Garlic and Gut Health Go Together

The Premise

Garlic and gut health go together. That is a strange idea. How does garlic and gut health connect?

Benefits Of Garlic and Gut Health

Steven is concerned about the health of his gut. He reads that the gut reaches from his mouth to his anus. A tube. A long 20 to 25 foot tube. In order for this tube to fit it must curve. 

Areas of Men's Health- Happy Gut
Happy tube

Let’s make this simple.  The food is masticated and then goes from the throat to the esophagus The food travels to the stomach. The acids break down the food sent down. The broken down material is sent down to the intestine. The intestine allow some to be absorbed into our blood stream. The matter passes trough the intestine and bacteria starts to work on it.  

To clarify, We have within us good and bad bacteria.  in itself that is not harmful. We need the balance to be healthy.

That is to say we can help our gut to function correctly. It will determine our health. The gut can make us ill or well, depending on what we give it.  

Sally has heard that we can help our gut by taking something called probiotics.  Therefore she wants to know what she sould be taking.

Gut Health Help
Help For Gut Health

I suggest we also look at garlic also. Garlic and gut health go together. Probiotics are important. But it is suggested you only use probiotics for a short time. Garlic can be taken everyday.

Garlic's Benefits

In other words, garlic being an herb is useful for more things than a probiotic. And it works on the bacteria in the gut in a different way.

Garlic Clove
Garlic Is the New Aid

Garlic has been known to reduce inflammation and boost immune function. It may  improve heart health and help prevent certain types of cancer. you should aim at ingesting  one  to three cloves a day or about  three to ten grams.

I have talked about gut health in an earlier post. Sugar and gut health is one. I am not recommending sugar as part of gut health. What I am recommending is garlic as garlic and gut health go together. I have talked about gut health through probiotics in another place.

Therefore let me recommend a place where you can get a supplement to help you with the garlic.  You may not want to always mess with garlic cloves, but would rather simply take your daily garlic in pill form.

Kyolic is the brand I recommend. Before I give you a link to them, I must tell you I get a commission on each purchase since I am  recommending them. I am not a representative of the company. I am the person on the floor, so to speak. The one who directs you to the shelf where the item is.

For the Kyolic brand supplements you just click here. 

Conclusion: Garlic and Gut Health Go Together.

In conclusion, You must acknowledge your health is very important. There is no need to get peptic ulcers if your balance of bacteria in your gut is correct.

Alice knows this.  Garlic acts as a probiotic as it helps beneficial bacteria in the gut. She feels better for taking it.

Therefore taking garlic in pill form, she doesn’t worry about garlic cloves getting old and useless. She gets the best of two worlds. She gets a probiotic and a form of garlic that is easy on her system.

You can join Alice and Sally and Steven by using the link given to go in and buy today. You will feel so much better and be so much healthier.

In a posting to come I will discuss this further and develop it.

The Benefits of Being An Entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs. We need them. Or is it just a dirty word?

Entrepreneurs Juggle Risk

What is an Entrepreneur?

Grace is an entrepreneur. And just what is that? Is it a breed  or a abnormality?

No. She is normal. And what makes her an entrepreneur?  Well, the term can be defined as someone who organizes and operates a business or businesses. She took on a greater than normal financial risk in order to do so.

But it was scary for Grace. It is a risk to be an entrepreneur. If she succeeds she gets to play a role in society. She can provide employment for others. For her dream to get off the ground she  needs workers who share her dream or at least will put in the effort to see the dream succeed.

But if she is not successful she will suffer financial loss. There will be no growth. No place in the market for her.

That is why there is a risk.

The Benefits of Being An Entrepreneur

On the other hand, what is the fun without the risk? There are some benefits of being an entrepreneur. I have talked about this earlier in a post.

A successful entrepreneur can create the jobs to keep the economy going. In  risking to start a business and keeping it going  they generate taxes that must be paid by the business.

Hired Dreamers

Grace lives up to her name of entrepreneur which came into use back in the 1800’s. The word means ‘undertaker’. Not in the sense of funeral. But rather ‘adventurer’. It is her money that went into the dream. The adventure she has undertaken is to leave a stamp on the world or at least on the area she is in.

How Can I Join in the Benefits of Being An Entrepreneur?

Therefore since you are interested and want to become an entrepreneur  there are things that must be done first.  You will need help in setting up the business.

I will venture out and give you, the interested reader, a link to a company that will help you with the steps to establishing yourself. For this recommendation, the company I will recommend will send me a commission if you buy their plan. No cost to you.

The link is to a company called Better Legal. They will help with the paper work. I highly recommend them.

To fully benefit from being an entrepreneur  the next step you need to take is to use the link and go in and explore all that is offered. And purchase.

So go and experience the benefits of being an entrepreneur.

The Benefits Of Reading Everyday


Important people and common people need to read more. There are beneifits to reading everyday, and I will attempt to, in this article, convince you to read more. The type of wrapper, so to say, the book comes in is not the important thing. In this time of the pandemic we need to adjust and consider what to do during the pandemic.

Considering the benefits of reading everyday is important.

Types Of Wrapper

Mary reads daily. She likes to hold the firm cardboard in her hand and turn the pages. She bookmarks where she left off. She reads slowly but with understanding.

Hank prefers to buy and read his fiction in paperback form. He can imagine himself as the hero. School is boring and when he gets alone and reads, he travels to other worlds and periods of time.

On the other hand, Alice doesn’t want to sit down and read but prefers using her Ipad or listening device to pop in an audiobook.

All are what i call wrappers for reading. Hardcover, paperback, audiobook. Whatever form it takes there are benefits of reading everyday.

Book Types To get benefits of reading everyday

To be simplistic, there are two general types. The first is fiction. The second is nonfiction. Within  these types there is a further backdown.

Hard To Find Books

Mary still finds her nonfiction reading possibilities are numerous. She can broaden her understanding of other people throiugh autobiogfraphy or biography. She  can explore different cultures through a culture study. These are some benefits of reading everyday. her understanding and compassion is enhanced. If she is wanting to know about her beliefs in God there is also the books on religion.

On the other hand, Mark prefers fiction. He tends to read mystery. But has been known to also pick up adventure tales. Also under fiction he could read and enjoy the books assigned in class, but most of them seem to be gear toward what the teacher likes to call literature.

Suggestions and Places to Pursue Reading

In conclusion, to get the benefits of reading everyday you need to know where to locate and purchase the books.

Before I do offer you suggestions and links I would like to let you know I can refer you and get a benefit for myself in doing so. The companies- I will direct you to and I have a deal. When you use my link and purchase, I will get a commission. No cost to you. This is the part I find hardest to admit. I am only a link recommender. 

For those who like hardcover books and enjoy searching for the right title there is Biblio.   

By clicking on the link you should be able to generate information.

On the other hand, is you prefer to listen to someone read to you, you can buy an audiobook from audiobooksnow . It may be an easier way to ingest the story.. 

Therefore, in conclusion, to get the benefits of reading everyday you must spend time. I would suggest reading, or listening, for at least 20 minutes everyday either with someone or to someone.

Seven Benefits of An Indoor Sauna

There are seven benefits of an indoor sauna. In fact, I would like to present seven infrared blanket benefits to be specific.

Seven Benefits of an Infrared Blanket

There are more, but seven is a good number to start with. I am sure you will think of others. That is okay. In blogs to come I will discuss more on this subject.

This item I will be presenting has been talked about in earlier blogs of which one can be linked to here. I will be going into  more detail in this posting.

I offer in this post relief from your daily aches and pains gotten from your lifestyle. Therefore, let’s start.

Positive Benefits Of an Infrared Blanket

Needlessly to mention. as in all subjects, there are good and bad benefits. I believe in presenting the selling points first. I am giving the seven benefits so you can be able to know what you are buying. 

Look around. What do you see? I offer an at home sauna blanket.  But before you buy you must know  the benefits you will be getting.

Anytime we speak of a sauna, we agree , there are going to be benefits.  Heat surrounds your body and your pores open up.

Sweat Out Toxins

Consequently  the body will sweat out the toxins. The heavy metals the skin absorbs just moving through life need to be released. Our blood needs to be detoxed and sweat helps do this.

Another benefit is  our circulation  gets improved as the heat of the infrared sauna blanket increases  the body’s blood flow. Our blood pressure lowers as  the blood vessels are expanded.

The third benefit is it will improve the immune system. It all centers in the blood flow, which as we use this blanket , produces healthy white blood cells.

The heat also tends to relieve our pain as our muscles relax. This is one of the infrared sauna blanket benefits. Our joint pain and arthritis pain gets relieved.

Stress also gets reduced as our body level of cortisol, a stress hormone, is eased. Our cardio-conditioning through repeated application can increase your cardiovascular strength and endurance as you tolerate  the heat. And the heat will also help the muscles recover quicker.


Of course you could over do the application. remember, you are sweating and thereby open to dehydration. This depletes the minerals or electrolytes. Therefore, drink lots of water before and after you use the blanket. But don’t alcohol. No wine. No beer.


So what is this talk about infrared sauna blanket benefits and where is the offer? And what do I get out of all this? I have written an earlier post on this subject, yet it must be repeated.

Fairly simple. I am going to refer you to a company that offers you an infrared sauna blanket. And they will in turn, when you go in and see and buy, send me a commission.

Here is the link. The company is HigherDOSE.  Click on the company name and you will be taken there. You can work out a payment plain . 

This is the way to have a sauna at home and enjoy the infrared sauna  blanket benefits. Go in and buy today. Your body will thank you for it.

Get Coffee Benefits With Good Coffee Beans

Coffee in the morning. Coffee in the evening. Coffee at supper time. With the right coffee beans you can stay healthy. Yes, get coffee benefits with good coffee beans.

The Benefits

You have read that correctly. There are benefits to a good cup of coffee . You have heard of the side effects of too much coffee, but in moderation, there are benefits.

Cup of coffee
Great coffee in the morning

As an example, a cup of coffee can boost your energy. That is a known fact But have you considered the health benefits. It may be able to lower the risk of liver cancer, which is not a pleasant thing to have.

Good coffee beans can lower the risk of type 2 diabetes. The latest information I could find was that about 30.3 million Americans have a condition known as prediabetes. Not that coffee should  be looked at as a silver bullet. I am just reporting on my research.

To clarify, an article I read recently by a Michael Joseph on the benefits of drinking coffee stated that he has found a morning cup of coffee tends to boost productivity. Which seems possible because the caffeine  stimulates the neurons in the brain. In each cup you may have as much as 95 mg of caffeine. 

But back to the benefits.  How does the possibility of lowering the risk of Alzheimer’s disease sound? Joseph in his article postulates that coffee consumption is likely to bring about protection against mental deterioration.  Not that it has been proved yet. Nevertheless, it is nice to consider.

Risks Of Coffee Consumption

On the other hand, some people find that consuming too much coffee tends to disturb their digestion. They find they have acid reflux. Which is normal. Too much of anything can tend to mess with the body. So do things in moderation.

Of course, there is the dehydration that occurs as you pee out water. So you should drink water along with the coffee. 

Good Coffee Beans

So, what is the purpose of writing this post? I just wanted to offer you a way to get the , what I personally consider, the best coffee beans. But before I give you the link I am obligated by the FDA to tell you I share in the sale of the beans.  The company I will be recommending and I have a deal. I send you to them. You see what you like. You buy. They send me, at no cost to you, a commission. You get the beans. I share in the sale. It is a win-win.

Therefore, you no doubt want the link to get good coffee beans So the link is in this title. The Bean Box .  Be sure to enjoy the good coffee beans you will receive when you order. Make your own. Just as good if not better than Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf or Starbucks.

OF course, the next step you should take is to buy using the link. Coffee is good for you and this is the best supplier I have found.

And if you should ever want to contact me I will always be able to be mailed at