It is possible for us to have total gut health with probiotics. This I believe. Health problems seem to occur because we have a disturbed gut flora.
I understand it is hard for a person to realize that. But everything we consume and drink acts upon our gut. And the gut deals with the stuff we consume and does its best to maintain internal stability.
Total Gut Health With Probiotics
In the comment section to my site I keep seeing a request I do a part two to the post on sugar and gut health. I feel that is a good suggestion.
Probiotics Highly Recommended
To clarify, to balance our gut and to stay in a safe , what they call, zone, we need to consider a supplement of a probiotic.
Before I suggest one, let me establish what the gut is and does. I am sure this has been covered some what in my posting which is linked to above.
Consequently a person needs to know it is not just the biosystem of the lower intestine. It is the complete system that runs from the mouth to the anus. Picture a tube reaching from the mouth where the food enters to the butt where it exits.
That may be a simplified picture, but I find it easy to grasp.
The subject is total gut health with probiotics.
What are Probiotics.?
As I was mentioning in an earlier post we should define terms so we know what is being spoken about.
A probiotic is simply a substance which stimulates the growth of good bacteria confirming a health benefit on the host.
Benefits Of Total Gut Health With Probiotics
Our digestive health is effected. Our gut aids in the digestion of food and the breakdown into substances the body can absorb. After all, ultimately it is what we absorb that affects our health.
Our gut also helps in our elimination of feces from the body. This is where the bacteria goes to work.
The Offer of Probiotics
Before I go farther in the posting, i want to offer you the probiotics. I will be giving you a lnk. And you can go in an buy yopurself a good probiotic. I can offer this because I am an affiliate of this market and am allowed to sell this to you. When you use the link and buy the product I am credited with a commission.
It is very good and is mentioned as one of the top five in one survey.
Benefits of Using A Probiotic
When we use probiotics for gut health we first notice we improve our digestive problems. It will help our gut use the substances. And our memory will somewhat improve. We may find ourselves improve in our mood. For sure it will strengthen our immunity.
Because our gut is being cleansed with a better balance of bacteria through our use of probiotics, we will notice our skin and nails getting a shine.
If we have been having cholesterol problems, our new gut health with probiotics will fight toxins built up in our body and improve our liver function.
I have good gut health with probiotics
Therefore I feel you should click on the link to the probiotic offer and start a new healthy life with your gut. And I will talk about this further in another post.
A wise person gets their shingles shot. It is highly recommended.
What Is Shingles?
We hear the word. Shingles. Just what is it? How big a problem is it?
It all depends. What we are looking at when we mention shingles is a type of herpes. Anyone who has had chicken pox may develop a case of shingles.. The virus remains in the body and is dormant.
More about that later.
Shingles Shot
Recently I got my singles shot. It is a two step process. By that , I mean you get the shot and a couple months down the line you get the second one, which is a booster. As a result, you should not have to worry about shingles.
Picture Shingles as bugs
Singles is not bugs. But I could think of no better way to illustrate the idea. What you will get when the virus reactivates and gives you a painful sensation. It will work its way out on one side of your body.
Therefore, for the first few days, I am told, never having had it (yet) , the skin is fine then blisters start to form.
Case of Shingles
Subsequently, these blisters activate the nerves and you feel pain. You can’t really dress that side of your body. You can’t scratch. Then the blisters burst open, spurting the pus.
Consequently, it is this pus that can transmit the shingles. It is not contagious otherwise.
The Cost Of A Shingles Shot
Shingle shots were being offered at my local CVS. Therefore I was able to get my shot at CVS, with a prescription written by my primary care physician. That makes the shot affordable. It retails for as high as a couple hundred. Yet with the medical orders written , I was covered.
Insurance doesn’t cover it, but I do understand that Medicare will help.
That is to say, be ready to pay something for the shot.
The Need
If what has been said already doesn’t impel you to get one, then let me assure you will not escape the virus. i out of 3 people in the US will get the Vericella Roster Virus. The body can flare up at any time. You will feel tingling and then a burning sensation. There could be numbness and stinging pain. Then the rash.
Once the rash settles on the skin you will have to live with it for weeks and weeks. then when the blister burst and the fluid flows and crusts form over the sores…
You get the picture. It is better to go through a two shot program then wait for the virus. You need the shingles shot
My Conclusion
It is in there, in your body. There are a few things that can bring it on. Stress can bring it on. A compromised immune system can bring it on. Age can bring it on. (Over 50) . It is not pleasant. I have posted in another posting in this series . I am sure you would wish to link the two,
There is something I can offer you to help boost the immune system. Remember, the virus can become active if you have a weak immune system. So I can offer you Curcumin .
And what do I get by offering you this.?
Thank you for asking. Since I am offering you a link to the company that handles this product, and should you buy the item, the company gives me a commission. You get the product. I get the commission or finders fee. Only fair.
You need statins and cholesterol control. Your doctor suggests you take a statin for your high cholesterol reading obtained from your blood test. So, we must determine that there is a good reason for him making that suggestion.
Let’s figure he has your best health in mind. He mentions something about stains and cholesterol control.
What are Statins? Call for statins and cholesterol control.
I took a philosophy course when I was in college and learned it is important to define what we are talking about. I was told to define terms. That way we both knew what we were talking about..
Therefore, when we say statin we reference a medication prescribed for cholesterol control. They have been called the gold standard But do we need statins for cholesterol control?
Consequently it seems over one fourth of Americans over 40 are currently on a stain. That means 38.6 million Americans are taking a statin. That is an awful lot of people.
Happy Elders
What Are The Statins and cholesterol control?
We need these drugs. What can be confusing is when we look looking around we see there is not just one brand of statin out there. And each statin has a generic. I will list them.
I look at the list. To start, first, there is Lipitor which has a generic called Atorvastatin. It is one of the strong statins for cholesterol control. And it is expensive. It is best to go for the generic.
The second one, of which there are five, is Lescol which has a generic in Fluvasatin.
The third one is Lipostat and its generic Pravastatin.
Moving along in our list of stains for cholesterol control we have Crestor and its generic Rossuvastatin.
The last one in our list is Zocor and the generic Simvastatin.
What is Cholesterol?
Our Brain
Therefore let us define cholesterol. It is a waxy substance in your blood which your body needs to build healthy cells. As you know everything good has a bad side effect. An overload of cholesterol is not good for our heart and arteries and this overload is what the doctor is hoping to control through the statin drug. In others words, statins are for cholesterol control.
I ask, just what are the benefits? It has been said they may help reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. That is one purpose a statin has.
On the other hand a statin is known to stop the CoQ10 production in the body.
We use CoQ10 in our body to feed the cells and tissues for energy production. So it is advised if you are on statins that you also take extra CoQ10 to supply what is going to be lost by the presence of statins in the body. The lose of CoQ10 lowers the level of enzyme in the body and opens one up to the risk of heart problems.
But wait. The reason we take the statin, we have been told, is to cut down on the chance of a heart attack.
So, consequently, we roll the dice and hope for the best. Statistics have shown only 1% of the population who take statins find them effective. therefore, it is highly advised you take a CoQ10 supplement if you take statins for cholesterol control.
Call For Action
Therefore, we have a decision to make. We have been determined to have high blood pressure. We have been determined by our doctor, after he has reviewed your blood panel, to have an abnormal level of cholesterol. He has prescribed for you a stain. You trust your doctor.
Therefore, I would suggest you keep up your morning routine of supplements with your breakfast meal. Don’t forget the CoQ10.
It has been a year and in the distance, getting closer, the light is seen. That light is the light of hope. We see some form of normal approaching. Until then you can do as I suggested in an earlier post.
Therefore, get the corona shot. Be proactive.
Their Suggestion
That is to say we are in a state of lockdown. The governor tell us not to leave our houses. He tells us somewhere, sometime, the coronavirus would jump out of the air and kill us.
Safety At Risk To Health
The light is seen. We see it. The problem is we spend too much time listening to a virus lord, I mean, Governor, who in the name of keeping us safe, closed down schools and places of business.
However, we have a light of hope.
For example, we keep our appointments for the Corona shot– what ever one is offered, it really doesn’t matter, as all are effective- and for the sake of others, wear the mask until such time as we get herd immunity.
Get The Covid Shot
A Solution?
Consequently some states are being allowed to determine just how restrictive they wish to be at this point in time.
The light is seen.
But in California we have a governor who has laid down a silly color coding system. Once again it comes from our leader. We do not think for ourselves.
The light is seen. We must control the virus so that more people don’t die. We can control it like we do polio and the flu and smallpox. Most we don’t see as much anymore. The rfeaon is we have a vaccine for it. We have them in subjection to us.
So my suggestion to you is get your shot when it is offered. Follow the rules and stay safe not sorry. Take your supplements And I will see you in the next post.
Sugar and gut health. In this post I am going to look at the link between our consumption of sugar and the state of our gut .What I have found does not look good.. We need to properly handle our gut health. We need good gut health.
Facts About Sugar And Our Gut Health
To start with, we Americans seem to like our food sweet. So we use sugar on most everything. But we must ask, is it good for our digestion?
It is true that our body needs some sugar or sucrose to function. Yet we take in too much extra sweets. When we do so we are interfering with our metabolism.
We are taking in sweets in many ways, it appears. Most of our food is laced with sweeteners. We consume foods enhanced with high corn fructose which, I discovered, is not natural. It was developed back in 1930.
Fine Eating
Sugar, in moderation, is fine. You just have to take it in correctly.
Therefore, when consumed in fruits and vegetables it becomes one of the preferred sources the body uses for brain power and muscle energy. The body also uses it to power the cells we are made of.
But we only need a little. For a woman the need is six teaspoons or 25 grams a day. For the man the need is nine teaspoons or 35 grams a day. That is not alot. And it can and must be controled.
Harm In Sugar
Why? Why control the consuimtion?
The reason is pretty clear. Sugar tends to cause our glucose levels to spike and plummet giving us an undue fatigue feeling. Secondly, it causes obesity to set in and may overtax your system that handles the glucose in the body. This could lead to a case of diabetes.
But that is not all. Consumption of sugar in excess affects the immune system. It has been known to bring about a Chronium deficiency. For a better discussion of the danger of sugar you should link here to an article in the Harvard Health Magazine
Gut Health And Sugar
Mostly sugar messes with our gut. It does a deal on our digestion. Too much can bring about a nice bout of diarrhea. It can also mess up our gut lining. As goes our gut goes our health. We can develop colitis . Too much sugar also could alter the gut microbic by slowing down our transit of poop.
In addition consumption of sugar has also been known to kill the good bacteria in our system and feed the bad. This will lead to bloating and discomfort maybe even upper stomach pain.
Therefore, it may help you to picture your gut as a drawbridge. Properly maintained it keeps large unwanted particles at bay. Sugar, as mentioned earlier erodes the drawbridge and opens it up, Now bigger undigested particles get in.
We are, someone has said, what you digest and absorb.
To clarify, gut health is very important. I myself take great care in this area. I even will give you a link to a product to help you in your pursuit of good gut health. When you use this link to buy the item, the company that offers it will give me credit and a commission. And you will get a great product.
In conclusion, you need a probiotic to help your gut health and overall wellbeing. So click here for Bowtrol Probiotic.