Tag: Hearing Aid
Hearing Device : WiderSound Review
The other day I received a shipment from WiderSound. They sent me the latest hearing device, which I had ordered. The C100. It is a hearing device which doesn’t really need the hearing exam before ordering. It came in the mail. It was small enough to fit in my mailbox.

Upon receiving it, I promptly opened it up. I sort of knew what to expect. But it still was nice to find the two hearing devices came in a black box which is also the charge box you will use to recharge the battery located in each ear piece. It takes a while to do so, therefore my advice is to charge them up before use.
Additionally each hearing aid device is color coded, so you shouldn’t mix up the ear.
The color coding goes like this: Blue is the right ear and red is the left ear. There are ear covering on the top of each device. This is to adjust to your ear opening if there is any need.
Dane got a hearing aid from these people, but they are no longer available on the internet. So he now uses a product called Cortexi for his hearing problems.
Needed Adjustment
Not to mention, there are a few things you need to be aware of if you use a hearing aid.
On the first hand, each hearing device needs adjustment. As a matter of fact you will notice when you receive this hearing device it is delivered turned off. There is a switch on the device with which you turn the hearing aid on and off..
In addition, since it is off, once you turn it on you will need to adjust the volume. There is a screwdriver ( a small one) sent with the device to adjust the sound level. Adjust it too high and a screech will occur. Too high.
Out of the box and adjusted, I place the blue colored hearing aid in my right ear ( my left doesn’t need the enhancement at the moment) I am very pleased and do say if you need a hearing device to help you, this is the one for you.
Therefore I am going to recommend this to you. What do I get from this? I get a commission form the company for sending you there and you buying. You get a good hearing aid device and I get a commission. Win-win
The name of the company is WiderSound.
While it was in service it was a great place to get a hearing device.
I would suggest cortexi if you are slowly losing your hearing. It takes cadre of a problem called tinnitus.
Feel free to let me know how you are doing. Also to read more on this subject, click here. Also I have discussed this in the article ‘how is your hearing?
Stay Healthy.
It has lasted now for over eight months. I hear that we are in for a long period of fighting this present virus going around-The Coronavirus. All you seem to be able to do at the moment is take care of yourselves. What you can do is wear a mask when we are out in the public . Another thing is, watch who you associate with.
And stay healthy.
That includes taking care of your whole body. Vitamins may help your total body health. I will link you to a supplement package in this blog.
For the male the need is for much more. The prostate must also be cared for. I have handled this in another posting which you can see by following this link.
Consequently, it seems being healthy means taking care of yourself. And take supplements when you need them. The reason is Supplements will be able to give your body needed nutrients that you may be lacking.
Knowing facts on how to stay healthy is good. But information alone is not going to keep you healthy. A person must also take action.
To clarify, we should have a good supplement in place. That means, eat good food. You should try to stay away from fast food places. Because they should never ever be replacements for nutrition.
We need to regain what we need, Start the day with a substantial breakfast. Not just a quick roll and a cup of coffee. But protein and carbohydrates, along with that jot of caffeine.
Therefore please, don’t forget to take your daily multivitamin. A good brand of multi-vitamins will assure you of a needed boost. Not all you eat has the complete army of nutrients your body uses.
We must stay healthy. We can’t help others if we ourselves are in need brought about by a lack of proper nutrition.
There are children’s supplements. When it comes to properly formulated adult supplements, both male and female formulas, this also is available .
When it comes to specialized formulas, there is the iron supplement and the supplement for skin and the prostate and the hair. As a person ages more and more vitamins are placed in that pill box where you store each days allotment.
But that can be a subject for a latter post.
We were talking about health, not supplements. Supplements will be handled in another post.
As a rule, most of us are healthy. We wash our hands. We cough and sneeze in a proper manner. We eat proper food. We get enough sleep for our age and life style.
As for vitamins I wish to suggest an online store you can link to for your needs. what do I get out of this? Simple. Since I am recommending this store to you — a store which I have an affiliate relationship with–I will get a commission (no cost to you) when you locate what you need and then click and buy the item.
This is it. The place is called HerbsPro. I know you can find what you need.
So to sum up, we need to stay health in these days of shut downs and restricts. Wear our mask in public and don’t needlessly put yourself in danger. Use supplements to help your body stay well. Wash your hands.
And I will see you in another post.
How Is Your Hearing?
The following post contains a link to an affiliate market. When you use the link to do business and purchase, I get a commission with no cost to you.
How is your hearing? Is it all there? You may be asking how you can improve your hearing.
If so, you may need a supplement you can add to your morning vitamin routine. . Since I have written on this before you may like to link here to go to that posting.
The issue is this, in today’s world, as we age, we start to lose some of our hearing range. This could be because of the high level we set our speakers on our iPads and iPhones . Also the ear buds we use are transmitting a high frequency. So loud some of our hearing is killed off. So loud we may not be hearing air
We see in this present age the need to start using a hearing aid sooner than we have in the past. We must inform ourselves a hearing device does not signal elderly age.
I wore one in the past. I was in my late 40’s. I said used to, because I went to an audiologist as part of a check up of my hearing and found I had a slight hearing loss.
It seemed one of the bones in my left ear had frozen and I was not vibrating as it should to pick up the sound. I needed a prosthetic bone replacement in my ear.
In The Past
Back in early 2013 I had the surgery which helped restore some of my hearing. nothing replaces 100% what is lost. But it was good enough.
Now my left ear is better than my right.
Price Consideration
Hearing aids are costly. But the cost of losing completely all hearing is even costlier. So there must be a less expensive way to help your hearing.
And there is. A nutrient called Sonovive is on the market. It is available on-line and only here.
The best thing about this is you don’t have to first have a audiologist examine you and give you a prescription.
It is a supplement called sonovive. A small pill that you take with food and water. I take mine at breakfast. And the company which supplies it is American. So your money will go an American company. I understand the customer service is great and quick.
Yes, a person’s hearing is important. If at all possible we should preserve it and if we need to do all we can to preserve it.
Buy Sonovive today. Use the link above.