Time For Rebranding

The time has come, the walrus said, to talk of other things. It is time for me to start rebranding Dane’s Supply. For those who have faithfully been reading each posting. You have been noticing each posting has been on an aspect of diseases and problems encountered as a person grows old. A product has been offered in each posting concerning each condition. It is time for rebranding. My rebranding will include such things as coffee online.

It is time for rebranding now because I am not having sales. No one is buying. I seem to be talking. to myself. If I ever had an audience, they seem not to be there. They are running away.

Therefore I got to  thinking, just what does my audience– you readers- out there really need? More than just supplements for the aging body. More than exercise equip. All that can be found if you take the time to search through this web site. Maybe they need ease in finding products online.

One Area Tried

 For example, when I talked about shingles, there was an offer, which should you have clicked on the link given would have taken you to the offer. Once there you were presented with the choice to buy it or not. Since I am using affiliate products, if you were to purchase the company would share a commission with me.


That just didn’t seem to happen. So I have decided to expand my offering to other products. These products will still be in the area of health and wellness but in a broader sense.

So in trying to rebrand I decided to offer more healthier products that don’t depend on age of the audience.  I have always liked the coffee online offer. Since coffee is a healthy product and everyone to a certain extent is a coffee drinker or knows someone who is, my first offer in the rebranding venture will be coffee. And poof, it came to me. They should be made aware of  a way to  order coffee online.

Sure, You can buy great coffee  online, were you aware of that? Once again you may be asking, why coffee and why consider it healthful.

Glad You Asked.

Coffee properly purchased either as a bean or ground offers vast benefits. According to the Federal Drug Administration- the FDA- coffee can be part of a healthy diet. They suggest an intake of 400 mg of caffeine a day which they say is safe for a healthy adult. That averages out to 4 cups of regular 8-ounce servings. Don’t overdo it.


As I said there are benefits. One such benefit is extra alertnerss. Drowsiness is cut down if that is what you are aiming for. That morning intake of caffeine could help you process quicker. Another benefit, and there are many, is your performance in the day could improve. You walk faster for example. If nothing else it can boost your mood. Your metabolism speeds up because of the stimulus of the caffeine. And a surge of dopamine is released.

You may also find your memory is improved.

Furthermore there is your health. Drinking coffee may slow down Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s.

Moreover you have science on your side. People tend to listen to science. Are you wishing to watch your weight? Science has suggested the caffeine in coffee consumption aids in your fat burning efforts. That is if you don’t put sugar in the drink. It is better to try it black.

Cup of coffee

And there are antioxidants and vitamins you need. Not enough to overdose, but some to benefit you. In your cup you have your B2, your B5, Manganese and potassium, your Magnesium and niacin.

Possible Downside To Coffee

On the other hand there are some negative aspects of coffee drinking. You are aware that too much coffee can bring about anxiety and agitation. And you have to watch for the possibility of insomnia. So if you do drink it, schedule the consumption earlier in the day.

When  you buy coffee online  I must warn you to not use unfiltered coffee as this may cause an increase of bad cholesterol in your blood stream which could clog your arteries and bring about heart problems.

The Final Facts

Therefore, the consumption of coffee is up to you. There are many good benefits you can get from consumption of this beverage. I have given you the link above to a recommend provider. Your next step will be to look and purchase a package your budget and taste dictate.

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Strong Christian gentleman. Reader and thinker. Believes the right nutrition keeps the body in good health.