Prostate Health Needs Care

Hey. You men  out there. Come close and look at this. You know that prostate health needs care. I would like to offer you four suggestions of prostate health supplements.

I will be directing you to four companies who have items that can help resolve the concern. If you should click the link I may be compensated for my time spent in referring you.

First off we must be clear that no one really knows what causes the enlargement. I have spoken of this in an earlier post.

Prostate care supplements

Prostate health is one of the most important concerns for men. The thing is, no one really knows what causes it. It just is.

The  gland just seems to grow with us. As a little tot we have one. It is part of the marvelous body that God created. It is located under the bladder. There is a small tube running through it which transport our pee.  As the gland grows it presses on the tube making it harder to pass the urine.

It is  not the start of cancer nor is it seen as a precursor to prostate cancer. But it is uncomfortable And should be attended to.

What Can Be Done For Better Prostate Health?


There was a study done in 2003 which showed that men who got the most ultra violet exposure from sunlight seem to have a better healthier  gland. So sun exposure time seems to be one thing that can be done. 

Also a brief 10 to 20 minute massage at least once a month if not once a day is important for a healthier gland.

But the reason for this post is to suggest some prostate health supplements. Supplements other than proscription drugs.

Here are two of them. And then I will give links to two others. Click on these two and the two others to get the suggested four for prostate health supplements.

Prostate Supplement

I have two more to help in your prostate enlargement control. You may never die from an enlarged prostate but you will need to keep your flow of urine steady. One very good one is a drop formula you can put in your coffee, tea, juice, or just take in your mouth. It has a strong taste so it is best taken in liquid. It is called Protadine.

I am not listing these in any order of effectiveness. They are all effective. It is a matter of preference. And now on to the fourth. It can help your flow. It is called by a catchy name- Protastream.

For Better Prostate Health Supplements Conclusion

The health of your prostate is up to you. It will not get smaller. It will , if untreated, make you very uncomfortable. Maybe you will pee your pants. Maybe you will have to wear a diaper.

I have addressed this in an earlier post in another place about the need to take time for yourself. So it is not like, if you are actively  reading this web page and its articles, that you can say I don’t care.

The next step is yours. Click on the links and  take better care of yourself.