The truth is we age. We are over 55 and we know we are not going to be capable of regaining youth. Especially when it comes to control of our aging body functions. We especially need bladder control.
Oh, at 55 we are fairly sure we can slow down the aging process. But some of our organs don’t want to obey. It seems to take longer to complete your bathroom routine.
And it may take longer for urine flow. It may be an enlarged prostate gland. In a later post to come I will suggest something that may help that.
This post will address bladder control and support. Urinary incontinence. Leakage. And so on.
There is a product that can help called Flotrol
It is not your fault, But you also don’t need to be embarrassed. Science has provided nutrients Nutrients that can provide help for that bladder. You need the right supplement. Click on the underlined words in the last paragraph, and you will find what you need.
But I would guess the best thing is to knw bow to deal with the aging process. Aging is not something we control. If we can somehow slow it down we may not have so much problems with our bladder.
So , are there supplements that can help?
I am sure if we watch our-self and take care of our body– eat the right foods and take the right supplements and minerals , we can age gracefully.
Bladder control is just a step but an important one.

We must age. But we don’t need to lose a meaningful existence. Use the link above and buy peace of mind.