Shingles can be handled. And you can be one of the few who battle back and win. Use the shingles solution.
Are you one of those who has had chicken pox as a child? And were you told, as I have been, that once you have had the disease the antibodies it left will protect you from any more occurrence ? That may have been the extent of the doctor’s knowledge at that time, but now you are aware that the antibodies can be reactivated and give you shingles. But there is a shingles solution. You want to be proactive.
However it is a sad fact but true, you can get shingles multiple times. In other words, it isn’t over yet.
But there is a singles solution. Well, a few. I handled this topic of a solution in an earlier post when I wrote about the shingles shot. Since writing that I have found another offer I can present.. You can fight back.
A Solution Offered-shingles solution
I still believe this is a solution. Yet I don’t think there are many out there who will follow the suggestion. After all, you may say to yourself I can handle it if it should come.
Okay. Fine. You are a risk taker. After all, it is your life. But there is another shingles solution I can offer you. Click here for that solution.
Shingles And Age
I am thinking of your health. You need to watch it carefully as you age. This is mentioned because I care about the health and wellbeing of those age 55 and above. Not that it isn’t as important for those under the age of 55.
So until the next post, stay well and do interact with the offers in each posting in this site.
A wise person gets their shingles shot. It is highly recommended.
What Is Shingles?
We hear the word. Shingles. Just what is it? How big a problem is it?
It all depends. What we are looking at when we mention shingles is a type of herpes. Anyone who has had chicken pox may develop a case of shingles.. The virus remains in the body and is dormant.
More about that later.
Shingles Shot
Recently I got my singles shot. It is a two step process. By that , I mean you get the shot and a couple months down the line you get the second one, which is a booster. As a result, you should not have to worry about shingles.
Picture Shingles as bugs
Singles is not bugs. But I could think of no better way to illustrate the idea. What you will get when the virus reactivates and gives you a painful sensation. It will work its way out on one side of your body.
Therefore, for the first few days, I am told, never having had it (yet) , the skin is fine then blisters start to form.
Case of Shingles
Subsequently, these blisters activate the nerves and you feel pain. You can’t really dress that side of your body. You can’t scratch. Then the blisters burst open, spurting the pus.
Consequently, it is this pus that can transmit the shingles. It is not contagious otherwise.
The Cost Of A Shingles Shot
Shingle shots were being offered at my local CVS. Therefore I was able to get my shot at CVS, with a prescription written by my primary care physician. That makes the shot affordable. It retails for as high as a couple hundred. Yet with the medical orders written , I was covered.
Insurance doesn’t cover it, but I do understand that Medicare will help.
That is to say, be ready to pay something for the shot.
The Need
If what has been said already doesn’t impel you to get one, then let me assure you will not escape the virus. i out of 3 people in the US will get the Vericella Roster Virus. The body can flare up at any time. You will feel tingling and then a burning sensation. There could be numbness and stinging pain. Then the rash.
Once the rash settles on the skin you will have to live with it for weeks and weeks. then when the blister burst and the fluid flows and crusts form over the sores…
You get the picture. It is better to go through a two shot program then wait for the virus. You need the shingles shot
My Conclusion
It is in there, in your body. There are a few things that can bring it on. Stress can bring it on. A compromised immune system can bring it on. Age can bring it on. (Over 50) . It is not pleasant. I have posted in another posting in this series . I am sure you would wish to link the two,
There is something I can offer you to help boost the immune system. Remember, the virus can become active if you have a weak immune system. So I can offer you Curcumin .
And what do I get by offering you this.?
Thank you for asking. Since I am offering you a link to the company that handles this product, and should you buy the item, the company gives me a commission. You get the product. I get the commission or finders fee. Only fair.