Garlic and Gut Health Go Together

The Premise

Garlic and gut health go together. That is a strange idea. How does garlic and gut health connect?

Benefits Of Garlic and Gut Health

Steven is concerned about the health of his gut. He reads that the gut reaches from his mouth to his anus. A tube. A long 20 to 25 foot tube. In order for this tube to fit it must curve. 

Areas of Men's Health- Happy Gut
Happy tube

Let’s make this simple.  The food is masticated and then goes from the throat to the esophagus The food travels to the stomach. The acids break down the food sent down. The broken down material is sent down to the intestine. The intestine allow some to be absorbed into our blood stream. The matter passes trough the intestine and bacteria starts to work on it.  

To clarify, We have within us good and bad bacteria.  in itself that is not harmful. We need the balance to be healthy.

That is to say we can help our gut to function correctly. It will determine our health. The gut can make us ill or well, depending on what we give it.  

Sally has heard that we can help our gut by taking something called probiotics.  Therefore she wants to know what she sould be taking.

Gut Health Help
Help For Gut Health

I suggest we also look at garlic also. Garlic and gut health go together. Probiotics are important. But it is suggested you only use probiotics for a short time. Garlic can be taken everyday.

Garlic's Benefits

In other words, garlic being an herb is useful for more things than a probiotic. And it works on the bacteria in the gut in a different way.

Garlic Clove
Garlic Is the New Aid

Garlic has been known to reduce inflammation and boost immune function. It may  improve heart health and help prevent certain types of cancer. you should aim at ingesting  one  to three cloves a day or about  three to ten grams.

I have talked about gut health in an earlier post. Sugar and gut health is one. I am not recommending sugar as part of gut health. What I am recommending is garlic as garlic and gut health go together. I have talked about gut health through probiotics in another place.

Therefore let me recommend a place where you can get a supplement to help you with the garlic.  You may not want to always mess with garlic cloves, but would rather simply take your daily garlic in pill form.

Kyolic is the brand I recommend. Before I give you a link to them, I must tell you I get a commission on each purchase since I am  recommending them. I am not a representative of the company. I am the person on the floor, so to speak. The one who directs you to the shelf where the item is.

For the Kyolic brand supplements you just click here. 

Conclusion: Garlic and Gut Health Go Together.

In conclusion, You must acknowledge your health is very important. There is no need to get peptic ulcers if your balance of bacteria in your gut is correct.

Alice knows this.  Garlic acts as a probiotic as it helps beneficial bacteria in the gut. She feels better for taking it.

Therefore taking garlic in pill form, she doesn’t worry about garlic cloves getting old and useless. She gets the best of two worlds. She gets a probiotic and a form of garlic that is easy on her system.

You can join Alice and Sally and Steven by using the link given to go in and buy today. You will feel so much better and be so much healthier.

In a posting to come I will discuss this further and develop it.