Get Coffee Benefits With Good Coffee Beans

Coffee in the morning. Coffee in the evening. Coffee at supper time. With the right coffee beans you can stay healthy. Yes, get coffee benefits with good coffee beans.

The Benefits

You have read that correctly. There are benefits to a good cup of coffee . You have heard of the side effects of too much coffee, but in moderation, there are benefits.

Cup of coffee
Great coffee in the morning

As an example, a cup of coffee can boost your energy. That is a known fact But have you considered the health benefits. It may be able to lower the risk of liver cancer, which is not a pleasant thing to have.

Good coffee beans can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. The latest information I could find was that about 30.3 million Americans have a condition known as prediabetes. Not that coffee should  be looked at as a silver bullet. I am just reporting on my research.

To clarify, an article I read recently by a Michael Joseph on the benefits of drinking coffee stated that he has found a morning cup of coffee tends to boost productivity. Which seems possible because the caffeine  stimulates the neurons in the brain. In each cup you may have as much as 95 mg of caffeine. 

But back to the benefits.  How does the possibility of lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s disease sound? Joseph in his article postulates that coffee consumption is likely to bring about protection against mental deterioration.  Not that it has been proved yet. Nevertheless, it is nice to consider.

Risks Of Coffee Consumption

On the other hand, some people find that consuming too much coffee tends to disturb their digestion. They find they have acid reflux. Which is normal. Too much of anything can tend to mess with the body. So do things in moderation.

Of course, there is the dehydration that occurs as you pee out water. So you should drink water along with the coffee. 

Good Coffee Beans

So, what is the purpose of writing this post? I just wanted to offer you a way to get the , what I personally consider, the best coffee beans. But before I give you the link I am obligated by the FDA to tell you I share in the sale of the beans.  The company I will be recommending and I have a deal. I send you to them. You see what you like. You buy. They send me, at no cost to you, a commission. You get the beans. I share in the sale. It is a win-win.

Therefore, you no doubt want the link to get good coffee beans So the link is in this title. The Bean Box .  Be sure to enjoy the good coffee beans you will receive when you order. Make your own. Just as good if not better than Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf or Starbucks.

OF course, the next step you should take is to buy using the link. Coffee is good for you and this is the best supplier I have found.

And if you should ever want to contact me I will always be able to be mailed at

Fight Infection With Curcumin 2000

In these days of the coronavirus inflammation appearing to be held in check by the vaccination, we still should not rest. We need to keep fighting infection in what ever form it takes. The title of this posting suggests just one  such way.

Fighting Infection With Supplements

In the first place, the body has a great ability to heal, to a point. This is good to know, but that is not the point. The body has been somehow  blessed with that ability but it needs outside help such as supplements. A satisfactory aid I can suggest is something we normally don’t take but as a spice.  

What I suggest is a supplement you normally find in an Indian restaurant added to their food as mentioned above. It is an easy addition to your diet.


This spice is Turmeric. Turmeric contains a compound known as Curcumin. This compound is an antioxidant and anti-bacterial compound. As such your body needs it.

On the one hand Mary is doing what she can. She does not want the infection. No doubt she gets the shots for this. And she believes she is helping control the infection. On the other hand, helping  fight the infection is important. Mary needs to consider multiple ways to fight infection. Therefore along with the vaccine there are supplements. I can offer you a link to one. 

Moreover I have posted earlier mentioning this supplement. I will give you the link again. Because I am giving you this link, I am obligated by the FDA to tell you if you use the link  and go in and purchase the item, I am allowed a commission at no cost to you. 

Prostate care supplements
On-Line Shop

Suggested Conclusion

As I have been saying ,taking daily your Curcumin 2000 is just the first step. But it is an important one. One must also eat right and get enough sleep. At least seven hours. The reason is simple. Your body needs time to repair itself, and down-time helps this function.

Conclusion Proper

The virus is out there. There is only so much your immune system can handle. Don’t stress your body when there is so much out there to help. So fight that infection with Curcumin 2000. This will reinforce the immune system which is a safegjuard against the virus.

The Hidden Curtain of Macular Degeneration.

There is a curtain descending on some of us which we can , with proper care, slow down and learn to live with. It is the hidden curtain of macular degeneration.  In this article I will discuss it and offer a possible solution. The answer lies in good eye nutrition.

In the first place we age and as we age we face the hidden curtain of Macular Degeneration. It is one of those things a good percentage of adults face as they step into middle age. In this posting I will be discussing eye nutrition. I willl also be sending you to a product I feel will address the need.

Therefore this page will contain an affiliate link. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking a link I may receive a commission at no cost to you. Thank you for your support

What Is Macular Degeneration?

When we mention the disease, the term may be new to you. The vast public may not have heard the term. Chances are you have. Your parent or someone you know has had it. The condition has been evident to you.

However, in the second place, when you hear  the term, macular degeneration, realize it is not your friend. It is like a hidden curtain. And it is silent and there is no way you can stop it.

Macular degeneration can be caused by a gene which is passed down.  Genes are our blueprints which make up what we are. This group of 25,000 in a chain. They are stored in our chromosomes.

Inside each eye there is a light-sensitive structure containing rods and cones. Cones help in our color perception and rods for our night vision. And they need eye nutrition to keep them function correctly.

Eye Exam
Eye Exam

A Case to Consider-a Need For Eye Nutrition

Jean has a case of macular degeneration. And yet she is in the early stages and is visiting her optometrist. There is something she can do. She has been told she needs some eye nutrition. So far she only has some damage but it is there.

Therefore she needs to take steps to slow down the on-ongoing damage. 

Wait a minute. There may be a way to slow it down  I wrote about this earlier. There may be a way to get some eye nutrition.

And there is.

Consequently the above video will start you on the path to what  this post is trying to say. It will give you a start on eye nutrition and macular degeneration knowledge. It is iomportant you view it and respond, because you need eye nutrition.

So to answer the section name above, what is macular degeneration, it is when the free radicals that get into our body through food and breathing run lose and attack our optic nerve. It causes oxidation which clogs our capillaries in the eye. Our rods and cones start to underperform.

Consequently, the free radicals multiply., It leaves waste. You may have heard of it by the term drusen. Drusen is waste that has not been flushed out because it hasn’t been digested properly.. This waste left behind brings about the death of parts of the macula.

Some Eye Nutrition

But, there is a way to slow down the destruction. It is through proper nutrition and supplementation. It may not be something highly recommended by your local optometrist . it is not a drug, but vitamins.

Let me suggest some. Above here in the last paragraph you can click on the words: it is not a drug, but vitamins.. Here you will find a bottle of vitamins I recommend.  When you buy vitamins make sure they are the right type.

Clear Eye
The Eye

May I suggest for your eyes you need a vitamin that has beta carotene which is a carotenoid.  Beta carotene helps in  the fight against oxidation. They are loaded with anti-oxidants. Also look for the lutein and zeaxanthin in your eye nutrition.

The brands Icaps and Ocuvite should be high on your list. They are great at handling  macular degeneration and cataracts.

For a great product you should click on the eye and buy.

Eye Nutrition and Macular Degeneration-- Conclusion

Eye nutrition and macular degeneration– Age brings macular degeneration through free radicals, but you can slow it down. Start your plan today. Click on the link and buy. 

There will be signs you will have leading you to think you may need more eye nutrition. You will have difficulty seeing at night. Night vision is going. You will find yourself sensitive  to light. You will notice blind spots appearing. This is only to mention a few things.

You will need to click on the picture and go in and buy Ocuvite  50+ today. Your eyes will thank you. Don’t put it off.

Better Sight with Supplements

Better Sight Like a cat

Our most valued sense, I feel, is our sight. When we take proper care of our eyes we maintain our  ability to interact with the world around us. And we can have better sight with supplements.

The Need For Supplements

Because we use our sense of sight to establish reality- what is there or not there- we must not neglect the nutrition of them. Just as we take supplements for the body’s health, the status of the eyes is important.  

We daily work with computers draining the vitality out of orbs. Soon our sight blurs and our eye gets dry.  We need help.

I have posted an earlier post about a supplement you can take to help. I refer you to that. 

We need to seek better sight through supplements. And that supplement should include some basic nutrients.  The reason for the supplementation is  over time we may also also face the onset of macular degeneration

Needed Nutrients In The Supplement

There are things a good eye supplements should have to do any good. Since we are presently pretty much glued to a computer monitor we are , mostly unknown to us, being bombarded with blue light.

Blue light is not our friend. It is doing harm to our health and especially the health of our eyes. Blue light can mess with your circadian rhythm (our biological clock) and mess with our sleep. But most of all for the purpose of this article, it can cause the problem of age related macular degeneration. It also destroys retinal cells.

Read more about the subject here.  It is important you understand.

Important Nutrients to Look For

Therefore when you get and take a supplement for the eyes, make sure it contains Lutein and Zeaxanthin to help your battle against blue light.

Tinnitus Can Affect the Brain

On the other hand there  is no way we can completely avoid blue light since it is part of the perspective wave length of light we daily live in. Therefore we need a good vitamin we can daily take to help us and our eyes.. 

On he other hand, you may not care for the offer in the last paragraph but still want to help your eyes. So I can offer you another supplement to improve your eye sight  while you are improving your brain health. It is called Ocuprime. 


In other words, take care of your eyes and your eyes should last a fairly long time. There are ways to keep your eyes in good condition. Click on the offer above and reduce your exposure to blue light as much  as you can and you should be doing fine.

Until the next post. Stay in good health.

Shingles Shot Highly Recommended-Here’s Why.

Getting the shot
A Shingles shot is advised

A wise person gets their shingles shot. It is highly recommended.

What Is Shingles?

We hear the word. Shingles. Just what is it? How big a problem is it?

It all depends. What we are looking at when we mention shingles is a type of herpes. Anyone who has had chicken pox may develop a case of shingles.. The virus remains in the body and is dormant.

More about that later.

Shingles Shot

Recently I got my singles shot. It is a two step process. By that , I mean you  get the shot and a couple months down the line you get the second one, which is a booster. As a result, you should not have to worry about shingles.

Picture Shingles as bugs

Singles is not bugs. But I could think of no better way to illustrate the idea. What you will get when the virus reactivates and gives you a painful sensation. It will work its way out on one side of your body.

Therefore, for the first few days, I am told, never having had it (yet) , the skin is fine then blisters start to form.

Case of Shingles

Subsequently, these blisters activate the nerves and you feel pain. You can’t really dress that side of your body. You can’t scratch. Then the blisters burst open, spurting the pus.

Consequently, it is this pus that can transmit the  shingles. It is not contagious otherwise.

The Cost Of A Shingles Shot

Shingle shots were being offered at my local CVS. Therefore I was able to get my shot  at CVS, with a prescription written by my primary care physician. That makes the shot affordable. It retails for as high as a couple hundred.  Yet with the medical orders written , I was covered.

Insurance doesn’t cover it, but I do understand that Medicare will help.

That is to say, be ready to pay something for the shot.

The Need

If what has been said already doesn’t impel you to get one, then let me assure you will not escape the virus. i out of 3 people in the US will get the Vericella Roster Virus. The body can flare up at any time. You will feel tingling and then a burning sensation. There could be numbness and stinging pain. Then the rash.

Once the rash settles on the skin you will have to live with it for weeks and weeks. then when the blister burst and the fluid flows and crusts form over the sores…

You get the picture. It is better to go through a two shot program then wait for the virus. You need the shingles shot

My Conclusion

It is in there, in your body. There are a few things that can bring it on.  Stress can bring it on. A compromised immune system can bring it on. Age can bring it on. (Over 50) . It is not pleasant. I have posted in another posting in this series . I am sure you would wish to link  the two, 

There is something I can offer you to help boost  the immune system. Remember, the virus can become active if you have a weak immune system. So I can offer you Curcumin .

And what do I get by offering you this.?

Thank you for asking. Since I am offering you a link to the company that handles this product, and should you buy the item, the company gives me a commission. You get the product. I get the commission or finders fee. Only fair.

And don’t forget to take as look back on the subject of statins by clicking on the word.