ulcers. And  develop leaky gut. if we were to handle our gut health correctly we should be able to have a healthy body. It is so easy to have a bad gut.

Need To Clean Our Gut

Therefore it is suggested that we do a colon cleansing. Which is easy to say if you know how to do it. We need the best supplement for gut health

I suggest you get a good probiotic which in working on the bacteria will flush you out gently. Good gut health through probiotics is our goal.

How It Works

What the signs are you are looking for to indicate you need this digestive probiotic  is firstly, you have digestive problems and gas. Your body may be fighting back with diarrhea. .Secondly, you will notice a sense of anxiety and brain fog.

Probiotics For Gut Health

Therefore what I am going to suggest is you  get a bottle of Bowtrol Probiotics.

It contains all you need for feeding your good bacteria and at the same time cleansing your gut.

But before I give you a link you can use  to purchase such, lt me tell you what I get out of this. I have a deal with the company that handles this product where I get a commission if you use the link and buy one of the offers. Another reason I mention it is it is the best for gut health.

The link is simple. You just click on Bowtrol. 

That is all. And you will be taken to a sales page that explains it all.

So, please consider a cleanse since feces stay in your body causing problems to your health and wellbeing. These must be flushed out.

Strive for gut health through probiotics.