Some Weight Loss Supplements I Recommend

Weight loss is on most people’s mind today. It is known that it is not healthy to carry that extra cargo. So here are some weight loss supplements I recommend. I am aware that most people will take a look, shrug, and continue their life style without trying what I place  here for their consideration. But I am sure a few will look and respond.

For example, John has to lose weight. He is looking for an easy way to do so. One that will not require long sweaty hours in a gym.

I am not talking about weight as a force of gravity acting on an object. No, rather when I talk about weight I refer to body weight brought about by a life style of not watching the food put in the mouth and digested in the gut.  And therefore it turns into fat cells.

Three Weight Loss Supplements

John sees all the suggestions out there. There are suggestions. Pills and exercises out there  said to be able to help him lose that unsightly bulge.  There are programs also out there reported to be able to assist you get those extra pounds of and keep them off. John has heard of Jenny Craig and the Keto Diet. They are well and good as long as you keep on them. But they are only as good as the individual who is using them.

Theeefore, I have offered products in an earlier post–A Few Health And Wellness Affiliate Programs, so I am just wish to develop the subject more. This page contains affiliate links. If you should choose to purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no cost to you.

On the one hand, You consider supplements for weight loss. These weight loss supplements are only workable if you realize you must discipline yourself to take them. Realize it took time to get you where you are now and it will take time to lose what you took time to  gain.

Exipure Supplement
Cup of coffee
Java Burn
Cup of Tea
Tea Burn

With this in mind I offer you three weight loss supplements as seen about in the pictures. Click on the picture and you will be taken to the information of each product.

Exipure: One Weight Loss Supplement

The first picture shows Exipure. This is a pill. It is a awesome supplement. It helps you lose fat and the weight it brings. There is a mixture here of eight ingredients which seek out the brown fatty cells that lodge in your body. By utilizing your body to increase your metabolism. 

The all natural plant, herbs, and spices are brought together at a FDA- regulated facility in the United Sates. 

American Flag
American Made

For Coffee Drinkers

Moving on, the second product can be added to your coffee in the morning. It is known as Java Burn.  You open a small packet and layer the crystals in your cup, either hot or cold. Mix it in and drink. It is tasteless. It is safe and will not harm you. In order words, no side effects have been found. But it drives toxins from the body and leaves energy. It also is manufactured in a cGMP and FDA-accredited facility.

For Tea Drinkers

Finally, the third offer is like the second only this one is used in Tea and not coffee. It is a preference of the individual which one to use– coffee or tea. This one is called Tea Burn. Both suppress hunger so you don’t eat as much. But with the energy all day you may not be as hungry so snacking may be cut back.

Conclusion And Summery

So to conclude, there is more I can suggest. This article only offered three good weight loss supplements. Since my niche is health and wellness /weight loss I felt it only right I present these products to you. Click on the pictures to get the information and the chance to buy.

A Few Health and Wellness Affiliate Programs

The Offers Introduced

Healthy Elders
Users of the Health and Wellness programs

Above you see two healthy elderly people who have taken advantage of the health and wellness affiliate programs I will be offering once again.  In past posts, which you are welcome to read at your own pace, I have been offering links to products covering the areas spoken of in the article. Feel free to view them and click the product offer there.

Therefore in  this post I am narrowing the offers down to four areas so as to not confuse you. The four areas are weight loss, gut care, your vision, your brain function.

Health and Wellness Affiliate Program for Your Weight

In short, we age. And as we age our metabolism tends to slow down. This results in a slow gain of flab on our stomachs, our thighs, our butt. It is hard to get off and keep off. So we exercise and diet. Most of the time this isn’t the answer.

I have discussed this in an earlier post along with a supplement you could be using to address the problem.

It is not that you may not feel fine with that extra flab. In short, It is only that it is not healthy for your heart. It is, if you are a woman, you may not be able to get into that dress or pants anymore.

This page will contain affiliate links. If you should choose to purchase after clicking the link, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to  you.

Don't Forget Your Digestion

A case in point is Mary.  Mary eats well. But sometimes she needs to get something down fast because she is between meetings. So she buys fast food  or something off the street cart. Not everything she consumes is being used by her body. It is stored as fat. Or she just has trouble digesting.

Areas of Men's Health- Happy Gut
A well Cared for Gut

She needs to care for her gut as it is the gut that controls her whole body. Food, as I am sure I explained in an earlier post, goes in your mouth. It passes down to your stomach and then the gut opens and lets the food in.This is the intestines where your food is dispensed in liquid form now, into your blood system. That which is solid passes down to your large intestine and your colon and is drop our  in your poop.

Additional Health Products As We Age

Mary knows there are other things she needs as she ages. She realizes her hearing is getting softer and therefore she knows she needs help. I discuss this in the article you can click on called Healthy Living As You age.

But it is also a fact that we need help for our brains as we age. Don’t allow time to lead you to forget your brain needs the help of vitamins also.

Tinnitus Can Affect the Brain
Aging Brain

In other words, This care for the brain also helps our vision.  Since the eye steam comes from the brain, it follows that care for the eyes is care for the brain.

In Closing- Health and Affiliate Programs

Therefore it is important that we spend time reading earlier posts in this web site and respond to the offers. Each offer is thought through.  Not all health and wellness affiliate programs  are equally applicable to you, but I am sure there has been one somewhere.

Because of this  respond. Click the link. Buy. Stay in good health.

Dane Swanson
Happy Healthy Author

Vision Vitamins Help Brain Function

Vision and your brain. Nutrients. All are important. I contend that vision vitamins help brain function. Feed your brain vitamin rich blood and your eyes will benefit.

Clear Eye
Clear Vision

Our eye steam is an extension of our brain. Look at any text book that is talking about the awesome eye and its ability to comprehend things around it and you will be amazed. It is just one of our five senses yet it does so much.

It is kept that way through foods and nutrients we put in our body. Earlier I talked about what can happen to our eyes if we don’t take care.    This is a case of not having taken the correct vision vitamins when they were available.

Before I develop this topic further I will tell you this–this page will contain affiliate links. If you should choose to make a purchase by clicking a link, links located in the pictures, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.

Background Explored

Most of us are born with sight that is adequate and with time adjust to the environment. Some, like me, develop cross-eyed-ness. In cases like that corrective glasses are called for. To maintain my eyes in proper placement. So they would be looking where I was looking.

As I grew and used my eyes more I adapted. But my eye health depended on what I put in my mouth and what went in my gut and circulated in my blood.


But inside my body there was the immune system fighting off infection. Most infection I could fight off by the supplements I took. And  a good supplement I found was Theyavue.

Not all we eat is beneficial to our body or our brain. When we eat and have the food go trough our gut the gut stains out the nutrients and sends them to the blood. The blood circulates and passes to our brain. Most passes through our blood brain barrier.

Tinnitus Can Affect the Brain
Brain Picture

Vision Vitamins Help Brain Function

Therefore we should reinforce our brain  function and with it our eyes through proper nutrients. Spinach and kale  help. The nutrients are very good in keeping the free radicals under control. Free radicals are dangerous as they attack cells and mutate them. The mutated cell could develop into a cancer cell.

Eye Exam
Eye Test
Cat eye Vision

Consequently I had to locate good supplements that worked. Since the brain needs vitamins to function properly, it is only right to inform you of good nutrients you can purchase. As explained about, you will be helping me.

Conclusion And Offer

So realize you are aging. As you age all the free radicals in your body will attack your organs. And they can do damage to the macula of your eye if you don’t do something about it while you can. It is a two way benefit. Eye vitamins help brain function and proper vitamins help the brain to give you vision that is sufficient for getting around.

Therefore for your brains’ sake  take advantage of the offers.

Are You Looking For Weight Loss Solutions?

Weight loss solutions. Most Americans are not starving. Not with so much available food products around. And this abundance of food seems to be bringing about an obesity problem.

Food products
Good Things to Eat

Of course this means you need to look to ways to control your weight. Which means you are looking for solutions. And this solution you are seeking should be one that you are able to stick with.

This page will contain affiliate links. If you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, contained in the pictures, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support. 

Why You Need Weight Loss Solutions

You need to watch your weight for the simple reason your health depends on it. And your health is determined by what you eat and what moves through your gut.  The better way to say that is that your health depends on what your gut absorbs.

There are many weight loss services and you may Google them. They all have weight loss solutions. Take your pick. They all want you to buy their program.

In short, there is information out there on weight loss ideas. I would like to mention a few  and then offer you a link to a product that may help.

Some Suggestions for Weight Loss

Of course I am not a doctor or a certified nutrition guru. All I can offer is a few simple ideas toward  the weiht loss program.

The first thing I will suggest is to add more protein to your diet. This could boost your metabolism and a boosted metabolism will reduce your appetite and make you feel more full. After all, we eat because we don’t feel full enough. 

Of course it makes a difference just what we eat. Junk food bought at a fast food establishment  will fill us up, but it is not the right type of protein, if any at all, that our body needs. Remember, our gut takes in what we give it and tries to utilize  it.  And sometimes it turns it into fat cells which, over time, stays and forms fat which brings on weight. So we should seek to find and consume  whole, single ingredient foods. Avoid processed foods. Stick to fruits and vegetables. And with your food, drink lots of water. Hydrate.

Conclusion and Offer

In conclusion, we need to be aware of our weight. A good way to take care of our  bodies is to use the supplements available to us. Click on the picture of Exipure and learn more about this.

There are many weight loss solutions out there. We are in control of our bodies. Feel free to use the links found in this article. And I will see you in the next blog.

Healthy Living As You Age

We are all aging. This is a fact of life. The best way is to be ageing gracefully. It is possible, I contend, using the supplements I will be offering you in this blog post.

People Ageing

On the one hand, the need to be aware of age is because we are living longer now. And as we age we will have needs that we can satisfy through our present on-line market presented by the internet and on-line shopping.

We define middle age as  the years 40 to 60. And since aging is a natural process there is no reason to dread it.  The aim is to age gracefully.

After all a way to view the aging process is to see the  body wearing down. That is not a pleasant view but a realistic one. What we had when we were young needs help.

Therefore this page contains links. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking the link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. And I thank you for your support.

Ageing Gracefully Means Our Hair Is Thinning

Let us consider Mark. Mark is aging and as he ages he notices his hair isn’t as thick as it used to be. He was able to find an on-line store that could get him Provillus. When Mark uses it daily he gets good results.

Thinning hair growth
Thinning Hair

Results like can be dependent on regular use. You can get your own product by clicking on the picture and ordering a bottle or so for yourself. 

Mark has read the earlier post Hair Loss Progression can be stopped. You can do it also by using the link.

We men feel better with a full head of hair. Mark does.

Our Hearing Starts to Dim

And we have George. George notes that people seem to be speaking softer around him. Or is it something to do with him? Is there something he can do?

George has decided to do something about it. He will buy and use a hearing aid. He knows that he is ageing and as he ages, he knows, hearing is affected. He reads my post Hearing Aid May Help Fight Isolation.

Therefore George investigates  his options. He shops the hearing aid market– including the on-line stores- to find the best price.

Hearing Aid
Hearing Aid

George clicks on the picture of a hearing aid and is taken to He finds the price is good and he can buy it without needing the costly hearing exam.

Therefore he orders the aid and it is on his door step in a few days. The right hearing aid is blue and the left is red, not that you will see it when it is put in your ear.

Ageing Gracefully Also Includes Below the Belt

Nevertheless, we must not think ageing gracefully only involves the area above the neck. As we age we also have to consider the ageing gut health. Yes, what we absorb in our bodies has a lot to do with how we age.

Mark has joint problems. This can be caused, and often is, by our gut health. A  bad gut can bring about inflammation. Inflammation can age us and bring about joint problems.

Consequently Mark goes  on-line and locates something for his joints. This supplement contains Curcumin 2000 which is very successful in treating the inflammation that causes the joint pain.

Joint Pain
Joints Don't age gracefully

Conclusion-Action Needed For Ageing Gracefully

In conclusion, We are ageing. We can’t stop it. But we can ease the aches and pains that will come with the ageing process.

Therefore your next step is to use the links I have provided to ease the transition from age to age. Until next time. As much as it is possible with you, stay in good health.