We are all aging. This is a fact of life. The best way is to be ageing gracefully. It is possible, I contend, using the supplements I will be offering you in this blog post.
On the one hand, the need to be aware of age is because we are living longer now. And as we age we will have needs that we can satisfy through our present on-line market presented by the internet and on-line shopping.
We define middle age as the years 40 to 60. And since aging is a natural process there is no reason to dread it. The aim is to age gracefully.
After all a way to view the aging process is to see the body wearing down. That is not a pleasant view but a realistic one. What we had when we were young needs help.
Therefore this page contains links. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking the link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. And I thank you for your support.
Ageing Gracefully Means Our Hair Is Thinning
Let us consider Mark. Mark is aging and as he ages he notices his hair isn’t as thick as it used to be. He was able to find an on-line store that could get him Provillus. When Mark uses it daily he gets good results.
Thinning Hair
Results like can be dependent on regular use. You can get your own product by clicking on the picture and ordering a bottle or so for yourself.
We men feel better with a full head of hair. Mark does.
Our Hearing Starts to Dim
And we have George. George notes that people seem to be speaking softer around him. Or is it something to do with him? Is there something he can do?
George has decided to do something about it. He will buy and use a hearing aid. He knows that he is ageing and as he ages, he knows, hearing is affected. He reads my post Hearing Aid May Help Fight Isolation.
Therefore George investigates his options. He shops the hearing aid market– including the on-line stores- to find the best price.
Hearing Aid
George clicks on the picture of a hearing aid and is taken to Widersound.com. He finds the price is good and he can buy it without needing the costly hearing exam.
Therefore he orders the aid and it is on his door step in a few days. The right hearing aid is blue and the left is red, not that you will see it when it is put in your ear.
Ageing Gracefully Also Includes Below the Belt
Nevertheless, we must not think ageing gracefully only involves the area above the neck. As we age we also have to consider the ageing gut health. Yes, what we absorb in our bodies has a lot to do with how we age.
Mark has joint problems. This can be caused, and often is, by our gut health. A bad gut can bring about inflammation. Inflammation can age us and bring about joint problems.
Consequently Mark goes on-line and locates something for his joints. This supplement contains Curcumin 2000 which is very successful in treating the inflammation that causes the joint pain.
Joints Don't age gracefully
Conclusion-Action Needed For Ageing Gracefully
In conclusion, We are ageing. We can’t stop it. But we can ease the aches and pains that will come with the ageing process.
Therefore your next step is to use the links I have provided to ease the transition from age to age. Until next time. As much as it is possible with you, stay in good health.
In these days of the coronavirus inflammation appearing to be held in check by the vaccination, we still should not rest. We need to keep fighting infection in what ever form it takes. The title of this posting suggests just one such way.
Fighting Infection With Supplements
In the first place, the body has a great ability to heal, to a point. This is good to know, but that is not the point. The body has been somehow blessed with that ability but it needs outside help such as supplements. A satisfactory aid I can suggest is something we normally don’t take but as a spice.
What I suggest is a supplement you normally find in an Indian restaurant added to their food as mentioned above. It is an easy addition to your diet.
This spice is Turmeric. Turmeric contains a compound known as Curcumin. This compound is an antioxidant and anti-bacterial compound. As such your body needs it.
On the one hand Mary is doing what she can. She does not want the infection. No doubt she gets the shots for this. And she believes she is helping control the infection. On the other hand, helping fight the infection is important. Mary needs to consider multiple ways to fight infection. Therefore along with the vaccine there are supplements. I can offer you a link to one.
Moreover I have posted earlier mentioning this supplement. I will give you the link again. Because I am giving you this link, I am obligated by the FDA to tell you if you use the link and go in and purchase the item, I am allowed a commission at no cost to you.
As I have been saying ,taking daily your Curcumin 2000 is just the first step. But it is an important one. One must also eat right and get enough sleep. At least seven hours. The reason is simple. Your body needs time to repair itself, and down-time helps this function.
Conclusion Proper
The virus is out there. There is only so much your immune system can handle. Don’t stress your body when there is so much out there to help. So fight that infection with Curcumin 2000. This will reinforce the immune system which is a safegjuard against the virus.
A wise person gets their shingles shot. It is highly recommended.
What Is Shingles?
We hear the word. Shingles. Just what is it? How big a problem is it?
It all depends. What we are looking at when we mention shingles is a type of herpes. Anyone who has had chicken pox may develop a case of shingles.. The virus remains in the body and is dormant.
More about that later.
Shingles Shot
Recently I got my singles shot. It is a two step process. By that , I mean you get the shot and a couple months down the line you get the second one, which is a booster. As a result, you should not have to worry about shingles.
Picture Shingles as bugs
Singles is not bugs. But I could think of no better way to illustrate the idea. What you will get when the virus reactivates and gives you a painful sensation. It will work its way out on one side of your body.
Therefore, for the first few days, I am told, never having had it (yet) , the skin is fine then blisters start to form.
Case of Shingles
Subsequently, these blisters activate the nerves and you feel pain. You can’t really dress that side of your body. You can’t scratch. Then the blisters burst open, spurting the pus.
Consequently, it is this pus that can transmit the shingles. It is not contagious otherwise.
The Cost Of A Shingles Shot
Shingle shots were being offered at my local CVS. Therefore I was able to get my shot at CVS, with a prescription written by my primary care physician. That makes the shot affordable. It retails for as high as a couple hundred. Yet with the medical orders written , I was covered.
Insurance doesn’t cover it, but I do understand that Medicare will help.
That is to say, be ready to pay something for the shot.
The Need
If what has been said already doesn’t impel you to get one, then let me assure you will not escape the virus. i out of 3 people in the US will get the Vericella Roster Virus. The body can flare up at any time. You will feel tingling and then a burning sensation. There could be numbness and stinging pain. Then the rash.
Once the rash settles on the skin you will have to live with it for weeks and weeks. then when the blister burst and the fluid flows and crusts form over the sores…
You get the picture. It is better to go through a two shot program then wait for the virus. You need the shingles shot
My Conclusion
It is in there, in your body. There are a few things that can bring it on. Stress can bring it on. A compromised immune system can bring it on. Age can bring it on. (Over 50) . It is not pleasant. I have posted in another posting in this series . I am sure you would wish to link the two,
There is something I can offer you to help boost the immune system. Remember, the virus can become active if you have a weak immune system. So I can offer you Curcumin .
And what do I get by offering you this.?
Thank you for asking. Since I am offering you a link to the company that handles this product, and should you buy the item, the company gives me a commission. You get the product. I get the commission or finders fee. Only fair.
You can feel your best with Curcumin 2000. Let’s face it, inflammation is a fact of life, it seems. You eat the wrong stuff. You get inflammation. You work out and stress your body. You get inflammation
Since it is a fact of life, is there anything that can be done about it? The answer is simple. We can feel the burn with Curcumin 2000 -the best for the need.
The Problem
To clarify, we seem to have a problem. Our problem is the aging of the body.
Such is a part of life. As we exercise or , as mentioned above, eat wrongly, we build up inflammation. As we build up inflammation we get sluggish and get aches and pains.
I dealt with this in an earlier post when I talked about our Joints.
Consequently this is part of the inflammation problem, I would like to talk a bit more about the inflammation life brings.
We eat wrongly. The diet consists of fast foods instead of fruits and vegetables, we consume fast food products,. At the store we buy process foods. We consume them. This brings about inflammation in the body.
To clarify, this inflammation affects our immune system and we develop illnesses.
A Solution- Curcumin 2000- the Best
Therefore we need to take better care of our body and our organs. We should eat better and get better exercise. We can also take a supplement called Curcumin 2000.
The beauty of this product is this supplement has anti-inflammatory products in it. A spice called Tumeric is one of those . Tumeric is a spice. It adds color to food. And it is tasty.
I would like to offer you a video of a satisfied customer of a product I will be giving you a link to.
Therefore you are asking, Dane, what is in it for you? Glad you asked. I will give you the link to the information page on the product Curcumin 2000. You go in, see what you like, buy. The company then fives me a commission or finders fee at no cost to you.
The Offer- Curcumin 2000-The Best
In other words, Click on Curcumin 2000 and you will go there to the information page. Buy the bottle offer you wish and start dealing with the inflammation.
Wisdom is to deal with the problem through both what you eat and supplementation. Start to feel your best with Curcumin 2000-the best.. Start today.