Covid-19 Still a Threat

It is back again. The reality is that it never left. Covid-19 is still there.  Some can and do deny it.  Since it is still present, we still need our vaccinations. Even if our leaders- Donald Trump and Robert Kennedy Jr say otherwise. Let’s face it- Covid-19 still a threat. Get the Covid-19  shot.

Hearing loss,

I wrote about this way back when it first hit us. The article is a bit dated, but it holds true still. Click and read what I wrote at that time.

It never went away. It just was fought back by the Covid-19 shot. And now with the lack of proper diligence it surges once again.

One Idea Of Where It Came From.

Bat Possible disease carrier

As I recall back in the start of the spread, the virus came from the bat meat sold in a market in China. I think it was the bat meat eaten. That is not something done here in the United States- the eating of bats. But in other countries, I am sure, it is an animal eaten.

I don’t know where Kennedy or Trump get their information. Neither one of them, am I aware, have a degree in the subject. But you can’t shut them up. We still need the Covid-19 shot.

The Symptoms of Covid-19

Covid-19 is a respiratory disease and as sch can be real nasty. It is a disease capable of being passed from person to person if you don’t protect yourself. But there is no need to go overboard and restrict yourself.

Wear the mask whenever and wherever you come in contact with other people whom you suspect of being a non-vaccinated individual.  They are, sad to say, a problem not a solution.

The Symptoms Are Simple To Spot. But Don’t Go Overboard.

You can have a dry cough with shortness of breath.  Along with this, at the same time you can have a runny nose and a sore throat.  Attach this to a fever and chills. This will bring about fatigue.

Don’t go overboard. Just because you have a few (sore throat and fever) doesn’t mean a case of Covid-19. Nor does the lack of that mean you don’t.

The symptoms will start to show 14 days after exposure to the virus, so that is why a period of isolation is recommended.

Some people still wear masks. But from what I have seen, a good percentage of those wear it wrongly. The proper way to wear it, if you choose to do so, is over your mouth and nose. Wearing it below the nose still allows the virus, if present, to get into your system.

To Sum Up

We still need vaccinations. Covid-19 has not disappeared. We take vaccinations for polio and diphtheria and those diseases are under control not because we got rid of them.  More like we can control them by the vaccine.

President Trump got Covid-19, you will recall, when it first surfaced and if it wasn’t for the care he got then he would have had a more serious case. And now he downplays the risk. Robert Kennedy Jr. is the figurehead for the non-vaccinated. Just because they are big names doesn’t mean they know anything.

To be safe, get your yearly boosters. If you care about yourself and others, do so.

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Strong Christian gentleman. Reader and thinker. Believes the right nutrition keeps the body in good health.