Three Areas of Men’s Health

   The male human is a complicated study. In this article, I am going to look at three areas of men’s health. I will be suggesting some products you can use to maintain these areas of male wellness.

This page contains links to affiliate products. If you choose to make a purchase, after clicking on a link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for your support.

What Are These Areas of Men’s Health?

     I choose to narrow the areas down to three. These three are first, the brain and memory. Secondly, the Gut is viewed as a very important organ that governs our everyday health. And thirdly, the often forgotten until it acts up, our lowly organ known as the prostate gland.

You are in control of your body and it’s health. Therefore, I would suggest you pay attention to these offers.

You are in control, as I have said. Since all these three can and do act up, there are supplements I can suggest, and will suggest.   These three areas of Men’s health must be acknowledged to be important. 

This article will contain links to products, which should you choose to purchase the item, through the link, I may be compensated at no cost to you.

The Brain-One Area

   Therefore let us start at the top of the male anatomy.

    It doesn’t have to happen, but most of the time it does. Something goes wrong and the memory is affected. Some have called this slow loss of memory a case of diabetes. Check the picture to find a presentation and offer concerning this area.

Tinnitus Can Affect the Brain
Healthy Brain

Consequently this organ is in control of your actions.

A case in point is Oscar. Oscar tends to enter rooms and forgets the purpose. Slowly he is slipping away.

   It is sad when we allow this to speed up what I consider a case of dementia that can be modified with proper supplementation.

In short, this form of cognitive impairment causes too much pain in a family. If it is not a result of head trauma or a brain tumor it should be able to be handled with supplementation. But consult a doctor to be sure.

Second Area -The gut

Moving on –there is a second area I would like to glance at and offer a remedy for. That area is the gut. A very important area since this is where your digestion is carried out. Loaded with good and bad bacteria, the gut handles what you put in your mouth and swallow. It doesn’t judge. But it determines your health.

Areas of Men's Health- Happy Gut
The Gut Is An Area Of Men's health

  The gut has been referred to as the second brain. This subject can be handled in another post sometime. The purpose of this post is to handle three areas or regions of male health and will continue on that level.

  Therefore to get a working gut we need to how the gut works. It works by passing the food molecules through the GI Tract within the gut. The food molecules are mixed with digestive juices, breaking down the food into smaller molecules. These molecules are then ready to be absorbed through the walls of the small intestine into the bloodstream.

The gut is loaded with bacteria, as mentioned above. We can help our bacteria by consuming a diet of probiotics. This subject was handled earlier in another post. Total gut health with probiotics which can be accessed by clicking on the underlined title.


A good supplement to take to help your gut is called Gut Vita. Feel free to click and go to it and see if this is what you have been looking for.

Men's Health starts in the gut

Third Area - the prostate

Finally, we are traveling down to a very basic and necessary part of men’s health. All men are aware of this gland. I would venture, if you are aging, your doctor has ordered a proctological exam, an exploration of your lower region, a very unpleasant procedure, is done to check your prostate gland.

And just where is this gland located?  It is just below your bladder and in front of the rectum. You start with it the size of a walnut but with age, it will enlarge and press on your urethra. This will slow down your flow of urine.

An enlarged prostate will not kill you. And it is not the same as a case of cancer. That is a whole different topic that won’t be covered in this posting.

An article has been previously written covering this subject.

Conclusion-three areas of men's health

So in conclusion, I have attempted to look at three areas of men’s health. I can only recommend that you see your doctor and also consider purchasing the items linked. The maintenance of a man’s health is only as good as the follow-through.

So until another time, stay well.


Use Prodentim For Better Oral Health

Bacteria is everywhere. It is around us and in us. That includes our mouth. Therefore we must do something about it.

Oral Care
Better Oral Health

We need to handle our microbiome within our mouth. We need better oral health, and I submit that can be gotten through the use of Prodentim.

Microbiome is a What?

First off we need to understand what a microbiome is. It is more than just a what. It is a system of bacteria in-on-and around us. In fact we couldn’t live without this bacteria. There are both good and bad bacteria.

In an earlier post I talked about the gut microbiome. That was an important subject to talk about. but this time I want to look at the oral bacteria. I want to discuss and recommend a way to better oral health. And I would like to recommend a product called Prodentim.

With that in mind, this post will be suggesting a product which if you use the link to and buy, the company which handles the product will send me a commission, at no extra cost to you, It is a good product and I use it.

But back to our subject– the mouth biome and  how to control it for  better oral health. Consequently, there is a product useful as a solution.

Better Oral Health

As you can see the bottle they come  in. It is a small pill that is dissolvable in your mouth. You suck it and it mixes with your saliva. It is soothing and tasty.

Click the picture to get the information and offer.

Importance Of The Better Oral Health

Just how does this bacteria get from the outside to the inside? That is simple. We touch our face with our hands. We suck our fingers. We rub our skin and then lick our bacteria fingers with our tongue. It all becomes part of out oral microbiome.

And our saliva picks it up and transports it down our throat and into our gut. From the gut it goes into our blood steam. And therefore from our bloodstream goes all through our body.

So therefore we need to put good bacteria in our saliva. This is what sucking on a Prodentim, once a day does for you. It starts the process.

Where To Get This For Better Oral Health

You may be asking me where you can get this. It is not sold in a retail market. You will not find it in a drug store that sells vitamin supplements. You can only get it on-line by clicking on the picture of the bottle above.

You will notice the offer comes in three sizes. The single bottle is for 30 days. The next size up is for 90 days. And the third is for a full 180 days. I would recommend the 90 or 180 day as it is a nice feeling to have good oral health. Your teeth and gums will be better. Your breathe will be sweeter. And you will feel so much better.

Sum Up And Conclusion

In conclusion Better Oral Health is important. Your teeth and gums need to last you for your whole life-time. And now you can do something about it.  With this small dissolvable in the mouth candy (sugarless) once a day, you should be able to wage war against the bad bacteria in your mouth biome. It will give your saliva a boost.

So until next time we look at another help for the adult over 50, stay in good health and take care of your body.

Healthy Living As You Age

We are all aging. This is a fact of life. The best way is to be ageing gracefully. It is possible, I contend, using the supplements I will be offering you in this blog post.

People Ageing

On the one hand, the need to be aware of age is because we are living longer now. And as we age we will have needs that we can satisfy through our present on-line market presented by the internet and on-line shopping.

We define middle age as  the years 40 to 60. And since aging is a natural process there is no reason to dread it.  The aim is to age gracefully.

After all a way to view the aging process is to see the  body wearing down. That is not a pleasant view but a realistic one. What we had when we were young needs help.

Therefore this page contains links. If you should choose to make a purchase after clicking the link, I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. And I thank you for your support.

Ageing Gracefully Means Our Hair Is Thinning

Let us consider Mark. Mark is aging and as he ages he notices his hair isn’t as thick as it used to be. He was able to find an on-line store that could get him Provillus. When Mark uses it daily he gets good results.

Thinning hair growth
Thinning Hair

Results like can be dependent on regular use. You can get your own product by clicking on the picture and ordering a bottle or so for yourself. 

Mark has read the earlier post Hair Loss Progression can be stopped. You can do it also by using the link.

We men feel better with a full head of hair. Mark does.

Our Hearing Starts to Dim

And we have George. George notes that people seem to be speaking softer around him. Or is it something to do with him? Is there something he can do?

George has decided to do something about it. He will buy and use a hearing aid. He knows that he is ageing and as he ages, he knows, hearing is affected. He reads my post Hearing Aid May Help Fight Isolation.

Therefore George investigates  his options. He shops the hearing aid market– including the on-line stores- to find the best price.

Hearing Aid
Hearing Aid

George clicks on the picture of a hearing aid and is taken to He finds the price is good and he can buy it without needing the costly hearing exam.

Therefore he orders the aid and it is on his door step in a few days. The right hearing aid is blue and the left is red, not that you will see it when it is put in your ear.

Ageing Gracefully Also Includes Below the Belt

Nevertheless, we must not think ageing gracefully only involves the area above the neck. As we age we also have to consider the ageing gut health. Yes, what we absorb in our bodies has a lot to do with how we age.

Mark has joint problems. This can be caused, and often is, by our gut health. A  bad gut can bring about inflammation. Inflammation can age us and bring about joint problems.

Consequently Mark goes  on-line and locates something for his joints. This supplement contains Curcumin 2000 which is very successful in treating the inflammation that causes the joint pain.

Joint Pain
Joints Don't age gracefully

Conclusion-Action Needed For Ageing Gracefully

In conclusion, We are ageing. We can’t stop it. But we can ease the aches and pains that will come with the ageing process.

Therefore your next step is to use the links I have provided to ease the transition from age to age. Until next time. As much as it is possible with you, stay in good health.

The Gut Microbiome Is Important to Health

The gut microbiome is important to health. And you may be asking; Dane, just what is a microbiome? To which I respond–I am glad you ask.

When I speak of a microbiome I define it as a  collection of bacteria existing on and within our body. Yes, on and in.  But in this posting I will be discussing gut bacteria.

A good starting point is with a basic explanation of the gut microbiome. This short video from the Washington Post will get the discussion going.

To help in this discussion, this page will contain affiliate links to a product. Should you choose to make a purchase after clicking a link I may receive a commission at no additional cost to you. So let me thank you for reading this article and supporting me.

The Gut Microbiome Explained

To clarify, all of the bacteria, fungi, viruses and genes that reside on our bodies and inside our intestinal tract make up our microbiome. They are small microscopic particles that can protect us against pathogens- which carry diseases.

That is to say Our immune system uses the microbiome to develop itself. But the best thing it does is it aids in digestion.  So it is important for us to eat the right things.

This subject has been spoken of in an earlier post. I talked about our intake of garlic in Garlic and Gut Health Go Together. This is a good post to refer back to.

I warned against the habit of many of us to ingest sugar. Our gut doesn’t like it and it harms more than helps.

Supplements for the Gut Microbiome

A case in point is Richard. Richard takes a supplement called Curcumin 2000 which helps cut the inflammation caused by his poor diet. Beside eating better, he has discovered, after reading my post, feel your best with curcumin 2000, that he needs to eat better day by day.

As a matter of fact there are other foods he can ingest to help his gut microbiome. There are fibers found in fruits and vegetables. The gut can use these fibers to feed the good bacteria.

In addition , he can do a basic flush of his system.  

This clears Richard’s gut to rebuild the microbiome. As we know the gut includes the large intestine which makes up the colon. And the colon gets rid of your waste.

Conclusion And Call To Action

Gut Microbiome
Gut Microbiome

In conclusion, what is the next move? I have presented many links to many fine products, as well as many links to posts made earlier. So what you need to do next is buy the products offered. Don’t wait. Your gut microbiome will thank you and your health will thank you.

Seven Benefits of An Indoor Sauna

There are seven benefits of an indoor sauna. In fact, I would like to present seven infrared blanket benefits to be specific.

Seven Benefits of an Infrared Blanket

There are more, but seven is a good number to start with. I am sure you will think of others. That is okay. In blogs to come I will discuss more on this subject.

This item I will be presenting has been talked about in earlier blogs of which one can be linked to here. I will be going into  more detail in this posting.

I offer in this post relief from your daily aches and pains gotten from your lifestyle. Therefore, let’s start.

Positive Benefits Of an Infrared Blanket

Needlessly to mention. as in all subjects, there are good and bad benefits. I believe in presenting the selling points first. I am giving the seven benefits so you can be able to know what you are buying. 

Look around. What do you see? I offer an at home sauna blanket.  But before you buy you must know  the benefits you will be getting.

Anytime we speak of a sauna, we agree , there are going to be benefits.  Heat surrounds your body and your pores open up.

Sweat Out Toxins

Consequently  the body will sweat out the toxins. The heavy metals the skin absorbs just moving through life need to be released. Our blood needs to be detoxed and sweat helps do this.

Another benefit is  our circulation  gets improved as the heat of the infrared sauna blanket increases  the body’s blood flow. Our blood pressure lowers as  the blood vessels are expanded.

The third benefit is it will improve the immune system. It all centers in the blood flow, which as we use this blanket , produces healthy white blood cells.

The heat also tends to relieve our pain as our muscles relax. This is one of the infrared sauna blanket benefits. Our joint pain and arthritis pain gets relieved.

Stress also gets reduced as our body level of cortisol, a stress hormone, is eased. Our cardio-conditioning through repeated application can increase your cardiovascular strength and endurance as you tolerate  the heat. And the heat will also help the muscles recover quicker.


Of course you could over do the application. remember, you are sweating and thereby open to dehydration. This depletes the minerals or electrolytes. Therefore, drink lots of water before and after you use the blanket. But don’t alcohol. No wine. No beer.


So what is this talk about infrared sauna blanket benefits and where is the offer? And what do I get out of all this? I have written an earlier post on this subject, yet it must be repeated.

Fairly simple. I am going to refer you to a company that offers you an infrared sauna blanket. And they will in turn, when you go in and see and buy, send me a commission.

Here is the link. The company is HigherDOSE.  Click on the company name and you will be taken there. You can work out a payment plain . 

This is the way to have a sauna at home and enjoy the infrared sauna  blanket benefits. Go in and buy today. Your body will thank you for it.