Garlic and Gut Health: Health Benefits of Eating Raw Garlic

Garlic and gut health. In an earlier post I posted how sugar affects your gut. Now I will be looking at health benefits of eating raw garlic.  Yes, there is a link between   garlic and gut health. And yes, there are health benefits of eating raw garlic. The video on the left will start the discussion. The point is Garlic and gut health go together.

This article will contain  affiliate links. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking the link I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Let me thank you for your support.

What you need to understand is basic. What a person eats travels through his gut. The gut is ,for the purpose of this article, the tube running from  the mouth to the anus In short, the whole body..

The gut, therefore, is not the stomach. For proper understanding of health benefit we have to expand our understanding.

A gut has been referred to as the second brain as it controls our mood, our digestion, our health. The brain in our skull only sends out impulses to our system to operate in a certain way. And the gut determines even what our skull brain can accomplish. 

Garlic Clove
Raw Garlic Clove

Let’s look at a herb known as garlic. Called the stinking rose by some, garlic is really amazing. It has properties which allows it to work as a probiotic for the gut microbiome. 

Health Benefits of Eating Raw Garlic

In my research I have found many benefits for the gut. Remember it is the gut, not the skull brain, that affects the body activity.

I will mention later in this article how to prepare the raw garlic so that you aren’t just taking and eating it like you do an apple or pear. For the moment I will mention a few areas that consuming this herb helps.

For those of us who are prone to catching colds, a diet of garlic will help relieve that cold symptom. It may shorten the sniffles and lessen the aches.

In addition it can help lower our cholesterol levels and improve our heart health. This is most useful for those of us who are aging and need to watch ourselves. We need to have good over all health and taking garlic will lead in this direction.

Then there is the problem some of us have known as GERD. (Gastroesophageal Reflex Disease). This is very uncomfortable, all the acid coming up within the body. Also known as acid reflex. Garlic can help control it.

There are so many other benefits of eating raw garlic and I will have to include them in a later posting. 

Preparation Of Your Raw Garlic

Very few people can eat raw garlic as is. So some ideas are in order. As it is, it can be chopped up and put on salads. Or fine graded and made into a tea. Mince it and put it in a cup of hot water. Seep. And drink.  Does wonders for the throat and digestion.

There are those who prefer to take it as supplement in tablet form. There are befits in whatever form you desire.

Conclusion and Offer

In cpnclusion, thesehavee been some health benefits of eating raw garlic. Not every benefit has been given. Another posting is in the planning stage.

For those people who can stomach the clove, there is the pill. And that I can offer you a link to purchase. Yet before I do so I will tell you I will get a commission if you use the link and buy the item. 

But don’t let that stop you from a daily garlic routine. So buy the garlic or use the link to get the supplement. And stay in good health.

The best thing you can  do now is to use the link and go in and buy. Ask your self, what do you have to lose? 

For Gut Health
Good Gut Health Neeeds Nutrients

Hearing Aid May Help Fight Isolation

Not all hearing loss is because of age. But a hearing loss can bring about isolation. if you can’t hear and understand others you feel you are missing something important. Hearing aids may help fight isolation.

This is when you will find a hearing aid may help fight isolation. And I would like to present what I consider the best hearing aid  for a reasonable price.

This article will contain an affiliate link to a product you will need. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking the link I may receive a commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support.

 I first posted this post, I had a link to the Wilder hearing aid company, but they have deccided to no longer allow affiliate marketers to profit from sending people to them. But I do handle Cortexi.

Cortexi- Liquid supplement
Best Hearing Aid

Alice uses it and finds it works, I do not hesitate to offer it to you. I have talked about this in an earlier posting. And I suggest you click on the underlined words in the above paragraph.

I am a satisfied user also, in short.

What I am saying is that an estimate of 466 people suffer some form of hearing loss which I feel can be helped by the best hearing aid I have found. And I am sure  you will agree.

Best Hearing Aid Needed

Consequently hearing aids are useful for improving the speech recognition. If we  hear but don’t understand the words, we tend to look less intelligent, Our friends will shy away from trying to communicate with us. And we will become isolated. 

Common Reasons For Hearing Loss

High noise or loud music can bring about hearing loss. It can cause Sensorineural  hearing loss. That happens when your inner ear and hair cells are damaged. Heavy noise or age can bring it about. What happens is there is hearing loss in the passage ways to the brain.

To Sum Up

In conclusion, you can just allow your hearing to disappear or you can get the best hearing aid I have found.  

Since I have recommend it,  when you buy I am given a commission by the company for having directed you there.  And you will be satisfied that you did the right thing.

So your next step is to, if you feel it is time to do something about the dimming world around you, is to use the link. Go in and buy. You will be glad you did. Until the next posting, stay in good health. And happy hearing.

At Last, A Key To Dane’s Supply

At last, a key to Dane’s supply. Great. This has been a long time coming.  Not that it is a great secret. We all like online offers

Prostate care supplements
A Good Start Is the Vitamin Offers

I have posted earlier trying to explain what this is which you have in your hands. I have even interviewed myself.

Online Offers Can be Found Here

You will notice at the end of each posting I offer a link to an online offer. I do this for the simple reasoning which leads me to wanting to help you, the reader.

Hard To Find Books
Each Subject can be researched

I realize the web site – Dane’s Supply- is growing. Therefore I have, you will note, listed categories in the side bar of this page. Each category, when click on, will pull up postings listed under each. Thus saving you from having to scroll down the over forty articles.

Each Posting Has Online Offers

I have attempted to dig out the best information on each posted subject. And I have sought to offer the best online offers concerning each posting. What I require of tyou is for you to click o nthe link given and explore the offer. And if it is somethning you need, buy it.

Each Offer Meets A Need

I realize this posting is different from the others. First of all , it doesn’t speak of a health problem. Earlier I have posted about such subject as Shingles. and Covid-19. 

Along with those postings I linked the reader to  the online offers each need generated. I expected the reader to respond.

My Conclusion

Dane's Supply Owner

So now it is up to you to use this site in a better manner. The categories can be clicked on to find the articles stored there.

The offers are there for you to partake of. When you do, since I offered you the link to go there, the companies will include me in a commission generated by the sale– no cost to you.

You need to talk to me? Viewing the comments I have noticed I can’t seem to reply back by email. So I will give you an email to contact me: one works.

In short, being an entrepreneur is a life style. Get some thrill out of life.

Time For Men To Take Time For Prostate Care

The Main Premise

Men. It is time for us– you and me– to take time for prostate care. Let me say that again. It is time for men to take time for prostate care. We are not getting any younger. We are aging. Our body is aging. Our organs are aging.  Especially one organ that we knw we have and is very important. It is time to take time for prostate care.

A male must take notice of one thing. A prostate is a gland. This small gland can only  be found in men. So this post  is excluding women. But still, you women can read this and share it with your love one, be it boyfriend or husband.

Consequently If we men are going to handle the prostate as we age we must take care of  this gland.

That is to say,. our prostate is a friend. Therefore, When it functions well, we can have a free flow of urine.

That may be simplistic. But when you stand there before the open toilet and wait for the flow to start, you will wish you did something about it.

I have talked about this gland before in an earlier post which you will be able to find by clicking here.

Take Care of Your Prostate

Okay, Dane, what do you suggest?  You must be leading up to pitching some product as you have in each post up to now.

You are right. There is a product I wish to have you look at. But before I pitch it, let me continue with what I was saying.

Let us  remember one thing. Your prostate is found in the lower part of your body close to the rectum. It is this gland that cradles your urethra. The urethra carries your urine out of your body. It also carries out the ejaculate, the sperm, when you have wet dreams and later when you make love to your wife.

A wise man has a plan in mind for prostate care.

The situation is thus; As we men age, our prostate gland tends to enlarge. It is aging with us. This is normal.

That is to say, things can happen to it. That is one reason doctors are suggesting strongly that males get a rectal exam on a scheduled basis. The prostate can develop normally or it can get messed up and develop cancer.

Therefore, Proper prostate care is a high priority.

Care For Your Prostate

Now, all that is interesting, so what can you do about it? It is going to grow and there is nothing seemingly you can do about it.

This is not completely true. There is a lot you can do about it.

In other words, visit your doctor regularly. Daily watch your urine flow. And, now comes the pitch, take a supplement for it to help you control the aging.

And what do i suggest?.

You may now be asking what do I get out of this suggestion? Which is a good question to ask anyone who is giving you a pitch. I will be giving you a link to a product called Prostacet. You use the link to go look and view the information. If you should decide it sounds like a good deal and you buy the product, the company will pay me a commission, at no cost to you because I sent you to them.

Final Words

We can’t stop aging. Our bodies will change. Our prostate gland will grow and  age with us. We should take care of ourselves to the best  of our ability. A part of that process is taking supplements to keep us in good health.

Consequently we men must take care of our body. Since we only have one and won’t have another. This body contains that very important gland. And we can do something about it.

Interview With Blogger

Interview With Blogger

Questioning Begins

People are looking for a place to locate supplements for health and wellbeing. They need to know what is available out there. It this case, they need to know where online they can find the products.

Therefore. I am presenting this mock interview at this time in the website.

It is early in the process of setting up the website. It is the best place to ask myself,  to explain the purpose of this series of blog posts.

There are things we need to know if we are to best use this site. Therefore, I will be asking interviewing questions of the host.

This posting will be split up into two voices.

This should be fun .

In other words, The interviewer will be D. And the blogger will be A.

Therefore let us begin.

Starting out let us picture me meeting myself at the interview door. I invite myself to sit down and make myself comfortable.

Now let us begin.


D. People will be clicking on this site and will be asking- just what is the purpose of this site.  Therefore, let me ask:  what is the reason for presenting yet another site of supplements for health?

A. Yes. Please feel free to probe.  I can see a need to know.. There seem to be quite a lot of blogs talking about health and  nutrition. And , of course, it will be in the style of a blog. But within the blog I hope to monetize the posts. Which means, I will be offering links to items . Well, let me express that this is an affiliate driven blog. As an

affiliate  blog I will be presenting links to products. The idea is to monetize the following posts which come after this one.

Therefore, when you use one of the links I give and take a look at what is offered, should you decide to buy the product, the company offering the product may share a portion of the revenue with me, at no cost to you.

D What do you mean by that?

A. This is called Dane’s Supply. The reach will be to people 55+ and their needs. I see these needs being for items that are best obtained online. I will be offering links to items for sale from many companies I have an affiliate relationship with. That means they give me a commission when the customer uses my link to their store or product and purchase the advertised item. Mostly this will be supplements and nutrients.

In order words, I am the salesman showing you the product and you decide to buy that product. You pay X amount for that item. From that purchase, no cost to you, the company shares with me the profit gained. And as you know, the company can’t exist and pay the bills if it has made no money.

D:  To clarify- can’t I just find the product elsewhere and buy it? Do I need to use your site to buy the product?

Also, don’t you have other sites you are working on?

A. Yes. I have some posts also. They are

The other one is located at

D. Is there another way to purchase these items? Like, say, it was able to be located offline?

A.  Let me answer it this way. No, in one sense what I will be offering you items which can only be found on this site, since the items are offered as on-line products.

Therefore-Yes. There may be brick and mortar stores out there which may have the supplements for the same or better price. It is totally in your control where you wish to shop. I want to be your first choice. As such, I am offering you 0n-line shopping You see this going on with Amazon.

In short,

you won’t have to wait in lines. By the way, these are good interviewing questions to be asking. They may help traffic.

I am an entrepreneur and  so I am offering you the best way to get your items without having to mess with traffic  Have the item sent to your home.

D. Okay. So, another one of the interviewing questions, what can you offer? What is your niche?

A. Glad you asked. That is a perfectly good interviewing question. My niche is primarily the people 55+ market at the moment. The health and wellness niche will be one area. I define health and wellness not only in nutrition and supplements but in intellect.

For example: There are many books out there that go unread. I am sure there are even books out there that are going out of print. But they are somewhere.

I can offer you a link to a service that can locate it if it is out there, and offer to have you buy it if you so desire.

D Okay. So reading is an area of health and wellness, as you see it.

You mention your area will be people 55+ . Why this group?

A. There is a need to keep in good health for as long as possible. I feel if they would exercise, eat well, take proper nutrients which include vitamins and minerals , and visit their doctor on a scheduled basis, they should have a chance to live a long healthy life.

Of course there will be periods of time when they are visited by illness–that seems to be a part of aging, -Dane’s Supply is setup to walk beside them in this journey.

To summarize, there are different needs we have as we age and different supplements for health we need to take. I wish to meet those needs.

D; Okay. So I think we have enough to go on. Let me end this post here and allow you to rest.

Before you leave, please spend some time reading and responding  to the many blog posts contained at this website.

A Thank you and have a nice day.
