Stay Healthy.

It has lasted now for over eight months. I hear that we are in for a long period of fighting this present virus going around-The Coronavirus. All you seem to be able to do at the moment is take care of yourselves. What you can do is wear a mask when we are out in the public . Another thing  is, watch who you associate with.

 And stay healthy.

That includes taking care of your whole body. Vitamins may help your total body health.  I will link you to a supplement package in this blog.

For the male the need is for much more. The prostate must also be cared for. I have handled this in another posting which you can see by following  this link.

Consequently, it seems being healthy means taking care of yourself. And take supplements when you need them. The reason is Supplements will be able to give your body needed nutrients that you may be lacking.

Knowing facts on how to stay healthy is good. But information alone is not going to keep you healthy. A person must also take action.

To clarify, we should have a good supplement in place. That means, eat good food. You should try to stay away from fast food places. Because they should never ever be replacements for nutrition.

We need to regain what we need, Start the day with a substantial breakfast. Not just a quick roll and a cup of coffee. But protein and carbohydrates, along with that jot of caffeine.

Therefore please, don’t forget to take your daily multivitamin. A good brand of multi-vitamins will assure you of a needed boost. Not all you eat has the complete army of nutrients your body uses.

We must stay healthy. We can’t help others if we  ourselves are in need brought about by a lack of proper nutrition.

There are children’s supplements. When it comes to properly formulated adult supplements, both male and female formulas, this also is available .

When it comes to specialized formulas, there is the iron supplement and the supplement for skin and the prostate and the hair. As a person ages more and more vitamins are placed in that pill box where you store each days allotment.

But that can be a subject for a latter post.

We were talking about health, not supplements. Supplements will be handled in another post.

As a rule, most of us are healthy. We wash our hands. We cough and sneeze in a proper manner. We eat proper food. We get enough sleep for our age and life style.

As for vitamins I wish to suggest an online store you can link to for your needs. what do I get out of this? Simple. Since I am recommending this store to you — a store which I have an affiliate relationship with–I will get a commission (no cost to you) when you locate what you need and then click and buy the item.

This is it. The place is called HerbsPro. I know you can find what you need.

So to sum up, we need to stay health in these days of shut downs and restricts. Wear our mask in public and don’t needlessly put yourself in danger. Use supplements to help your body stay well. Wash your hands.

And I will see you in another post.

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Strong Christian gentleman. Reader and thinker. Believes the right nutrition keeps the body in good health.