New Day-- New Web Site
Today is a sunny Sunday. We have a new day and a new web site. And if you have read the earlier posts you may be still wondering what this site is all about. You need your morning supplements.
Since the name of the site is Dane’s Supply, you may wonder just what I aim to offer you as supplies. And just what exactly these will be.
Therefore, let me try to explain. I presently am an affiliate marketer. Which mean there are companies I have an affiliate relationship with. I will be offering a link in the picture at the end of this post. If you should click and buy the product, the company may send me a commission for the purchase. That is how affiliate marketing works.
Affiliate Marketing
An affiliate marketer has joined with a company not as an employee but as an independent contractor, so to speak, who offers products that the company has for sale. The marketer is given a link to the product which links to the company’s sales page.
Consequently, I advertise the product giving you the link. You, the customer, sees what you want on my site, you click on the link offered, and you go to the company’s product page. You like what you see. You get out your card and purchase.
I get a commission without any cost to you. You are happy. I am happy. a pure win-win.
Getting back to what I was starting to say. Just exactly what types of items am I planning on offering?
1) Supplements
3) Books
4) Hearing Aids
And so much more. So you see , you will be offered so much.
You should also be able to comment and let me kn ow what you would like me to carry in my virtual supply larder.
An Offer
So for the offer in this post.
Since we are presently in a shut- down, lockdown, if you are in California under the oppressive whim of Gov. Newsom, you need something to keep you and your brain from going into freeze mode Consequently, ,I can offer you a streaming service that gives you movies and seminars and all that goes with that,