Cats, Pets and Health

Americans seem to love their pets.  Cats. Dogs. Birds. And because they do they should also be concerned with the health of these companions. In the case of your cat you should provide a cat supplement.

Of course we want our four footed felines, canines, and other assorted pets to be with us as long possible.

Therefore we watch their food intake, Or we should. The sight of an obese pet. Plus it is very unfair to let your pet get to that condition. And as any vet would tell you, it is not wise. So we feed them the best we can find. Food with nutrients and minerals . 

The reason we do this is we want them to have a good quality of life. Just like us they deserve it. They didn’t ask to be born.

If it is a cat, just consider the amount of kittens the female pushes out unless you get her fixed. And the soon the better. But that is not the subject of this posting.

The title tells it all. I want to talk about cats, pets and health. The three are connected. They are connected in the area of nutrition, which is the main thrust of this whole site. Nutrition through proper diet and when it comes to your cat, a cat supplement.

In the area of cats–leave the dogs and other pets out– the food producers strive to present the best fortified meals they are able to produce and still make a profit.

I feed my cat kibbles, he won’t touch any wet food. Well, maybe baby food, but that is not what I am talking about here. The kibble makers strive to include what they figure cats need. High-quality protein for strong muscles along with healthy carbs for the vital energy they need. Included in them are the essential fatty acids for the shinny coat we all love in the cat we have. Something for all of the animals’ life stages.

I can recommend something in the way of vitamins supplement that you can try. Just like us they may not get all of the nutrients they need in what they eat.. Check with your veterinarian before using this, but I am sure it will be an aid in the complete health program you should have set up for your four legged buddy.

In order for us to properly care for our animal friends we too need nutrition, which I have talked about in another post. Pets unfortunately don’t last long. Cats, pets and health. That’s what it is all about.

Joint Advantage Aids Joints

Joint Advantage aids joints. Joints allow our body structure to move. To assure this we need more free joint health.

This posting contains a link to a company I have an affiliate relationship with. That means that when you go in and see what they offer and you purchase the product offered, they will give me a commission at no cost to you.

Joints. They are very important. We must protect and keep them healthy.

Our body structure has joints, as you are aware. Hips, knees, toes, wrist, jaw, shoulders- just to name a few. we constantly move them. The bones rub against each other at the joints. There is a cushion of cartilage that acts as a pad . They tend to wear down as we age.

Which is why we have aches and pain and stiffness as we age. The cartilage is wearing down.

So we need to use glucosamine and MSM products to help.

I can give you a link to a product that will help. When you use this link and buy the product the company will pay me a commission at no cost to you. So it is a win-win when you use the link and buy the product.

Joint Advantage aids joints. It is a joint health supplement. It comes highly recommended.


That is to say, as we age we need help keeping our body functioning. We help ourselves and our body by proper nutrition and supplementation. Taking Joint Advantage daily is a good way to insure our joints work well.

As I have said before, not all the nutrients we need are found in the foods we consume. We need supplements along side the meal on our plate. Staying supple and avoiding needless pain brought about by aging is what I consider paramount. We are in control.

As I keep saying, try Joint Advantage and be on your way to a better life.

In another post I will talk about other vitamins needed.

Interview With Blogger

Interview With Blogger

Questioning Begins

People are looking for a place to locate supplements for health and wellbeing. They need to know what is available out there. It this case, they need to know where online they can find the products.

Therefore. I am presenting this mock interview at this time in the website.

It is early in the process of setting up the website. It is the best place to ask myself,  to explain the purpose of this series of blog posts.

There are things we need to know if we are to best use this site. Therefore, I will be asking interviewing questions of the host.

This posting will be split up into two voices.

This should be fun .

In other words, The interviewer will be D. And the blogger will be A.

Therefore let us begin.

Starting out let us picture me meeting myself at the interview door. I invite myself to sit down and make myself comfortable.

Now let us begin.


D. People will be clicking on this site and will be asking- just what is the purpose of this site.  Therefore, let me ask:  what is the reason for presenting yet another site of supplements for health?

A. Yes. Please feel free to probe.  I can see a need to know.. There seem to be quite a lot of blogs talking about health and  nutrition. And , of course, it will be in the style of a blog. But within the blog I hope to monetize the posts. Which means, I will be offering links to items . Well, let me express that this is an affiliate driven blog. As an

affiliate  blog I will be presenting links to products. The idea is to monetize the following posts which come after this one.

Therefore, when you use one of the links I give and take a look at what is offered, should you decide to buy the product, the company offering the product may share a portion of the revenue with me, at no cost to you.

D What do you mean by that?

A. This is called Dane’s Supply. The reach will be to people 55+ and their needs. I see these needs being for items that are best obtained online. I will be offering links to items for sale from many companies I have an affiliate relationship with. That means they give me a commission when the customer uses my link to their store or product and purchase the advertised item. Mostly this will be supplements and nutrients.

In order words, I am the salesman showing you the product and you decide to buy that product. You pay X amount for that item. From that purchase, no cost to you, the company shares with me the profit gained. And as you know, the company can’t exist and pay the bills if it has made no money.

D:  To clarify- can’t I just find the product elsewhere and buy it? Do I need to use your site to buy the product?

Also, don’t you have other sites you are working on?

A. Yes. I have some posts also. They are

The other one is located at

D. Is there another way to purchase these items? Like, say, it was able to be located offline?

A.  Let me answer it this way. No, in one sense what I will be offering you items which can only be found on this site, since the items are offered as on-line products.

Therefore-Yes. There may be brick and mortar stores out there which may have the supplements for the same or better price. It is totally in your control where you wish to shop. I want to be your first choice. As such, I am offering you 0n-line shopping You see this going on with Amazon.

In short,

you won’t have to wait in lines. By the way, these are good interviewing questions to be asking. They may help traffic.

I am an entrepreneur and  so I am offering you the best way to get your items without having to mess with traffic  Have the item sent to your home.

D. Okay. So, another one of the interviewing questions, what can you offer? What is your niche?

A. Glad you asked. That is a perfectly good interviewing question. My niche is primarily the people 55+ market at the moment. The health and wellness niche will be one area. I define health and wellness not only in nutrition and supplements but in intellect.

For example: There are many books out there that go unread. I am sure there are even books out there that are going out of print. But they are somewhere.

I can offer you a link to a service that can locate it if it is out there, and offer to have you buy it if you so desire.

D Okay. So reading is an area of health and wellness, as you see it.

You mention your area will be people 55+ . Why this group?

A. There is a need to keep in good health for as long as possible. I feel if they would exercise, eat well, take proper nutrients which include vitamins and minerals , and visit their doctor on a scheduled basis, they should have a chance to live a long healthy life.

Of course there will be periods of time when they are visited by illness–that seems to be a part of aging, -Dane’s Supply is setup to walk beside them in this journey.

To summarize, there are different needs we have as we age and different supplements for health we need to take. I wish to meet those needs.

D; Okay. So I think we have enough to go on. Let me end this post here and allow you to rest.

Before you leave, please spend some time reading and responding  to the many blog posts contained at this website.

A Thank you and have a nice day.
