Hair Loss Progression Can Be Slowed Down

Hair loss progression is something we all face. Some more than others. With proper care, a person can slow down the slow and steady thinning.

Thinning hair growth
Hair Loss Progression

What is Hair Loss Progression?

Hair loss. It is not just something for one gender over the other. Both males and females can experience it. After all, it is passed down.

I have talked about this in an earlier post. In this post I would like to look at this deeper.

There is what we call a hair cycle. in 90 percent of the time we are in a growth phase known as anagen. The hair follicle is pushing out and is noticeable. Then we have the remaining 10 percent seen as the holding or resting phase. This is the Telogen phase. Up to 100 percent of the telogen hairs are what falls out each day. This mass of hair is soon to be replaced by new hair.

As we age our hair becomes progressively shorter and finer and at some point stops to rest for a while. It may even stop growing all together and we see baldness setting in.

Treatments For Hair Loss Progression.

Favorable Treatments

There are some products on the market. I will mention three. Not because they are the only ones, but because they seem somewhat helpful in slowing hair loss progression.

The first one I will mention is Minoxidil. This medicine will prolong the growth phase of the hair follicle. when a woman uses it it could slow down or stop her hair loss. For men it may reduce hair loss. It takes several months for this to take effect and only lasts as long as you are taking the Minoxidil.

The second one is called Finasteride. It can slow hair-loss progression and may even increase hair growth. But it may take up to a year to show any benefit. And you must keep it up.

In fact, all three need to be kept up. Since there is no cure that makes the hair loss preventable, take your choice. Do you want hair on your head or baldness?

The third is Provillus. It is a shampoo. It can also be found in a vitamin. form. it is well tolerated and I would say is the best hair loss treatment.

Hair Loss Help.
Application needed

I am not just saying that because I am an affilaite of the company that handles this product and get a commission if you use my link and go in and buy. I am saying this because I like things that work and don’t have gross side effects.

Unfavorable Treatments

Of course, there are treatments that have not been proven to work at all. And I don’t know why people would even consider these.

There are the use of vitamins to slow hair loss. Provillus is not one of those. These vitamins afre a waste of money since once you start to experience hair loss you can’t restore what age is doing to you body. Not completely.

And then there are the people who feel plasma injection will restore what is no longer there.

Nor will acupuncture help. That is just too gross to think of needles being stuck in the head to stimulte growth.

Lastly you can’t stimulate hair growth by a scalp massage. Sounds nice, but it won’t work.


Don’t waste your money on things that may not work. Your hair loss is handed down through your family. You can slow it down. You will have hair loss progression so you should just enjoy the journey. Buy Provillus since everyone has to wash their hair. And I will see you in the next post.