Our health, I believe, is determined by the condition of our gut. In fact, if we have poor digestion, it will affect our feelings. Therefore, we should watch what we put in our mouths; the food we eat.
Digestion. It is very important. Poor material in– poor digestion, And we have illnesses and discomfort. Soon we have bloating and gas. We may develop diarrhea And worse. That is why it is important we deal with out gut immune system.
The gut we have is very necessary. Most of the time we give very little, if any, note of it. But this is where the digestion of the items we put in our mouth, masticate, and swallow, begins the journey to becoming part of our system. And at the end of the journey, if it is waste, exists through our colon and out in poop.
Our Gut Immune System
It is really very simple. Most feel the whole gut starts in the stomach. But that is not what the gut is. Our stomach only stores the items we ingest. In the stomach, the gastric juices break it down and get the material ready to start the journey through the small intestine and into the large intestine, and out the colon, in the form of feces.
It Is a Long Way Through The Small Intestine.
This brings to mind my zoology class where I worked on a Norwegian rat instead of a frog. In other words, the teacher felt a rat more than a frog was proper to dissect. Often it is usual to use a frog but not in this class.

I recall the length of the intestine I extracted from the rat body. It was packed in there. And when I pulled it out, I was intrigued by the length. All that in such a small body.
Anyway, I must get back to what the posting is concerning. Our gut immune system.
It is not that we can be dogmatic about the similarity between a human gut system and a rat’s gut system. It is just that the memory seems to be appropriate here.
Parts Of the Intestine
Our mouth where we masticate the food and our stomach where the food gets bathed in acids to break it down into particles that our intestines can use—these are not the gut. The gut only starts once the material passes the intestine.
Connected to the stomach is the upper part of the small intestines called the duodenum. It is here the nutrients are absorbed and sent to the blood and the organs where they are put to use.
It moves on to the jejunum which connects the duodenum and the jejunum. In the jejunum is where the nutrients are worked on.
From the jejunum, the food is pushed to the large intestines which connects to the colon, and is pushed out as poop.
Sometimes we need help and therefore must use supplements. I would suggest a product called Gut Vita in times like this.
What We Need For Wellness and our Gut System
The wellness of our gut system is dependent on the proper food and medications we take. Since we don’t get all we need in the form of nutrients-vitamins, minerals, fiber- through our diet, we do need..
I, myself, attempt each morning to have E and fish oil, eye vitamins, and collagen. I make sure with my breakfast I also consume some fiber, along with a multiple vitamin in case I forget something.
Conclusion-Gut Immunine System
It seems redundant to go over the obvious point I am trying to make in this post. We need to care for our wellness and gut system by using the links I have provided. This along with a good diet should keep you and your gut working well until you die.