Use Prodentim For Better Oral Health

Bacteria is everywhere. It is around us and in us. That includes our mouth. Therefore we must do something about it.

Oral Care
Better Oral Health

We need to handle our microbiome within our mouth. We need better oral health, and I submit that can be gotten through the use of Prodentim.

Microbiome is a What?

First off we need to understand what a microbiome is. It is more than just a what. It is a system of bacteria in-on-and around us. In fact we couldn’t live without this bacteria. There are both good and bad bacteria.

In an earlier post I talked about the gut microbiome. That was an important subject to talk about. but this time I want to look at the oral bacteria. I want to discuss and recommend a way to better oral health. And I would like to recommend a product called Prodentim.

With that in mind, this post will be suggesting a product which if you use the link to and buy, the company which handles the product will send me a commission, at no extra cost to you, It is a good product and I use it.

But back to our subject– the mouth biome and  how to control it for  better oral health. Consequently, there is a product useful as a solution.

Better Oral Health

As you can see the bottle they come  in. It is a small pill that is dissolvable in your mouth. You suck it and it mixes with your saliva. It is soothing and tasty.

Click the picture to get the information and offer.

Importance Of The Better Oral Health

Just how does this bacteria get from the outside to the inside? That is simple. We touch our face with our hands. We suck our fingers. We rub our skin and then lick our bacteria fingers with our tongue. It all becomes part of out oral microbiome.

And our saliva picks it up and transports it down our throat and into our gut. From the gut it goes into our blood steam. And therefore from our bloodstream goes all through our body.

So therefore we need to put good bacteria in our saliva. This is what sucking on a Prodentim, once a day does for you. It starts the process.

Where To Get This For Better Oral Health

You may be asking me where you can get this. It is not sold in a retail market. You will not find it in a drug store that sells vitamin supplements. You can only get it on-line by clicking on the picture of the bottle above.

You will notice the offer comes in three sizes. The single bottle is for 30 days. The next size up is for 90 days. And the third is for a full 180 days. I would recommend the 90 or 180 day as it is a nice feeling to have good oral health. Your teeth and gums will be better. Your breathe will be sweeter. And you will feel so much better.

Sum Up And Conclusion

In conclusion Better Oral Health is important. Your teeth and gums need to last you for your whole life-time. And now you can do something about it.  With this small dissolvable in the mouth candy (sugarless) once a day, you should be able to wage war against the bad bacteria in your mouth biome. It will give your saliva a boost.

So until next time we look at another help for the adult over 50, stay in good health and take care of your body.

Enlarged Prostate Not Healthy

Guys. This one is for you.

An enlarged prostate is not healthy. Therefore you must do something about it.

As we age there is a little gland we all have that grows also. This is our prostate. It is a very small gland that is located toward the back of our lower region near the location of our bowels. You will find it encircling our urethra. The urethra is there to carry the urine out of the body. It also carries the sperm we ejaculate. As we age the gland grows and squeezes the urethra which is why we have trouble peeing. The flow is cut down. You have an enlarged prostate.

There are things that can be done. One is to have a doctor examine the size of your prostate gland by the finger palpation.. Another is to take supplements containing Saw Palmetto to help prostate health.

Or you can also click on a link I will include. When you click on this link, it will take you to a page that will explain more. If you decide to buy the item offered called Protacet . They will send it to you and I will get a commission at no cost to you.

This supplement it good for an healthy prostate function. in this case, size does matter. you don’t want a large prostate gland. You need to have a healthy flow of urine exiting your body. It has Saw Palmetto for the care of our gland. No one has died from an enlarged prostate- only if it develops cancer. That is a subject outside of this post.

But for those who need to know more you can read help for that bladder.

So buy Prostacet and help control and reduce prostate size. You will also be aiding the health of your prostate. The choice is yours.  

In addition, there is another good  supplement you can use.  It also is for the prostate and is good. It is called Fluxactive and you can get the presentation on it by clicking on the link.


Aging Gracefully
Happy to have control of my prostate

Light Is Seen. Keep Your Health

At last, the light is seen. It may just be an oncoming train, but I hope not.

The announcement has been made that we m ay have a vaccine to control the dread coronavirus. It will take a two step process. Get the shot. Second one should follow 21 days later.

Keep your health. When it is time for the people to get the vaccine, for heavens sake, take it. Soreness, fatigue, If it works, that is a small price to pay. A small price to subdue a problem.

A start is being made by allowing first responders such as nurses, doctors, on the front line to line up and get it.  Then later the patients and by June, I think that was what I heard, the general public.

Therefore, this is good news.  Coronavirus is able to be subdued .The light is seen. We may be fighting back. We are set to subdue the virus. In the past we have subdued polio, lockjaw, Measles, Flu. They are all still with us but we can control them. An they can come back in force if we don’t vaccinate. Sure, there are side effects. There are side effects to most everything, but we have to weight the disease against the protection.

So we also need to make sure we have the right diet. Nutrition is a big part of the answer. We need good food and good supplements.

I would like to offer you a place you can find the supplements. Shop to your hearts content. I have an affiliate partnership with them. That means, you use my link and you buy an item from them. They will send you the item and I will get a commission at no cost to you.

They are called Herbspro. A great place to get your vitamin needs met. And while the virus is still here you will need to keep your health. The light is seen. Eat well and use supplements.

Joint Advantage Aids Joints

Joint Advantage aids joints. Joints allow our body structure to move. To assure this we need more free joint health.

This posting contains a link to a company I have an affiliate relationship with. That means that when you go in and see what they offer and you purchase the product offered, they will give me a commission at no cost to you.

Joints. They are very important. We must protect and keep them healthy.

Our body structure has joints, as you are aware. Hips, knees, toes, wrist, jaw, shoulders- just to name a few. we constantly move them. The bones rub against each other at the joints. There is a cushion of cartilage that acts as a pad . They tend to wear down as we age.

Which is why we have aches and pain and stiffness as we age. The cartilage is wearing down.

So we need to use glucosamine and MSM products to help.

I can give you a link to a product that will help. When you use this link and buy the product the company will pay me a commission at no cost to you. So it is a win-win when you use the link and buy the product.

Joint Advantage aids joints. It is a joint health supplement. It comes highly recommended.


That is to say, as we age we need help keeping our body functioning. We help ourselves and our body by proper nutrition and supplementation. Taking Joint Advantage daily is a good way to insure our joints work well.

As I have said before, not all the nutrients we need are found in the foods we consume. We need supplements along side the meal on our plate. Staying supple and avoiding needless pain brought about by aging is what I consider paramount. We are in control.

As I keep saying, try Joint Advantage and be on your way to a better life.

In another post I will talk about other vitamins needed.

Help For That Bladder

The truth is we age. We are over 55 and we know we are not going to be capable of regaining youth. Especially when it comes to control of our aging body functions. We especially need bladder control.

Oh, at 55 we are fairly sure we can slow down the aging process. But some of our organs don’t want to obey. It seems to take longer to complete your bathroom routine.

And it may take longer for urine flow.  It may be an enlarged prostate gland. In a later post to come I will suggest something that may help that.

This post will address bladder control and support. Urinary incontinence. Leakage. And so on.

There is a product that can help called Flotrol

It is not your fault, But you also don’t need to be embarrassed. Science has provided nutrients Nutrients that can provide help for that bladder. You need the right supplement. Click on the underlined words in the last paragraph, and you will find what you need.

But I would guess the best thing is to knw bow to deal with the aging process. Aging is not something we control. If we can somehow slow it down we may not have so much problems with our bladder.

So , are there supplements that can help?

I am sure if we watch our-self and take care of our body– eat the right foods and take the right supplements and minerals , we can age gracefully.

Bladder control is just a step but an important one. 

People Ageing
Bladder Control Achieved

We must age. But we don’t need to lose a meaningful existence. Use the link above and buy peace of mind.