The largest organ you have is your skin. This is a thin layer that holds all your organs in and is seen outwardly by those around us. Therefore you need the right skin care products to project the best you.
First of all, it is a shame that more of us don’t take care of it as we could. Men shave it and wash it and mainly that is that. Some know to, from time to time, put cream on it. There is a big market out there for men’s skin care.
At the same time, taking care of the organ doesn’t seem so hard for women. They are taught beauty is more than skin deep, but boys and men look on the outer skin beauty.
So from an early age they learn the value of cosmetics. They value skin care. Not that a man doesn’t. I am not talking about the gay man or the transvestite. I am mostly talking about real men. We men use after shave and cologne but not too many use skin cream. We just weren’t taught.
Another area we have to be aware of is our fragile dermis. Let me suggest sun screen. By now we all know the value of sun screen. There is such a chance of skin cancer down the line that is is wise to put on some sun screen.
We all seem to know cosmetic companies we can use. Department stores have counters. Mary Kay, Avon, Amway,, and so on handle skin care products. I even have a link to a Korean company that handles skin care products and cosmetics.
Why do I mention the Korean company when we have so many good suppliers in America? Simple. They have good products and good customer service. Plus if you use my link to them and buy from them they have said I get a commission at no cost to you.
They are Silicon2 Style Korean. They have your skin care products and more.
I have talked about this earlier in another post when it comes to women over 50.
Of course you are free to buy your cosmetics and skin care products from whom ever you wish. .After all, that is how commerce works. You see what you like. You buy. You help the economy. When you buy from the Korean company you help the economy.
So to sum up, male of female, we have this big gland of skin which is with us. We should take care of it. It doesn’t have to show age as quickly as when it is not cared for. Feel free to act upon the offer given.