Do you have the dream of becoming an entrepreneur? If it is for real, you need more than just the dream to make it take on what they call shoe leather. There are different types of entrepreneurs. And many different ways to present your products. One of my ways is using Facebook to push items.
Different Types Of Entrepreneurs
If you have the dream and are willing to explore more, you must acknowledge there are things to do. I have even written a page to show a product I carry.
The first and most important thing is determine what business model you wish to take on.
By this I mean, do you want to be your own boss and what kind of organization are you setting up?
Levels Out There Of Different Types of Entrepreneurs
Sole Proprietor
Starting a business, and this is what you are setting up, do you wish to be a sole owner? Run it as a sole proprietor.
This is a good place to start. At this level you will have low cost. But should anything happen, you will find you have no liability protection. So you will need an business insurance policy. You could lose all you have should anything happen.
At this level you don’t have to worry about the need to file paperwork. You just start up. The business will be in your lap. It will not be seperate from you as the owner.
Bookkeeping is all yours unless you farm it out. But at this level you still have to record the profit and loss and report it on your tax returns. All debt and liabilities are yours and it comes out of your personal bank account. There is no separation between personal and business income.
General Partnership
There are different types of entrepreneurs. As time goes on you may want to add another partner. He may only be a silent partner and not quite an Entrepreneur like you. But you add him on because you find you can’t handle it by yourself.
This could satrt with an handshake and an oral agreement. I would suggest you get it in writing as a written agreement. You will have a better handle on what is expected this way.
You won’t have limited liability at this level. Both of you will still be able to pull debt and with the chance of losing all should something happen and a customer sues.
Both of you share ownership. And both can be wiped out.
Limited Liability Partnership
You are an entrepreneur and you wish to move into where you are protected– that is your business is protected. There are a few ways to go to get the umbrella of limited liability.
You now have a condition here you can protect your business assets from your personal assets. You can be an entrepreneur and safely open a bank account for your business.
Limited Liability Corpoartion
To save you the reading time for further development of this topic, I will refer you to a place where you can get further information and if you should choose, take advantage of the offer to start your own business. As an entrepreneur you must be legal about what you do.
Since I am referring you, the company will pay me a commission if you sign up in one of their programs.
Hair loss progression is something we all face. Some more than others. With proper care, a person can slow down the slow and steady thinning.
Hair Loss Progression
What is Hair Loss Progression?
Hair loss. It is not just something for one gender over the other. Both males and females can experience it. After all, it is passed down.
I have talked about this in an earlier post. In this post I would like to look at this deeper.
There is what we call a hair cycle. in 90 percent of the time we are in a growth phase known as anagen. The hair follicle is pushing out and is noticeable. Then we have the remaining 10 percent seen as the holding or resting phase. This is the Telogen phase. Up to 100 percent of the telogen hairs are what falls out each day. This mass of hair is soon to be replaced by new hair.
As we age our hair becomes progressively shorter and finer and at some point stops to rest for a while. It may even stop growing all together and we see baldness setting in.
Treatments For Hair Loss Progression.
Favorable Treatments
There are some products on the market. I will mention three. Not because they are the only ones, but because they seem somewhat helpful in slowing hair loss progression.
The first one I will mention is Minoxidil. This medicine will prolong the growth phase of the hair follicle. when a woman uses it it could slow down or stop her hair loss. For men it may reduce hair loss. It takes several months for this to take effect and only lasts as long as you are taking the Minoxidil.
The second one is called Finasteride. It can slow hair-loss progression and may even increase hair growth. But it may take up to a year to show any benefit. And you must keep it up.
In fact, all three need to be kept up. Since there is no cure that makes the hair loss preventable, take your choice. Do you want hair on your head or baldness?
The third is Provillus. It is a shampoo. It can also be found in a vitamin. form. it is well tolerated and I would say is the best hair loss treatment.
Application needed
I am not just saying that because I am an affilaite of the company that handles this product and get a commission if you use my link and go in and buy. I am saying this because I like things that work and don’t have gross side effects.
Unfavorable Treatments
Of course, there are treatments that have not been proven to work at all. And I don’t know why people would even consider these.
There are the use of vitamins to slow hair loss. Provillus is not one of those. These vitamins afre a waste of money since once you start to experience hair loss you can’t restore what age is doing to you body. Not completely.
And then there are the people who feel plasma injection will restore what is no longer there.
Nor will acupuncture help. That is just too gross to think of needles being stuck in the head to stimulte growth.
Lastly you can’t stimulate hair growth by a scalp massage. Sounds nice, but it won’t work.
Don’t waste your money on things that may not work. Your hair loss is handed down through your family. You can slow it down. You will have hair loss progression so you should just enjoy the journey. Buy Provillus since everyone has to wash their hair. And I will see you in the next post.
Reach for the better life style.. In fact, I would bet that you wish to have a better life style. It is possible.
Steps To a Better Life Style
As I was saying, you can have a better life style. It all starts with a decision.
It may make it easier if I were to give you a list of steps which you can take.
First, To have a better life you must want it.
With that in mind, I will suggest a few things for you to start today.
First Step
This will seem simple, a duh moment. It is to be sure to brush and flow daily.
As a result ,this will keep your teeth and gums healthy. You wouldn’t want to have decay and gum disease creep in now, would you?
Second Step
The second is also something we all forget. It is to get a good night’s sleep.
For an example, for an adult that would be a seven to nine hours sleep. Some need less, but don’t try to get by with the sleep cycle you had to keep while in college. No late night parties or jam sessions.
Third Step
For those of us still in community, to keep a healthy life style healthy, plan to have your meals family style. Doesn’t have to be with your parent. Friends will be fine. Just regularly set down and have a meal with your close ones. It will slow your consumption and give you a calmness of mind.
Fourth Step
For a healthy life style I would highly recommend as a fourth thing to do is smile and laugh out loud several times a day. We are not going to make it out of this life alive. As a result when the time comes for us to go the survivors will remember you as a cheerful person.
Fifth Step
Focus. This is important for a good life style no matter if you are spiritual or not. You should set aside 10 to 20 minutes a day to pray .Or just calm your mind.
Sixth Step
I realize this is a long article, but hang in there. This is very important. Now you must start some form of exercise.
What type? But, you say, I can get by well at work without exercise.
Come now. You can walk, can’t you? Sure you can. So get yourself a pedometer and count your steps. Walk standing up straight. Think tall and tight.
Last of All
Therefore, think about your attitude. You are looking for a healthy life style. Wrap it up with a good healthy attitude. Don’t go to it with a sour look on your face. You want to live every day of your life to the best you can.
What If I Hurt?
To clarify, a healthy life style does not come without some aches and pain. I understand that.
Therefore, I can offer you a supplement that can handle the inflammation living a healthy life style can bring about.
I will give you a link. When you use this link to go in and investigate, should you decide to purchase , the company will give me a commission for sending you there and you buying. You get the item and I get the finders fee.
Men. Yesterday I talked about your prostate and how you can get it in good condition. Today I would like to talk about a full head of hair. Because, we men do need hair care.
Most women, in a survey, stated that they prefered men with a full head of hair, 9 out of 10. So that seems to leave us men with thinning hair out.
But do not despair. It is not like we are at a loss. We have a chance. Therefore there is an answer for those of us who have thinning hair or tend to be balding. We can look for someone to blame. I have talked about this in an earlier post. The tendency to thinning hair comes in the genes from both sides of the family. Your mother and father had parents who were balding and have passed the gene down to you.
II speak to that camp of men with thinning hair. I could use myself as an example, but I am wise. I try not to look upon my appearance. Still, there is the ‘what if’.
So looking around I found a product for those of us men who want to do something about the thinning problem. The name of the product is Provillus.
It claims to be able to revive hair follicles. Caring for those follicles are part of our hair care.
So what do I get when you use the link to the product and you go in and buy? I get a commission from the company at no cost to you. You get the product. I get the pleasure of sending you there.
It seems most men over 40 have been known to suffer from some hereditary hair loss. As I said, it is in your genes. And if it is true that women tend to survey a preference for full headed men, if you as a male are so insecure, well, you know the rest.
The product does have powerful effective ingredients and if it can restore some hair growth, so it claims. It does reinforce the follicles that are revitalized. Another thing it has going for itself is approval by the FDA for treatment of Male Pattern Baldness.
As Joe Friday says,’ just the facts’. And yes, there are more things to be said about this product.
It adds to the thickness of your hair. And men, you want a pleasing think head of hair. As for the shine and volume and an healtier look, this prodcut can give you that.
The ingredient called Minoxidil which is a powerful hair rejuvenator is what does it
So buy today and start to restore that head of hair.
The other day I received a shipment from WiderSound. They sent me the latest hearing device, which I had ordered. The C100. It is a hearing device which doesn’t really need the hearing exam before ordering. It came in the mail. It was small enough to fit in my mailbox.
A Hearing Aid may Be One Answer
Upon receiving it, I promptly opened it up. I sort of knew what to expect. But it still was nice to find the two hearing devices came in a black box which is also the charge box you will use to recharge the battery located in each ear piece. It takes a while to do so, therefore my advice is to charge them up before use.
Additionally each hearing aid device is color coded, so you shouldn’t mix up the ear.
The color coding goes like this: Blue is the right ear and red is the left ear. There are ear covering on the top of each device. This is to adjust to your ear opening if there is any need.
Dane got a hearing aid from these people, but they are no longer available on the internet. So he now uses a product called Cortexi for his hearing problems.
Needed Adjustment
Not to mention, there are a few things you need to be aware of if you use a hearing aid.
On the first hand, each hearing device needs adjustment. As a matter of fact you will notice when you receive this hearing device it is delivered turned off. There is a switch on the device with which you turn the hearing aid on and off..
In addition, since it is off, once you turn it on you will need to adjust the volume. There is a screwdriver ( a small one) sent with the device to adjust the sound level. Adjust it too high and a screech will occur. Too high.
Out of the box and adjusted, I place the blue colored hearing aid in my right ear ( my left doesn’t need the enhancement at the moment) I am very pleased and do say if you need a hearing device to help you, this is the one for you.
Therefore I am going to recommend this to you. What do I get from this? I get a commission form the company for sending you there and you buying. You get a good hearing aid device and I get a commission. Win-win
The name of the company is WiderSound.
While it was in service it was a great place to get a hearing device.
I would suggest cortexi if you are slowly losing your hearing. It takes cadre of a problem called tinnitus.
Feel free to let me know how you are doing. Also to read more on this subject, click here. Also I have discussed this in the article ‘how is your hearing?