Men. Yesterday I talked about your prostate and how you can get it in good condition. Today I would like to talk about a full head of hair. Because, we men do need hair care.
Most women, in a survey, stated that they prefered men with a full head of hair, 9 out of 10. So that seems to leave us men with thinning hair out.

But do not despair. It is not like we are at a loss. We have a chance. Therefore there is an answer for those of us who have thinning hair or tend to be balding. We can look for someone to blame. I have talked about this in an earlier post. The tendency to thinning hair comes in the genes from both sides of the family. Your mother and father had parents who were balding and have passed the gene down to you.
II speak to that camp of men with thinning hair. I could use myself as an example, but I am wise. I try not to look upon my appearance. Still, there is the ‘what if’.
So looking around I found a product for those of us men who want to do something about the thinning problem. The name of the product is Provillus.
It claims to be able to revive hair follicles. Caring for those follicles are part of our hair care.
So what do I get when you use the link to the product and you go in and buy? I get a commission from the company at no cost to you. You get the product. I get the pleasure of sending you there.
It seems most men over 40 have been known to suffer from some hereditary hair loss. As I said, it is in your genes. And if it is true that women tend to survey a preference for full headed men, if you as a male are so insecure, well, you know the rest.
The product does have powerful effective ingredients and if it can restore some hair growth, so it claims. It does reinforce the follicles that are revitalized. Another thing it has going for itself is approval by the FDA for treatment of Male Pattern Baldness.
As Joe Friday says,’ just the facts’. And yes, there are more things to be said about this product.
It adds to the thickness of your hair. And men, you want a pleasing think head of hair. As for the shine and volume and an healtier look, this prodcut can give you that.
The ingredient called Minoxidil which is a powerful hair rejuvenator is what does it
So buy today and start to restore that head of hair.