Hey. You men out there. Come close and look at this. You know that prostate health needs care. I would like to offer you four suggestions of prostate health supplements.
I will be directing you to four companies who have items that can help resolve the concern. If you should click the link I may be compensated for my time spent in referring you.
First off we must be clear that no one really knows what causes the enlargement. I have spoken of this in an earlier post.
Prostate health is one of the most important concerns for men. The thing is, no one really knows what causes it. It just is.
The gland just seems to grow with us. As a little tot we have one. It is part of the marvelous body that God created. It is located under the bladder. There is a small tube running through it which transport our pee. As the gland grows it presses on the tube making it harder to pass the urine.
It is not the start of cancer nor is it seen as a precursor to prostate cancer. But it is uncomfortable And should be attended to.
What Can Be Done For Better Prostate Health?
There was a study done in 2003 which showed that men who got the most ultra violet exposure from sunlight seem to have a better healthier gland. So sun exposure time seems to be one thing that can be done.
Also a brief 10 to 20 minute massage at least once a month if not once a day is important for a healthier gland.
But the reason for this post is to suggest some prostate health supplements. Supplements other than proscription drugs.
Here are two of them. And then I will give links to two others. Click on these two and the two others to get the suggested four for prostate health supplements.
I have two more to help in your prostate enlargement control. You may never die from an enlarged prostate but you will need to keep your flow of urine steady. One very good one is a drop formula you can put in your coffee, tea, juice, or just take in your mouth. It has a strong taste so it is best taken in liquid. It is called Protadine.
I am not listing these in any order of effectiveness. They are all effective. It is a matter of preference. And now on to the fourth. It can help your flow. It is called by a catchy name- Protastream.
For Better Prostate Health Supplements Conclusion
The health of your prostate is up to you. It will not get smaller. It will , if untreated, make you very uncomfortable. Maybe you will pee your pants. Maybe you will have to wear a diaper.
I have addressed this in an earlier post in another place about the need to take time for yourself. So it is not like, if you are actively reading this web page and its articles, that you can say I don’t care.
The next step is yours. Click on the links and take better care of yourself.
As a person ages, and we are all aging., there is nothing you can do to stop it, proper health care is called for. This means total body care.
If you have been reading this website you have been noticing it is packaged as small short blog posts. There is a reason. I feel it is best to offer information and products pertaining to each discussion.
Therefore this posting will try to sum up your body needs as you age. The total body consist of head, torso, legs and so on. Both the inner and outer person. In the discussion here I will be offering products you can purchase. If you should decide to purchase ethe items offered I may get compensated for recommending them. This will be at no extra cost to you.
Proper Health Care for Hair
First of all we need to consider your hair. As aging comes on sometimes our hair thins. Something may be able to do done about that. A good product is Provillus. Like other hair products which say they can help thinning on the top of your head, this product can ease your mind concerning this topic.
Proper Health Care for Eyes
Of course we are more than our hair. So let us continue working down the body. The next stop would be our eyes. Consider the threat of free radicals in the body. They are bad mutant cells that harm the health of healthy cells. When it comes to the eyes the accumulation of free radicals, over time, attack our macula in the eyes which cause central vision to dim.
Heath Care For Eyes
Therefore for protection when you take eye vitamins you cand slow down and keep your vision longer.
Proper Health Care for Gut
Next, we can look inside. Our nose is connected to our breathing tube which is also connected to your mouth which when we eat and swallow food connects to the gut.
There is so much I can say about this long organ which reaches from the mouth to the stomach to the intestines to the bowel. I have said so much about it already and you can search this web site for the postings.
Of course your health of the gut depends a lot on your care of the gut member itself.
This is where healthy weight loss is highly recommended. Weight loss helps in proper gut health.
Proper health of the body isn’t jet taking care of your gut. If you are male you have a gland that needs care also. It may only start to be noticed when you get up to pee and there is a slow volume produced. Or you just stand there and nothing happens, but you can feel there is something there. Yes, your friend, the prostate gland.
You have been offered so much general information and products links that it is now up to you to respond. Click on the links and if you buy the product or products I may be compensated, as I said earlier. Or you can just smile and say the information and offers were nice. The choice is yours. All I can say is your health is in your hands. You are in control.
I got to thinking about when it comes to aging, just what is the main concern for men. It is the prostate I contend. And since I am one of those men over a certain age, just what do I find to be a need? Well, it is health and wellbeing of my aging body.
Gut Works With The Prostate
Therefore I took a look at this topic idea and concluded that is a big subject which needed to be narrowed down still more.
Then I had an a-ha moment. What can I offer to you the readers. I have this large site here that consists of many separate blogs with the unifying theme of health and wellness offers for people over the age of 55. So what is the basic need of a smaller segment of that niche?
The conclusion was staring me in the face. While I was standing there with my penis out trying to pee, it hit me. Another blog on the prostate and some offers to deal with an enlarged member.
I must first say something about this post. It is simply this: This post contains an affiliate link and if you should choose to make a purchase after clicking a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for the support.
Ask any man about this. Maybe not all will respond. After all, this is still not something you blurt out in public-“I have an enlarged prostate.” This post will try to help you.
First of all, you could get the usual route and see your urologist. In fact, before I offer you anything, I must say to check with your doctor. I don’t know you and your condition. I am not giving medical advice, just a friendly heads up.
There are other avenues to explore. What I have to offer in this post is a healthful way to go to address the issue. The products I will suggest to you are handled by a company that tells me if you should link in and buy what he offers, I will be compensated for my time.
But back to the subject. The male prostate.
The Problem
I mentioned before, as a man ages so does his inner organs. And the one I am zeroing in on here is the gland known as your prostate. When young, the male probably gave it no thought. It surrounded the urethra where pee and sperm would pass. As he grew, as I said before, so did the gland. And it would press down on the urethra and constrict it so that it needed more pressure to pass.
When the cells increase in the prostate after about the age of 50 it becomes enlarged. This is not a cancer nor a serious threat to health. But it is uncomfortable. It’s cause is unknown. —the enlarged prostate.
A Solution To The Male Prostate Enlargement
You can choose to ignore it. But it will be hard to do so as it will slow down the peeing ability. This condition can lead to kidney problems and inflammation. It can’t be cured but can be handled without surgery as the first method.
I can offer you two fine products.
Remember now what I said earlier in this article. I don’t have them in my possession. You have to get them online. That’s why I have offered you the links. You will find them in the pictures.
So in conclusion, you now have set before you a choice. I did not even discuss the visit to your urologist who will no doubt cut you and attempt to fix the problem. Or you can use the nutrient way, which I recommend if all possible.
So until next posting, stay well and keep viewing this site.
Above you see two healthy elderly people who have taken advantage of the health and wellness affiliate programs I will be offering once again. In past posts, which you are welcome to read at your own pace, I have been offering links to products covering the areas spoken of in the article. Feel free to view them and click the product offer there.
Therefore in this post I am narrowing the offers down to four areas so as to not confuse you. The four areas are weight loss, gut care, your vision, your brain function.
Health and Wellness Affiliate Program for Your Weight
In short, we age. And as we age our metabolism tends to slow down. This results in a slow gain of flab on our stomachs, our thighs, our butt. It is hard to get off and keep off. So we exercise and diet. Most of the time this isn’t the answer.
It is not that you may not feel fine with that extra flab. In short, It is only that it is not healthy for your heart. It is, if you are a woman, you may not be able to get into that dress or pants anymore.
This page will contain affiliate links. If you should choose to purchase after clicking the link, I may receive a commission at no extra cost to you.
Don't Forget Your Digestion
A case in point is Mary. Mary eats well. But sometimes she needs to get something down fast because she is between meetings. So she buys fast food or something off the street cart. Not everything she consumes is being used by her body. It is stored as fat. Or she just has trouble digesting.
A well Cared for Gut
She needs to care for her gut as it is the gut that controls her whole body. Food, as I am sure I explained in an earlier post, goes in your mouth. It passes down to your stomach and then the gut opens and lets the food in.This is the intestines where your food is dispensed in liquid form now, into your blood system. That which is solid passes down to your large intestine and your colon and is drop our in your poop.
Additional Health Products As We Age
Mary knows there are other things she needs as she ages. She realizes her hearing is getting softer and therefore she knows she needs help. I discuss this in the article you can click on called Healthy Living As You age.
But it is also a fact that we need help for our brains as we age. Don’t allow time to lead you to forget your brain needs the help of vitamins also.
Aging Brain
In other words, This care for the brain also helps our vision. Since the eye steam comes from the brain, it follows that care for the eyes is care for the brain.
In Closing- Health and Affiliate Programs
Therefore it is important that we spend time reading earlier posts in this web site and respond to the offers. Each offer is thought through. Not all health and wellness affiliate programs are equally applicable to you, but I am sure there has been one somewhere.
Because of this respond. Click the link. Buy. Stay in good health.
Vision and your brain. Nutrients. All are important. I contend that vision vitamins help brain function. Feed your brain vitamin rich blood and your eyes will benefit.
Clear Vision
Our eye steam is an extension of our brain. Look at any text book that is talking about the awesome eye and its ability to comprehend things around it and you will be amazed. It is just one of our five senses yet it does so much.
It is kept that way through foods and nutrients we put in our body. Earlier I talked about what can happen to our eyes if we don’t take care. This is a case of not having taken the correct vision vitamins when they were available.
Before I develop this topic further I will tell you this–this page will contain affiliate links. If you should choose to make a purchase by clicking a link, links located in the pictures, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you.
Background Explored
Most of us are born with sight that is adequate and with time adjust to the environment. Some, like me, develop cross-eyed-ness. In cases like that corrective glasses are called for. To maintain my eyes in proper placement. So they would be looking where I was looking.
As I grew and used my eyes more I adapted. But my eye health depended on what I put in my mouth and what went in my gut and circulated in my blood.
But inside my body there was the immune system fighting off infection. Most infection I could fight off by the supplements I took. And a good supplement I found was Theyavue.
Not all we eat is beneficial to our body or our brain. When we eat and have the food go trough our gut the gut stains out the nutrients and sends them to the blood. The blood circulates and passes to our brain. Most passes through our blood brain barrier.
Brain Picture
Vision Vitamins Help Brain Function
Therefore we should reinforce our brain function and with it our eyes through proper nutrients. Spinach and kale help. The nutrients are very good in keeping the free radicals under control. Free radicals are dangerous as they attack cells and mutate them. The mutated cell could develop into a cancer cell.
Eye Test
Cat eye Vision
Consequently I had to locate good supplements that worked. Since the brain needs vitamins to function properly, it is only right to inform you of good nutrients you can purchase. As explained about, you will be helping me.
Conclusion And Offer
So realize you are aging. As you age all the free radicals in your body will attack your organs. And they can do damage to the macula of your eye if you don’t do something about it while you can. It is a two way benefit. Eye vitamins help brain function and proper vitamins help the brain to give you vision that is sufficient for getting around.
Therefore for your brains’ sake take advantage of the offers.