If you are like most of us you are wearing glasses. You need help bringing your eyesight up to 20/20. Far sighted or near sighted you need help. Therefore you are wearing glasses. But along with glasses you need nutrients for the eyes. Therefore you are searching for the best eye vitamin.
Before I start let me say this: This page will contain affiliate links. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking a link I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.
But where do you start? That is not as easy as it sounds. There are so many vitamin stores out there. GNC, Vitamin Shoppe, Herbs for Living, to mention three. And so many brands.
Don't Forget On-Line
Beside the brick and mortar stores there are also online stores. Anywhere you look you find ads for supplements. Alice shops on-line because she has found a better selection and her time is too valuable to spend time in a car racing from store to store. Consequently she ahs developed eye strain and may need to find the best eye vitamin to address her ongoing, progressive need.
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What To Look For In The Best Eye Vitamin
For Alice, and for others, the things to look for in the formula is does it have what you need? Does it contain Chromium Picolinate which helps the pressure and eye focus? Another thing to look for in your formula is 10 mg of Lutein which will help protect against the damage caused by blue light which we get from cell phones and our computer. Add Zeaxanthin and Taurine. This will help protect the photo reception cells in the retina.
Consequently we also age and our needs increase. There is a product out there called TheyaVue which is an vitamin product for you. Alice uses it and is satisfied. Another product that can also be used is called Re-Vision
As you can see I am a real person and I approve of the items being marketed in this post. All items are FDA approved and past the human test. I consider them the best eye vitamin. I wouldn’t be offering them if I didn’t.
Weight loss solutions. Most Americans are not starving. Not with so much available food products around. And this abundance of food seems to be bringing about an obesity problem.
Good Things to Eat
Of course this means you need to look to ways to control your weight. Which means you are looking for solutions. And this solution you are seeking should be one that you are able to stick with.
This page will contain affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, contained in the pictures, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.
Why You Need Weight Loss Solutions
You need to watch your weight for the simple reason your health depends on it. And your health is determined by what you eat and what moves through your gut. The better way to say that is that your health depends on what your gut absorbs.
There are many weight loss services and you may Google them. They all have weight loss solutions. Take your pick. They all want you to buy their program.
In short, there is information out there on weight loss ideas. I would like to mention a few and then offer you a link to a product that may help.
Some Suggestions for Weight Loss
Of course I am not a doctor or a certified nutrition guru. All I can offer is a few simple ideas toward the weiht loss program.
The first thing I will suggest is to add more protein to your diet. This could boost your metabolism and a boosted metabolism will reduce your appetite and make you feel more full. After all, we eat because we don’t feel full enough.
Of course it makes a difference just what we eat. Junk food bought at a fast food establishment will fill us up, but it is not the right type of protein, if any at all, that our body needs. Remember, our gut takes in what we give it and tries to utilize it. And sometimes it turns it into fat cells which, over time, stays and forms fat which brings on weight. So we should seek to find and consume whole, single ingredient foods. Avoid processed foods. Stick to fruits and vegetables. And with your food, drink lots of water. Hydrate.
Conclusion and Offer
In conclusion, we need to be aware of our weight. A good way to take care of our bodies is to use the supplements available to us. Click on the picture of Exipure and learn more about this.
There are many weight loss solutions out there. We are in control of our bodies. Feel free to use the links found in this article. And I will see you in the next blog.
We are all aging. This is a fact of life. The best way is to be ageing gracefully. It is possible, I contend, using the supplements I will be offering you in this blog post.
On the one hand, the need to be aware of age is because we are living longer now. And as we age we will have needs that we can satisfy through our present on-line market presented by the internet and on-line shopping.
We define middle age as the years 40 to 60. And since aging is a natural process there is no reason to dread it. The aim is to age gracefully.
After all a way to view the aging process is to see the body wearing down. That is not a pleasant view but a realistic one. What we had when we were young needs help.
Therefore this page contains links. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking the link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. And I thank you for your support.
Ageing Gracefully Means Our Hair Is Thinning
Let us consider Mark. Mark is aging and as he ages he notices his hair isn’t as thick as it used to be. He was able to find an on-line store that could get him Provillus. When Mark uses it daily he gets good results.
Thinning Hair
Results like can be dependent on regular use. You can get your own product by clicking on the picture and ordering a bottle or so for yourself.
We men feel better with a full head of hair. Mark does.
Our Hearing Starts to Dim
And we have George. George notes that people seem to be speaking softer around him. Or is it something to do with him? Is there something he can do?
George has decided to do something about it. He will buy and use a hearing aid. He knows that he is ageing and as he ages, he knows, hearing is affected. He reads my post Hearing Aid May Help Fight Isolation.
Therefore George investigates his options. He shops the hearing aid market– including the on-line stores- to find the best price.
Hearing Aid
George clicks on the picture of a hearing aid and is taken to Widersound.com. He finds the price is good and he can buy it without needing the costly hearing exam.
Therefore he orders the aid and it is on his door step in a few days. The right hearing aid is blue and the left is red, not that you will see it when it is put in your ear.
Ageing Gracefully Also Includes Below the Belt
Nevertheless, we must not think ageing gracefully only involves the area above the neck. As we age we also have to consider the ageing gut health. Yes, what we absorb in our bodies has a lot to do with how we age.
Mark has joint problems. This can be caused, and often is, by our gut health. A bad gut can bring about inflammation. Inflammation can age us and bring about joint problems.
Consequently Mark goes on-line and locates something for his joints. This supplement contains Curcumin 2000 which is very successful in treating the inflammation that causes the joint pain.
Joints Don't age gracefully
Conclusion-Action Needed For Ageing Gracefully
In conclusion, We are ageing. We can’t stop it. But we can ease the aches and pains that will come with the ageing process.
Therefore your next step is to use the links I have provided to ease the transition from age to age. Until next time. As much as it is possible with you, stay in good health.
The gut microbiome is important to health. And you may be asking; Dane, just what is a microbiome? To which I respond–I am glad you ask.
When I speak of a microbiome I define it as a collection of bacteria existing on and within our body. Yes, on and in. But in this posting I will be discussing gut bacteria.
A good starting point is with a basic explanation of the gut microbiome. This short video from the Washington Post will get the discussion going.
To help in this discussion, this page will contain affiliate links to a product. Should you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. So let me thank you for reading this article and supporting me.
The Gut Microbiome Explained
To clarify, all of the bacteria, fungi, viruses and genes that reside on our bodies and inside our intestinal tract make up our microbiome. They are small microscopic particles that can protect us against pathogens- which carry diseases.
That is to say Our immune system uses the microbiome to develop itself. But the best thing it does is it aids in digestion. So it is important for us to eat the right things.
This subject has been spoken of in an earlier post. I talked about our intake of garlic in Garlic and Gut Health Go Together. This is a good post to refer back to.
I warned against the habit of many of us to ingest sugar. Our gut doesn’t like it and it harms more than helps.
Supplements for the Gut Microbiome
A case in point is Richard. Richard takes a supplement called Curcumin 2000 which helps cut the inflammation caused by his poor diet. Beside eating better, he has discovered, after reading my post, feel your best with curcumin 2000, that he needs to eat better day by day.
As a matter of fact there are other foods he can ingest to help his gut microbiome. There are fibers found in fruits and vegetables. The gut can use these fibers to feed the good bacteria.
This clears Richard’s gut to rebuild the microbiome. As we know the gut includes the large intestine which makes up the colon. And the colon gets rid of your waste.
Conclusion And Call To Action
Gut Microbiome
In conclusion, what is the next move? I have presented many links to many fine products, as well as many links to posts made earlier. So what you need to do next is buy the products offered. Don’t wait. Your gut microbiome will thank you and your health will thank you.
Garlic and gut health. In an earlier post I posted how sugar affects your gut. Now I will be looking at health benefits of eating raw garlic. Yes, there is a link between garlic and gut health. And yes, there are health benefits of eating raw garlic. The video on the left will start the discussion. The point is Garlic and gut health go together.
This article will contain affiliate links. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking the link I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Let me thank you for your support.
What you need to understand is basic. What a person eats travels through his gut. The gut is ,for the purpose of this article, the tube running from the mouth to the anus In short, the whole body..
The gut, therefore, is not the stomach. For proper understanding of health benefit we have to expand our understanding.
A gut has been referred to as the second brain as it controls our mood, our digestion, our health. The brain in our skull only sends out impulses to our system to operate in a certain way. And the gut determines even what our skull brain can accomplish.
Raw Garlic Clove
Let’s look at a herb known as garlic. Called the stinking rose by some, garlic is really amazing. It has properties which allows it to work as a probiotic for the gut microbiome.
Health Benefits of Eating Raw Garlic
In my research I have found many benefits for the gut. Remember it is the gut, not the skull brain, that affects the body activity.
I will mention later in this article how to prepare the raw garlic so that you aren’t just taking and eating it like you do an apple or pear. For the moment I will mention a few areas that consuming this herb helps.
For those of us who are prone to catching colds, a diet of garlic will help relieve that cold symptom. It may shorten the sniffles and lessen the aches.
In addition it can help lower our cholesterol levels and improve our heart health. This is most useful for those of us who are aging and need to watch ourselves. We need to have good over all health and taking garlic will lead in this direction.
Then there is the problem some of us have known as GERD. (Gastroesophageal Reflex Disease). This is very uncomfortable, all the acid coming up within the body. Also known as acid reflex. Garlic can help control it.
There are so many other benefits of eating raw garlic and I will have to include them in a later posting.
Preparation Of Your Raw Garlic
Very few people can eat raw garlic as is. So some ideas are in order. As it is, it can be chopped up and put on salads. Or fine graded and made into a tea. Mince it and put it in a cup of hot water. Seep. And drink. Does wonders for the throat and digestion.
There are those who prefer to take it as supplement in tablet form. There are befits in whatever form you desire.
Conclusion and Offer
In cpnclusion, thesehavee been some health benefits of eating raw garlic. Not every benefit has been given. Another posting is in the planning stage.
For those people who can stomach the clove, there is the pill. And that I can offer you a link to purchase. Yet before I do so I will tell you I will get a commission if you use the link and buy the item.
But don’t let that stop you from a daily garlic routine. So buy the garlic or use the link to get the supplement. And stay in good health.
The best thing you can do now is to use the link and go in and buy. Ask your self, what do you have to lose?