You need statins and cholesterol control. Your doctor suggests you take a statin for your high cholesterol reading obtained from your blood test. So, we must determine that there is a good reason for him making that suggestion.
Let’s figure he has your best health in mind. He mentions something about stains and cholesterol control.
What are Statins? Call for statins and cholesterol control.
I took a philosophy course when I was in college and learned it is important to define what we are talking about. I was told to define terms. That way we both knew what we were talking about..
Therefore, when we say statin we reference a medication prescribed for cholesterol control. They have been called the gold standard But do we need statins for cholesterol control?
Consequently it seems over one fourth of Americans over 40 are currently on a stain. That means 38.6 million Americans are taking a statin. That is an awful lot of people.
Happy Elders
What Are The Statins and cholesterol control?
We need these drugs. What can be confusing is when we look looking around we see there is not just one brand of statin out there. And each statin has a generic. I will list them.
I look at the list. To start, first, there is Lipitor which has a generic called Atorvastatin. It is one of the strong statins for cholesterol control. And it is expensive. It is best to go for the generic.
The second one, of which there are five, is Lescol which has a generic in Fluvasatin.
The third one is Lipostat and its generic Pravastatin.
Moving along in our list of stains for cholesterol control we have Crestor and its generic Rossuvastatin.
The last one in our list is Zocor and the generic Simvastatin.
What is Cholesterol?
Our Brain
Therefore let us define cholesterol. It is a waxy substance in your blood which your body needs to build healthy cells. As you know everything good has a bad side effect. An overload of cholesterol is not good for our heart and arteries and this overload is what the doctor is hoping to control through the statin drug. In others words, statins are for cholesterol control.
I ask, just what are the benefits? It has been said they may help reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes. That is one purpose a statin has.
On the other hand a statin is known to stop the CoQ10 production in the body.
We use CoQ10 in our body to feed the cells and tissues for energy production. So it is advised if you are on statins that you also take extra CoQ10 to supply what is going to be lost by the presence of statins in the body. The lose of CoQ10 lowers the level of enzyme in the body and opens one up to the risk of heart problems.
But wait. The reason we take the statin, we have been told, is to cut down on the chance of a heart attack.
So, consequently, we roll the dice and hope for the best. Statistics have shown only 1% of the population who take statins find them effective. therefore, it is highly advised you take a CoQ10 supplement if you take statins for cholesterol control.
Call For Action
Therefore, we have a decision to make. We have been determined to have high blood pressure. We have been determined by our doctor, after he has reviewed your blood panel, to have an abnormal level of cholesterol. He has prescribed for you a stain. You trust your doctor.
Therefore, I would suggest you keep up your morning routine of supplements with your breakfast meal. Don’t forget the CoQ10.