Obesity is here and it is not healthy. It is not really a case of big bones (as some may tell you, trying to excuse their unsightly feature) It may rather be a case of our dependence on a Western Mindset. In this posting I will be offering you some options for weight control.
A possible cause of weight gain and obesity may be our Western over dependence on antibiotics. In and of themselves, antibiotics are useful. But as the name says, it is an antibiotic. It will not differ between the good bacteria and the bad bacteria. We need both in our gut. It is needed for weight control.
The other problem with the overuse of antibiotics is overuse tends to open us to infection and inflammation.
Instead, we need a diet high in indigestible plant fiber. We don’t need this Western diet of highly processed food.
The answer may lie in your gut and it’s a collection of bacteria. Yes. Bacteria. We have within us a collection of bacteria which keeps us healthy and also helps with the digestion of our food. What we put in our mouth powers our body or breaks it down. What is not properly digested can turn to fat and settle on our hip or thigh.
We need weight control.
Weight Control Is in Our Microbiome
Little organisms are all around us. They are on our skin and in our bodies. All viruses and bacteria along with fungi and protozoa make up this microbiome. If counted I they are about a staggering hundred million trillion microbes and more than a billion bacteria in one drop of fluid in your colon alone.
And still you remain healthy.
You can view your body as a huge factory. Inside that factory you have your organs- liver, kidneys, lungs, making up the machinery. Your have the blood moving impurities out and around.
The Issue Faced
Hello. My name is Dane Swanson and I offer health products through this blog style web site. The health products I will suggest in this posting are affiliate products. Which means should you use my link (And please do) and purchase the item, I get a commission.
To continue–This morning I happened to look out my window and saw the people passing by. A good percentage of them were what you would say on the slightly paunchy size. Some were obese.
There is no reason for them to be so. They just eat the western diet which is heavy on carbohydrates and fats but low on fruits and vegetables and nutrients.
They will tell me that they have large bones and must carry all that excess weight. And I would say back, if I could, no, your problem is you consume too much of the wrong nutrients.
You shouldn’t have to depend on supplements alone to help handle the problem of weight control. But there are these two hacks I will offer you.
The Hacks for Weight Control
These two supplements are safe and do work. When you click on the link you will be sent to a presentation. Watch the presentation and then purchase one of the offers for three or six months. This is so it has enough time to reprogram your body for full effect.
Decide which one will fit into your life style. You don’t need both.
The first is one that works on the liver. Fat is burned here and if the liver is in bad repair it sends the fat back to settle on your hip or your thigh. It is called Liv Pure.
The second one is also a drop that works. A small hack and simple to use and very effective. It is called Biolean.
Conclusion- Good Health
So he ball is in your court now. You don’t need to be overweight. It hurts your organs and it is not that sexy.
Until next time. Stay in good health and live long.