Vitamin Supplement For Us

Since this is a site that contains postings on the niche supplements for people 55 and up, I decided to list each vitamin supplement . This will be the subject of my earlier posts and the ones to come.

Your Vitamin Supplement Is Vital

Yes, it is very important we take a supplement, such as a multivitamin, as we age. When we take a multivitamin, which should always be taken with a meal, we supplement what we don’t get enough of in our diet.

Our multivitamin can be used to treat what we are deficient in. This deficiency can be caused by an illness we have had. Also during pregnancy it is very important we supplement. Poor nutrition , which is found in fast food binges, provides another need for a multivitamin. We need, as we age, tgo keep up our intake of vitamin supplements.


If we were to have a digestive disorder, that prevents us from eating certain foods, that can be a reason for the need for a supplement.

Presenting The Supplement

The body needs nutrients.  There are the basic nutrients for the body of the person aged 51 to 70 , and these ware the ones I hope to talk about here,

So you will be needing the basic supplement of A. D, E, and K. These are your fat-soluble vitamins. Fat soluble is stored in the body in your fat cells and released as you need them. You can overdose if you get too much of these.


 Also as you approach your 50s you will need more calcium and vitamin D as you are undergoing bone loss.

Now in Center Stage-Vitamin Supplement

Supplement needs

Our vitamin list is as follows:

Vitamin A: this is for healthy eyes and for general growth and development. It is still important for those of us who are in the upper age range. We still need to care for our eyes and need those healthy teeth and skin.

So eat those carrots and sweet potatoes along with your cantaloupe and other melons.

Vitamin B: which comes in a packet, so to speak. The B complex is good for the energy you need. It is also good for immune function and Iron absorption.

The complex is as follows. Thiamine, Riboflavin, Niacin, Pantothenic Acid, Biotin, Folate.

Vitamin C; This strengthens blood vessels. It also helps the skin elasticity. You can also find gthis as an anti-oxidant fighting the free radicals (=More about them in another post)

Vitamin D: Ah, yes. D. We get our healthy bone help here.

Vitamin E: This also is very useful for our blood circulation and it also protects against those nasty free radicals.

Vitamin K Very useful.. It helps our blood clot.

Folic Acid: Mentioned above, it gives us help in cell renewal. In addition , it can prevent birth defects in pregnancy..

Calcium: Also  mentioned once before- this helps our healthy teeth and bones

Iron: So now we have iron. This helps in the building of our muscles and helps give us our healthy blood.

Zinc: Also we need this as it will help our immunity and our fertility and growth.


Chromium:  This one is for our glucose function. It will make sure every cell in our body gets the energy it needs when it needs it.

Summation And Close

So  there you have it. I may have given you a lot to read and consider, but I feel it was needful to handle what a supplement is and what each one was. 

I hope this brings a clarification to the web posts .

feel free to comment to this or any other post on this web site. 

To look at this subject a bit deeper you can read an earlier post on an supplement for your body building effort.

Built Bars For Daily Life

Great Energy Bar

A Suggestion For You

It is an average day and you are looking to eat something that will pick you up and give you energy to get through the day. It can’t just be anything. It has to be something good tasting and nutritious. You may have already had something for breakfast and need something to tide you over until lunch.           

So you grab a candy bar, right?


You can do what most people tend to do-You can grab a nutrition bar.  But not just any nutrition bar.  If it were and that was all out  there, that would be fine.

But  you don’t really have to do what others do. Stand out in the crowd. Here’s what I do. I grab a Built Bar for daily life.

What Is A Built Bar?

 Therefore you should ask: So what is a Built Bar? 

Now you are thinking! 

If you were to look it up under Google you would find it is a protein bar that most consider the best tasting bar out there. To that I agree.

You can find it online .


Of course I must inform you, I can link you to the Build bar supplier as an affiliate marketer. What d I get from this fs you should buy the Built Bar through my link? It is simple. For sending you over there and you purchasing a box (The way they come) I am given a commission at no cost to you. I am not a stock holder. .

How they come

This bar is so packed with nutrients that body builders can even use them before and after a workout. Remember to limit it to two a day or you may have gas and even a period of diarrhea. If you have trouble processing milk products you may want to back off. Each bar is made wit ha protein mix of whey protein. It has gelatin and lecithin. This best tasting protein bar is such that when you consume it it gives you a feeling of satisfaction knowing you are not cheating on your diet.

How Many Do I Buy?

You buy them by the box of 18.  the built bar will come in many flavors, as I have said. You can get them as Built Bars or as Built Broth or as Built Go or Built Boost. You can purchase them in an assortment box, which I recommend. This way you can find one you like and then can reorder, which I hope you will.

If you were to ask about the taste I would say it is more like a marshmallow rather than a chalky texture. You really don’t realize you are eating something good for you. You may think of it mire as a candy than an energy bar. but it is.

We have been asked in the past to buy American made products. Built bar is American made.

So thank you for reading this and please do use the link to go in and buy a box.

The mixed box is good to start with. Branch out after the first order.


Beauty And Skin Care

Black Beauty
Beauty and Skin Care

The largest organ you have is your skin. This is  a thin layer that holds all your organs in and is seen outwardly by those around us.  Therefore you need the right skin care products to project the best you.

First of all, it is a shame that more of us don’t take care of it as we could. Men shave it and wash it and mainly that is that. Some know to, from time to time, put cream on it. There is a big market out there for men’s skin care.


At the same time, taking care of the organ doesn’t seem so hard for women. They are taught beauty is more than skin deep, but boys and men look on the outer skin beauty.

So from an early age they learn the value of cosmetics. They value skin care. Not that a man doesn’t. I am not talking about the gay man or the transvestite. I am mostly talking about real men. We men use after shave and cologne but not too many use skin cream. We just weren’t taught.

Another area we have to be aware of is our fragile dermis. Let me suggest  sun screen. By now we all know the value of sun screen. There is such a chance of skin cancer down the line that is is wise to put on some sun screen.


We all seem to know cosmetic companies we can use. Department stores have counters. Mary Kay, Avon, Amway,, and so on handle skin care products. I even have a link to a Korean company that handles skin care products and cosmetics.

Why do I mention the Korean company when we have so many good suppliers in America? Simple. They have good products and good customer service. Plus if you use my link to them and buy from them they have said I get a commission at no cost to you.

They are Silicon2 Style Korean. They have your skin care products and more.


I have talked about this earlier in another post when it comes to women over 50.

Of course you are free to buy your cosmetics and skin care products from whom ever you wish. .After all, that is how commerce works. You see what you like. You buy. You help the economy. When you buy from the Korean company you help the economy.

So to sum up, male of female, we have this big gland of skin which is with us. We should take care of it. It doesn’t have to show age as quickly as when it is not cared for. Feel free to act upon the offer given.

Say, Do You Hear?

Say, do you hear? Let me ask it another way. How is your hearing? You know. Hearing. It is the auditory ability to perceive sounds by detecting vibrations. It is your brain cells that pick up the sounds. 

Let me point you to the best hearing supplement I have found for the need. It is easy and when added to your morning vitamin supply is a no-brainer.,  In other words, has anyone said to you, say, ‘Do you hear me?  And you have to have them repeat what they said? Or do you catch only a bit of what is being said?

You need to hear what is being said, Consequently what you may need, my friend, is a good hearing supplement selling for a reasonable price. 

I may have one for you I can suggest. Sonovive is its name. Refresh your hearing cells as well as your brain cells.

When you buy I may get a commission from the  company offering you this hearing supplement.

In conclusion, you may be experiencing a little loss of hearing. Don’t worry. It is common.

In other words, with all the noise around us at the pitch common to most things, chances are we can lose some and not k now it. When the movies used to be shown in theaters the sound the movie played back seemed jacked up to an ear aching pitch. Surely some hearing was lost there.

You may need the best hearing supplement offered.

You must realize it doesn’t just happen to the aged. Young people can have some loss also. And it can become worse as time goes on.

For example, If we were to look at an ear and hearing we would discover three pats to the ear. The outer ear which we can see. The middle ear is where the sound moves down. And we get to the inner ear where the bones are and the area containing the small hairs which vibrate with the waves passing through when a sound is made. The outer ear– the middle ear– the inner ear.

In other words, Aging can do it. We often see the adult staining to hear what you are saying. You observe them struggling to hear you. Or sometimes they have trouble understanding you. Then they react to you but not according to what you thought you have said. Or they accuse you of mumbling.

I have talked about this in an earlier posting- how is your hearing? So you have read it before.

Of course, you are not experiencing any of these actions. No, you have good hearing.

But for those of you who feel they may need it,  I will be pointing you to the best hearing aid I have found for the situation you find yourself in.

So for those who do have this there is the hearing aid. There is no stigma attached to wearing one. No matter what your age. As I have said, young people have some slight loss at times that a hearing aid will help.

I can direct you to a place to get this supplement at an affordable price. It is American made and the customer service is top rate.

So for the sake of your friends who want you to hear them, feel free to click the link and buy.

Mental Health In Times of Lock Down

Mental Health is important. If you are a person in a state which has a lockdown in place because of the fear of what is known as the COVID- scare, I feel for you.

Basic Fact

Is a basic fact what we have is an unknown virus that seems to be transmitted in groups.

A lockdown is highly unneeded since the public is not a group of children who need a nanny to tell them what to do. A good percentage are adult enough to know and understand what we have here.

We seem to have a virus that until recently there was no known way to protect against. So, I guess, it seems, some wise or not so wise people in government decided to shut everything down. It is not too good for mental health.

Part of the lockdown seems to be extended to shutting down retail and food providers. Destroying the economy seems make these governors feel they are protecting us. An example of a foolish government official is the one in California, Newsom, who is presently facing a recall.

What Cn We Do?

So what can we do? Is there anything we can do?

Follow the rules. Wear a mask when in stores and among groups. There is no reason to be wearing one outside when you are the only one in the area. But when with other people, wear one. As they have told us, we wear a mask to protect the other person and they wear one to protect us. If there is no other person in front, behind, or at your side it is just playing a fool to be trying to breathe through cloth.

So what can we do? Virus or no virus, we still have to watch our health. A part of watching our health is to get the right nutrients in us. This is best done through the foods we eat and the supplements we take. And we should watch our mental health.

As you are aware I try to suggest in each post a product which I handle as an affiliate marketer. This means I suggest an item, give a link, and you use my link to shop. When you buy the item offered and have it sent to your house, or where ever, I get a commission at no cost to you.


In times like this you need the best supplement . In times like this you need to calm your mood and relax. Here is the link to some products that may help. Feel free to browse and use your card to buy. We will make it through this time in good shape. The vaccine is starting to be available. And these supplements are there for your mental health.